Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?


Well-known member
Constantly, we were lectured by Cons in 2004, that if kerry hadn't made his military service a big deal, then they wouldn't have raised questions about it. Every single conservative told me that.

Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?

It's not "nice" to ask the question, but it's actually a pretty good question. Yes, we all know that John McCain was captured and tortured in Vietnam (McCain won't let you forget). A lot of people don't know, however, that McCain made a propaganda video for the enemy while he was in captivity. Putting that bit of disloyalty aside, what exactly is McCain's military experience that prepares him for being commander in chief? It's not like McCain rose to the level of general or something. He's a vet. We get it. But simply being a vet, as laudable as it is, doesn't really tell you much about someone's qualifications for being commander in chief. If McCain is going to play the "I was tortured" card every five minutes as a justification for electing him president, then he shouldn't throw a hissy fit any time any one asks to know more about his military experience. Getting shot down, tortured, and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience. Again, it's not nice to say say, but we're not running for class president here. We deserve real answers, not emotional outbursts designed to quell the questions.

"I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.” -- General Wes Clark


You're stepping on scared toes my friend and somnehow, there is no intelligent respectful way to ask the questions you're asking. John McCain is cloaked in Holywood .. and no one wants to see how the movie is made.

First, there won't be an answer tp the question you're asking because John McCain didn't excel at ANYTHING in the military except crashing airplanes. He was very good at that. He even crashed an airplane on the way to an Army/Navy game. But you can't speak that truth .. somehow.

Even though McCain shrouds himself in his military career, you can't ask any questions about it.

Did I mention he was at the bottom of his class at the Academy?

Can't say that?

Did I mention he crashed FIVE military planes?

Can't say that?

Did I mention that the only reason he got his assignment as a pilot was because his father was an Admiral?

Can't say that either?

The ONLY answer the Hollywood addicted people can give you on any of those questions is that you can't ask the question.

There is a lot you can't say about McCain .. but as long as people continue to ask the question and get no answers the truth will reveal itself.
hes running on his senate record not his military record. he hardly ever uses military record like Wesley clark did in his campaigning.
hes running on his senate record not his military record. he hardly ever uses military record like Wesley clark did in his campaigning.

Of course he uses his military record .. every time he talks about defense and "keeping America secure" and how he "won't be talked to about the military by a man who has no military record."

Why is his military record so sacrosanct?

What is disrespectful about questioning anybody's record on anything who is running for president?
We shall see in the general how often he says i should be president because I was a POW.

He doesn't have to say it .. surely you know politics and how it's played.

What is disrespectful about questioning anybody's record on anything who is running for president?

Can you answer that question?
We shall see in the general how often he says i should be president because I was a POW.

Please Chap. His very first ad for the general election started out thusly:

Only a fool or a fraud talks tough or romantically about war. When I was five years old, my father left for war. My grandfather came home from war and died the next day. I was shot down over Vietnam and spent five years as a POW. Some of the friends I served with never came home.

So enough of the bullshit.
He doesn't have to say it .. surely you know politics and how it's played.

What is disrespectful about questioning anybody's record on anything who is running for president?

Can you answer that question?

I dont care either way how hes questioned. Im just saying that I didnt see him running as a soldier to the likes of some of the other x military candidates we have seen over the years. Mccains got quite a record on many other things other then security related matters.

We will see in the debates how often hes running on his POW record.
I dont care either way how hes questioned. Im just saying that I didnt see him running as a soldier to the likes of some of the other x military candidates we have seen over the years. Mccains got quite a record on many other things other then security related matters.

We will see in the debates how often hes running on his POW record.

We will see because he WILL do it .. but the question is, will you see it?
We will see because he WILL do it .. but the question is, will you see it?

I haven't seen it yet... but I will be first to admit im not exactly paying attention to McCain. I dont think hes gonna win and im literally betting that obama wins.
Dont let McCain fool anyone, he will be a formidable debater and canidate for president.

McCain is currently playing and winning the expectations game very well.
More seriously, if McCain's service isn't enough, what about Obama's. Frankly, he has no more resume than I do when it comes to doing things that one would think of as making one qualified for the Presidency. 1/2 term as a Senator? Hell, he doesn't have enough experience for a lesser leadership role in the Senate. Good choice democrats.
More seriously, if McCain's service isn't enough, what about Obama's. Frankly, he has no more resume than I do when it comes to doing things that one would think of as making one qualified for the Presidency. 1/2 term as a Senator? Hell, he doesn't have enough experience for a lesser leadership role in the Senate. Good choice democrats.


This from a Bush supporter. :)

Godd choice undeed.
McCain hires the same guy who was behind the swiftboating of Kerry to work in his own campaign .. this after denouncing the same guy and his tactics when they questioned Kerry's service.

Weak-kneed Obama supporters want to play by Marquis of Queensbury rules while McCain will do whatever he need do to win.