hip hip hooray for government regulation

Jesus fuck. What a hypocrite. If the guy had cut down a tree and property damage or injury had occurred you'd be the first one screaming for the guys head and yelling "Why the fuck didn't government do something to stop this guy."

You don't even bother to learn why such regulations are in place...it's just an anti government knee jerk for you.

This is why no responsible person trusts Libertarians in a posistion of public responsibility. Any fucking problem that comes along you're response is to do nothing and whine "it's not my job!". Ya'll are just a self fullfilling prophecy for incompetent government.

Jesus fuck. What a hypocrite. If the guy had cut down a tree and property damage or injury had occurred you'd be the first one screaming for the guys head and yelling "Why the fuck didn't government do something to stop this guy."

You don't even bother to learn why such regulations are in place...it's just an anti government knee jerk for you.

This is why no responsible person trusts Libertarians in a posistion of public responsibility. Any fucking problem that comes along you're response is to do nothing and whine "it's not my job!". Ya'll are just a self fullfilling prophecy for incompetent government.

you most definitely have me confused for someone else and you certainly still have entirely insane and idiotic notions about Libertarians.
While we're still tenatively on the subject of government regulations, I thought i'd share a story.
When I was in the Marines, I worked outdoors in a pretty large (about 6 square miles) ammo dump. Because of the size, we had a few different vehicles to get around on. One of them was a 'gator' or 4wd vehicle. We had a few and let people drive them as needed during work hours. Then one day we had an accident. As the gator was coming around a corner, the tire blew out. They later thought it was nails left over from a TT. Anyways, the accident rolled the gator over and the driver instinctivly threw his hand out the side to try and catch himself. This ended up with the gator crushing his hand and destroying everything from the thumb forward.

The result of the accident obviously led to new regulations. In order to drive the gators now, we needed to wear our flak jacket and kevlar helmets. Why? Supposedly for our safety, but since we were state side, there wasn't a great deal of people shooting at us, which is what bod armor is to protect us from, not vehicle accidents. We also had spped governors put on the gators, which limited the speed to 20mph, 2x what the gator was doing when it flipped. All in all the increase in regulation had precisely 0% increase in actual safety, and served only to help Marines lose extremly expensive pieces of body armor (they're highly sought after and stolen).
yet even more government regulations.


Those hoping for a backyard barbecue and a night of fireworks this Fourth of July won't get them in Guadalupe County this year.

That's because they have been banned until after the July 4 holiday.

This comes after County Judge Mike Wiggins signed a local state of disaster declaration and sent it to the governor's office on Friday.

Governor Rick Perry signed the declaration on Friday extending the ban until to July 5.

The ban prohibits any outdoor open flames including welding, barbecuing and the sale, use or possession of fireworks in the county said Guadalupe County Fire Marshal Kelly Kistner..

While residents are not allowed to put on their own fireworks displays, the ban does not include pre-approved professional presentations.

According to the order firework displays by "the City of Seguin, City of Schertz and the community of McQueeney produced by the Lake Breeze Ski Lodge" will still be allowed.

Under the order, barbecuing is off the table Kistner said, adding that the ban applies to all types of grills.

i'd be flipping the bird to this county judge and the governor while i'm starting my grill this 4th of july.