Holy Hell!

Why do you guys get so upset at the obvious troll post? They aren't even very good at it.

Oh well.. fish on lol

How dare you infer that my trolling is somehow not up to standard. Are you another one of those foaming at the mouth retards who calls himself a 'liberal'. Did you know that 'liberal' is synonymous with 'stupid ass'. Allow me to explain: If I said "Those liberals are a bunch of dumb asses", that would be redundant, because everyone knows that all liberals are dumbasses, therefore no need to use the 'same' word 2x in one sentence.

Please let me know if you need further explanation.

Oh, and BTW, where abouts you at? Like to get together for a little tinkle play?
How dare you infer that my trolling is somehow not up to standard. Are you another one of those foaming at the mouth retards who calls himself a 'liberal'. Did you know that 'liberal' is synonymous with 'stupid ass'. Allow me to explain: If I said "Those liberals are a bunch of dumb asses", that would be redundant, because everyone knows that all liberals are dumbasses, therefore no need to use the 'same' word 2x in one sentence.

Please let me know if you need further explanation.

Oh, and BTW, where abouts you at? Like to get together for a little tinkle play?
You don't happen to have any flatulent rats under your water heater, do you, tinkle toes?
Ok that made me laugh Ornot but I cant figure out how you would know that about this guy?
You don't happen to have any flatulent rats under your water heater, do you, tinkle toes?

Twinkle toes? You like me, you really like me! Can I piss on you too?

Don't know nothing about no rats though. I have an ocassional fly in my apartment but that's about the extent of it.

Are you liberal or conservative? In other words, do you or don't you suck ass?
Twinkle toes? You like me, you really like me! Can I piss on you too?

Don't know nothing about no rats though. I have an ocassional fly in my apartment but that's about the extent of it.

Are you liberal or conservative? In other words, do you or don't you suck ass?
Not who I thought then. Too bad.

I'm more a lefty than a liberal, me.