Holy Hell!


yellow discipline

Is it possible that 90% of the members here are rejects from the democratic underground? There's a handful of silly geese in here! So let's get this straight:

Liberals aka Democrats - whiners, liars, losers

Republicans have the majority almost by default. It's pretty easy to win when opposed by stupidity. I mean, C'mon, Howard Dean "and we're going to take back Washington Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha", John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry"...

Anyone like to pee on me?
Is it possible that 90% of the members here are rejects from the democratic underground? There's a handful of silly geese in here! So let's get this straight:

Liberals aka Democrats - whiners, liars, losers

Republicans have the majority almost by default. It's pretty easy to win when opposed by stupidity. I mean, C'mon, Howard Dean "and we're going to take back Washington Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha", John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry"...

Anyone like to pee on me?

Seems to me like the only people who get rejected from du.com are Republicans, well more accurately, non-Democrats. It doesn't matter how stupid you are to du.com just that you are, or profess to be, a Democrat and the more liberal the better. I hate that site.

Is it possible that 90% of the members here are rejects from the democratic underground? There's a handful of silly geese in here! So let's get this straight:

Liberals aka Democrats - whiners, liars, losers

Republicans have the majority almost by default. It's pretty easy to win when opposed by stupidity. I mean, C'mon, Howard Dean "and we're going to take back Washington Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha", John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry"...

Anyone like to pee on me?

nope...just ignore you. WHy should I have to subject myself to such shit?
Is it possible that 90% of the members here are rejects from the democratic underground? There's a handful of silly geese in here! So let's get this straight:

Liberals aka Democrats - whiners, liars, losers

Republicans have the majority almost by default. It's pretty easy to win when opposed by stupidity. I mean, C'mon, Howard Dean "and we're going to take back Washington Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha", John "I served in Vietnam" Kerry"...

Anyone like to pee on me?

Nice way to introduce yourself to the board.

Enjoy your permanent vacation on the Ignore List. Buh-by!
Nice way to introduce yourself to the board.

Enjoy your permanent vacation on the Ignore List. Buh-by!

LOL, gonna spend the rest of your life behind the playdoh shield mudflap?
One post not even directed at you in particular and you are calling it quits?
nope...just ignore you. WHy should I have to subject myself to such shit?

Holy dogshit! That's how I feel when I read the usual liberal rants! Only pussies use ignore. Say it isn't so, my little girlfriend!
Nice way to introduce yourself to the board.

Enjoy your permanent vacation on the Ignore List. Buh-by!

Holy monkey shit on my toes, 2 ignores within 5 minutes!

I don't recall introducing myself to you though, twinkle toes. Could I interest you in a little urine play?
Holy monkey shit on my toes, 2 ignores within 5 minutes!

I don't recall introducing myself to you though, twinkle toes. Could I interest you in a little urine play?
Looks like Wevil's the only one around here who swings that way. I guess we can now conclude that he's Order of St. John of the Swirling Waters.
Looks like Wevil's the only one around here who swings that way. I guess we can now conclude that he's Order of St. John of the Swirling Waters.

LOL, got me there Ornery! after the length of time taking posting this message ya know I got ask if ya came up with it all yourself?

What, should I instantly give the fool satisfaction by putting him on my ignore list? Should I cry because he is a flamer? Guess there is a good reason why I see you as ornery. Creative but still just plain ornery you are......:cof1:
Holy monkey shit on my toes, 2 ignores within 5 minutes!

I don't recall introducing myself to you though, twinkle toes. Could I interest you in a little urine play?

The moment you say something worth listening to Ill stop ignoring you.

I doubt you can manage it you hannity assclown
Hey I can flame with the best of them I perfer reasoned debate heavy on facts though

That's the spirit! debating is always a preference with a site like this but that does'nt mean ya gotta eliminate the fun. Better than I gave ya credit for Desh....:cof1:
sounds like a ''Dixie'' new moniker to me....at least on the rhetoric with spitfire...

welcome to the board yellow. And based on the above you have been honored by the lefties here. Because as soon as someone says something conservative and sensible they are dubbed Dixie. So you have instantly achieved high marks in the right wing conservative portion of the board.

Dixie just keeps multiplying here.
Why do you guys get so upset at the obvious troll post? They aren't even very good at it.

Oh well.. fish on lol
The moment you say something worth listening to Ill stop ignoring you.

I doubt you can manage it you hannity assclown

Hey, shitlips, wanna go on a date with me, and maybe you can send some of that yummy yellow stuff my way?

What would be of interest to liberals, worthy of them replying to? Bashing our President? Lying about lies? Supporting the infected homos? Liberals are so deranged that it's becoming hilarious! Even a pissdrinking troll could beat those dumbasses on the left.