History is being made...

That claim was made originally by the Daily Kos, and the rumor was referenced consistently on every major news broadcast the day after the announcement was made of her selection, when they reported on her daughter's actual pregnancy. Apparently, you were on some other planet during all of this, and missed it. I haven't lied about a goddamn thing, you have, and you continue to lie. I guess that's why you decided to become a liberal hack, you've got the lying thing down pat!

It's interesting strategy, I will give you that! After two weeks of nothing but vicious personal attacks on the woman, now all of a sudden, when you start to realize how bad it is damaging your candidate.... Who us? We didn't say anything! Honest, we never would do such a thing! No, really, we don't believe in those kinds of personal attacks... just because some nuts on the internet said it, you can't pin that on us... we would never stoop to such level!

...Then Obama goes out, and essentially calls Palin a PIG! LMFAO!!

"Daily Kos"

Ha ha ha, Daily Kos is the mainstream media? Does this mean I get to consider Free Republic the mainstream media as well? Oh man please say yes. Seriously though, the Daily Kos is a BBBLLLOOOGGGG!!!!!

Apparently, you still can't find me one article where this claim was made. I'm referencing actual material directly from the McCain campaign and you're still speaking in vague, general terms. You can't find anything from the Obama campaign to support your claims here and your only defense is basically "well they put the blogs up to it". Correct?
"Daily Kos"

Ha ha ha, Daily Kos is the mainstream media? Does this mean I get to consider Free Republic the mainstream media as well? Oh man please say yes. Seriously though, the Daily Kos is a BBBLLLOOOGGGG!!!!!

Apparently, you still can't find me one article where this claim was made. I'm referencing actual material directly from the McCain campaign and you're still speaking in vague, general terms. You can't find anything from the Obama campaign to support your claims here and your only defense is basically "well they put the blogs up to it". Correct?

What in the holy fuck happened to your READING ability? Did you miss the part where I said, the day after her VP nomination, it was widely reported on every major news outlet? Oh, of course, it was reported as being "a rumor" but we all know how that goes with pinheads... they are like Mott with science theory, they assume a rumor is carved in fucking stone, if it's about a Republican!

And nothing... absolutely NOTHING from the McCain camp is FALSE!

Community organizers have no actual responsibilities. ...they don't! Community organizers are not responsible to anyone, or for anything! It is essentially, a voluntary job with ZERO responsibility.

Obama has not authored a single piece of significant legislation. He hasn't... the closest he has come, was a bill in Illinois that requires criminal confessions to be videotaped. That is it!

Obama bought a house from a convicted felon. He DID! Tony Rezko... convicted felon! Sold Obama his home at well below market value, and also secured the property next door for him, as well as raising money for his campaign!
What in the holy fuck happened to your READING ability? Did you miss the part where I said, the day after her VP nomination, it was widely reported on every major news outlet? Oh, of course, it was reported as being "a rumor" but we all know how that goes with pinheads... they are like Mott with science theory, they assume a rumor is carved in fucking stone, if it's about a Republican!

And nothing... absolutely NOTHING from the McCain camp is FALSE!

Community organizers have no actual responsibilities. ...they don't! Community organizers are not responsible to anyone, or for anything! It is essentially, a voluntary job with ZERO responsibility.

Obama has not authored a single piece of significant legislation. He hasn't... the closest he has come, was a bill in Illinois that requires criminal confessions to be videotaped. That is it!

Obama bought a house from a convicted felon. He DID! Tony Rezko... convicted felon! Sold Obama his home at well below market value, and also secured the property next door for him, as well as raising money for his campaign!

If it was so widely reported how come you have ZERO EVIDENCE to support your claim? Do you really think a producer at any major network is going to let that claim air based solely on a blog from Daily Kos? Laughable, and so far you haven't proven it.

1. Community organizers have no responsibilities. First off, all occupations are voluntary so I'm not sure what you mean by that comment. Second, Obama's position had detailed responsibilities and he achieved concrete results. Curiously, his position would most likely have been funded by W's faith-based initiatives. So here, you and McCain are simply lying.


"McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said Palin's remarks were "a direct response to critics who had belittled her executive experience, in particular her experience as mayor. Certainly community organizers serve a valued function in civic affairs.""

McCain disagrees with you here Dixie.

2. Obama has not authored a single piece of legislation. He's authored and helped craft numerous pieces of legislation, including ethics reform and nuclear weapons control. Again, this claim is false.


3. Obama bought his house from a felon. Nope, bought the lot next door because the owner wanted to sell the two pieces of land as one property. Rezko wasn't the seller and didn't turn a profit off the transaction (as McCain falsely claims). Out of the three, this is probably the only one you're going to survive on Dixie.

Second, Obama's position had detailed responsibilities and he achieved concrete results.


More people have died as a result of gang violence in his community, between Memorial Day and Labor Day, than US Soldiers in Iraq for the same period. Those are the results of his community organization skills, apparently. But maybe it has more to do with his record as a US State Rep, who 'fought for the rights' of gang criminals in Illinois? Either way, he doesn't appear to have good results.
"McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said Palin's remarks were "a direct response to critics who had belittled her executive experience, in particular her experience as mayor. Certainly community organizers serve a valued function in civic affairs.""

McCain disagrees with you here Dixie.
If I am not mistaken, Palin said that as well, following the comment. Serving a valued function is fine and good, tanman... the boy scouts serve a valued function in their communities too, it doesn't mean they have real responsibilities. Someone who doesn't have to answer to anyone, or isn't expected to be responsible for something, can't really be said to 'have responsibilities.' I suppose, you could get anal and superficial about the actual meaning of the word here, it can be taken in various contexts. A homeless person has to be responsible enough to not fall asleep in the middle of the street.

2. Obama has not authored a single piece of legislation. He's authored and helped craft numerous pieces of legislation, including ethics reform and nuclear weapons control. Again, this claim is false.

Again, we can get into a subjective semantics argument here, but Palin most clearly said "authored" (it was given in contrast to his authoring two memoirs) and "major" legislation or reform. The closest thing to a "major" legislation or reform he "authored" was the Illinois bill to require any permissible confession of a crime to be on video. He may very well have "worked" on legislation, I would hope he had done some of this in his short time in the US Senate, but I know he has been really busy preparing to be president. Palin, nor I, nor any Republican I know of, has claimed Obama never worked on any legislation.
3. Obama bought his house from a felon. Nope, bought the lot next door because the owner wanted to sell the two pieces of land as one property. Rezko wasn't the seller and didn't turn a profit off the transaction (as McCain falsely claims). Out of the three, this is probably the only one you're going to survive on Dixie.

Tony Rezko got Obama the deal. From my understanding, there was no "profit" on the transaction. This is the issue. To my knowledge, McCain has not mentioned Tony Rezko.
LOL... MY guess is, before this is over, you pinheads will be BEGGING us to make her stop! Pleeeeeeease... just make her shut up! She's killing us! Speaking of which... when are those VP debates scheduled? And, I wonder what Biden will look like without an ass? :D

LOL Careful what you wish for Dixie. Biden vs Palin is going to be eriely reminescent of the Lloyd Bentsen vs Dan Quayle debate. The most lopsided humiliation of one politician by another in modern political debate. It also proved how irrelevent VP candidates are.
"Daily Kos"

Ha ha ha, Daily Kos is the mainstream media? Does this mean I get to consider Free Republic the mainstream media as well? Oh man please say yes. Seriously though, the Daily Kos is a BBBLLLOOOGGGG!!!!!

Apparently, you still can't find me one article where this claim was made. I'm referencing actual material directly from the McCain campaign and you're still speaking in vague, general terms. You can't find anything from the Obama campaign to support your claims here and your only defense is basically "well they put the blogs up to it". Correct?


Isn't it amazing the persecution complex that wingnuts like Dixie have that they would consider the Daily Kos a mainstream news outlet? Heck if they had any more of a persecution complex they'd be Jewish! LOL

Isn't it amazing the persecution complex that wingnuts like Dixie have that they would consider the Daily Kos a mainstream news outlet? Heck if they had any more of a persecution complex they'd be Jewish! LOL

It seems to be part of Republican campaign strategy. I watched Guiliani's speech and expected him to start screaming "HOW DARE THEY SAY SHE EATS BABIES". It really looks intentional.
I suppose you may be right that a lot of "shit" has been thrown at Palin and it indeed may be an unprecedented pile of shit heretofore unseen in the modern political era, but that's largely because no one has ever nominated a candidate for VP with so little experience and so little prior public scrutiny and about whom no one knew the first thing. Additionally, keeping her locked away in an undisclosed location and refusing to have her do any interviews or have any press availability until she is coached enough on issues that she hasn't the slightest clue about didn't help things.
Yet a perfect example of the shit being thrown. :cof1:
Don't you just love the cute little way they are all trying to distance their party from the malicious onslaught of personal attacks and lies about Palin? As they stand there, covered from head to toe in the shit they have thrown, they look at us with big innocent Nancy Pelosi eyes, saying... Who me? Wyyy...I would never do such a thing!

I guess word got out that the personal attacks were driving Obama's poll numbers in the tank faster than Ted Kennedy on a Saturday night drinking binge. So now, being the dishonest fucks and snakes in the grass they are, will deny any involvement in such a thing, and pretend it never happened. Amazing! But what is even more amazing is, they will get away with it, they'll get a pass on it, because dignified people like McCain and Palin will not push the issue, and they know it. For now, that seems to be a good working strategy, but just wait... they will return to the slime bucket again, they can't help it. After a few weeks of trailing McCain in the polls, they will all come back out of their shells, hurling shit as fast and furious as before, without any consideration of the consequences. So for now, they put on their halos and wings and pretend sugar wouldn't melt in their mouths, and they think they can spin this into false outrage on part of republicans, and turn it into a plus for their guy. We'll see how long this lasts.

Mott... couple of points... I never said Daily Kos was a MSM outlet, they started the rumors, and the MSM reported the rumors. Let's stop lying about what I posted, it's there in black and white for everyone to read. Also, I would avoid making bold predictions, you're track record is far worse than mine... (where is my beer?) If you want to imagine Palin is another Quayle, that's fine... I hope Biden underestimates her the same way. It's also fine if you want to think VP's are insignificant, but I must point out, that is a 'status quot' way of looking at things, and my understand is, the people want hope and change.
It seems to be part of Republican campaign strategy. I watched Guiliani's speech and expected him to start screaming "HOW DARE THEY SAY SHE EATS BABIES". It really looks intentional.
It is intentional. The republicans need working class whites votes and though it's manifestly NOT in their economic interest to vote Republican they attract their vote with divisive culture war issues.
It is intentional. The republicans need working class whites votes and though it's manifestly NOT in their economic interest to vote Republican they attract their vote with divisive culture war issues.

Yep as I say they use em and abuse em. Stupid middle class republican voters anyway.
It is intentional. The republicans need working class whites votes and though it's manifestly NOT in their economic interest to vote Republican they attract their vote with divisive culture war issues.
They'd rather be in heaven years from now than driving a govt. issue Benz today... I know its difficult for liberals to believe, but God really is important to some of us. Also, the concept of liberty, limited govt., low taxes, liberty, and so forth...
...and though it's manifestly NOT in their economic interest to vote Republican...

I think you are inherently and 'manifestly' WRONG on this!

It's better for the middle class to have lower taxes.
It's better for the middle class to have less government intrusion.
It's better for the middle class to have less social dependency on govt.
It's better for the middle class to have a choice in education for their kids.
It's better for the middle class to have non-socialized health care.
It's better for the middle class to have energy independence.
It's better for the middle class to have strong national defense.

All of these things are part of the Republican agenda, and all of them are being attacked by the Democratic agenda. So, you are just flat out wrong on all counts. Now, it's better for the impoverished and poor to vote Democrat, because they benefit from Socialism.
It's better for the middle class to have lower taxes.

It's better for the middle class to have THEIR taxes cut, which has not happened in a LOONG time thanks to Republicans.

It's better for the middle class to have less government intrusion.

Like the patriot act, putting people in jail for smoking pot, and choosing which kinds of marriages are "sanct" enough to deserve the title for people?

It's better for the middle class to have less social dependency on govt.

What is 'dependency'? Do you mean like, if you get laid off, you get unemployment insurance? Is that dependency? This is pure Republican bullshit rhetoric.

It's better for the middle class to have a choice in education for their kids.

Thanks to liberals, kids have been able to have the choice to get an education for the past 100 years. Conservatives are now whining about that, and wanting to give rich people and catholics subsidized private education (the money coming out of the public school fund, and, coincidentally, raising our taxes), and we all know private school prices are going to go way up once the sudden infusion of cash hits the fan.

It's better for the middle class to have non-socialized health care.

French pay 7% of their income on the best healthcare in the world. Americans pay 17% on healthcare that rivals Cuba's. If the French system is socialism, it's better for the middle class to have socialism.

It's better for the middle class to have energy independence.

It's better for the middle class to not have their shores covered in oil.

It's better for the middle class to have strong national defense.

It's better for the middle class to have lower taxes.
They'd rather be in heaven years from now than driving a govt. issue Benz today... I know its difficult for liberals to believe, but God really is important to some of us.

International fascism, the illuminati, and hybrid reptilians are also important to some of us. Why can't you just leave us the fuck alone, you totalitarians?
It's better for the middle class to have THEIR taxes cut, which has not happened in a LOONG time thanks to Republicans.

Every American who pays taxes, had their taxes cut by Bush... TWICE!

Like the patriot act, putting people in jail for smoking pot, and choosing which kinds of marriages are "sanct" enough to deserve the title for people?

Patriot act targets terrorists not citizens. Smoking Pot is illegal. Gay Marriage is an oxymoron. You are a plain moron.

What is 'dependency'? Do you mean like, if you get laid off, you get unemployment insurance? Is that dependency? This is pure Republican bullshit rhetoric.

No, 'dependency' like the cradle to grave entitlements of socialism, proposed and adopted by Liberals, which has created a huge national debt, which every middle class American is having to pay interest on annually.

It's better for the middle class to have a choice in education for their kids.

Thanks to liberals, kids have been able to have the choice to get an education for the past 100 years. Conservatives are now whining about that, and wanting to give rich people and catholics subsidized private education (the money coming out of the public school fund, and, coincidentally, raising our taxes), and we all know private school prices are going to go way up once the sudden infusion of cash hits the fan.

Note the word "CHOICE" in education. The Democrats propose the status quot, which is simply not educating our children or preparing them to compete in the workplace. Republicans do not want to "give rich people" anything they aren't willing to give to everyone else. Vouchers are not exclusive to the rich and Catholic, they are for everyone in America who has a kid in school. The money is the same, whether we spend it funding a failed education system full of liberals who are idiots, or whether we invest it in vouchers so Americans have a choice.

It's better for the middle class to have non-socialized health care.

French pay 7% of their income on the best healthcare in the world. Americans pay 17% on healthcare that rivals Cuba's. If the French system is socialism, it's better for the middle class to have socialism.

Canadians are flocking to the US to have surgeries they can't get in Canada because the waiting list is so long. Socialized medicine might work in a Socialist Utopia like France... why don't you fucking move there?

It's better for the middle class to have energy independence.

It's better for the middle class to not have their shores covered in oil.

No, it's better for them to be paying a reasonable amount to commute to work and back. It's also better for them if we aren't tied to Arab oil sheiks and fucking terrorist nations, because we have to get their oil.

It's better for the middle class to have strong national defense.

It's better for the middle class to have lower taxes.

No, it's better to have a strong national defense first. Without it, taxes don't really matter.
Every American who pays taxes, had their taxes cut by Bush... TWICE!

Patriot act targets terrorists not citizens. Smoking Pot is illegal. Gay Marriage is an oxymoron. You are a plain moron.

No, 'dependency' like the cradle to grave entitlements of socialism, proposed and adopted by Liberals, which has created a huge national debt, which every middle class American is having to pay interest on annually.

Note the word "CHOICE" in education. The Democrats propose the status quot, which is simply not educating our children or preparing them to compete in the workplace. Republicans do not want to "give rich people" anything they aren't willing to give to everyone else. Vouchers are not exclusive to the rich and Catholic, they are for everyone in America who has a kid in school. The money is the same, whether we spend it funding a failed education system full of liberals who are idiots, or whether we invest it in vouchers so Americans have a choice.

Canadians are flocking to the US to have surgeries they can't get in Canada because the waiting list is so long. Socialized medicine might work in a Socialist Utopia like France... why don't you fucking move there?

No, it's better for them to be paying a reasonable amount to commute to work and back. It's also better for them if we aren't tied to Arab oil sheiks and fucking terrorist nations, because we have to get their oil.

No, it's better to have a strong national defense first. Without it, taxes don't really matter.[/QUOTE]


This could go back and forth for a million years. I'd rather not. Touche.