Hole in Pill bill being hit now


Villified User
Millions of seniors will hit the hole in the pill bill coverage before the NOV elections, I wonder how much that will endear them to the Republicans ?
hey uscit!!!!

welcome! where have ya been?


Yes, I think it will make a difference...if the Dems have fixing the "hole" is on their platform...
I guess all those not in the hole. They kinda like getting the crap on the goverment budget. I say dump that whole giveaway program.
Hello Care,
I have been and am still very busy.
Good to talk to the smart folks again :)
But I see the stupid ones are still around on thsi new board. On that note.

Toby, I thought you were on the dole ?
You trying for grind points or something ?
Medicare and medicaid help the old and the poor, no need for this program to help the middle class who can afford to pay for insurance and drugs. It is a wastefull program that offers no additional help to those who really need it, just a hand out for those who don't really need it.
Medicare and medicaid help the old and the poor, no need for this program to help the middle class who can afford to pay for insurance and drugs. It is a wastefull program that offers no additional help to those who really need it, just a hand out for those who don't really need it.

Still as clueless as ever huh Toby ?

How does the pill bill apply to the middle class who are not poor or elderly ?
NO US, you are clueless. that is who the bill is suppose to help. How can you continue to be so uninformed?
NO US, you are clueless. that is who the bill is suppose to help. How can you continue to be so uninformed?

Hmm, never saw anything indicating I could get the pill bill benefits, just those poor and elderly. :readit:
The poor and old are taken care of already with the current programs. Try again US and learn something.
Toby I will never be as self assured as you are. smarter and more correct perhaps , but never as self assured.

Why was there all the rush to get the seniors enrolled in the pill bill then. Or doesn't Rush talk about that ?
US you missed the point. I agree with you, the bill sucks! I agree it sucks for a different reason, but can't we just agree the bill sucks? LOL
What do you mean jarod? Does that mean all you can respond to is a presonal attack on me? Or do you have something to contribute to the discussion? LOL Let me guess! LOL
Jarod, I had wondered about that. Yeah I had pretty much given up on him on the old site. How does the ignore poster thing work on here ?
HELP ME, HELP ME, I can't hear an opposing point of view! No logic, no arguement, just a ignore any view that you don't like........typical liberal fool.
HELP ME, HELP ME, I can't hear an opposing point of view! No logic, no arguement, just a ignore any view that you don't like........typical liberal fool.
You convinced me Toby, why should I listen to a whiney assed kid that inevitably grew up to be a republican sheeple ?
Ignore toby here I come.