Holy Crap! 600,000th post is coming soon...

Or you can choose a politics.com item from the store and get the rest in Amazon.com card...


(as if)... A couple of you bought coffee cups. Fess up!
Who would have thought that 600,000 would be significant?

What will be the prize for posting the 1,000,000th message?:cof1:
Every 100K, I've given a prize to whomever posted that post starting from 200K.

At 200K it was $20.
At 300K it was $30...

Now it is 600K for $60...

At 1M, if I follow the regular pattern, somebody will receive $100, but I am thinking of doing something special for that one.
For the record, if I'm #600,000, direct deposit the whip into my FulTilt account.
Just an FYI...

I will not be giving out any gifts to trolls. If the 600,000th post is from a troll the first post after that is not from a troll will be the one that gains the gift.
Just an FYI...

I will not be giving out any gifts to trolls. If the 600,000th post is from a troll the first post after that is not from a troll will be the one that gains the gift.

Ah, damn. And I was so rooting for either Southern Manlover, Yurtski, or Jayrod to win!!!