House GOP to Implicate Biden Without Evidence


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Accusing someone without evidence sure doesn't sound like what this country is all about,; sounds more like a fascist totalitarian.

House GOP to Accuse Biden of Corruption with No Proof

“House Oversight Republicans laid out their intention to accuse President Joe Biden of corruption even without direct evidence that he financially benefited from Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, a clear shift in their strategy that they said was launched to investigate the president,” CNN reports.

House Republicans issue new report on Joe Biden corruption… that again offers no evidence (reprint from USA Today)
Accusing someone without evidence sure doesn't sound like what this country is all about,; sounds more like a fascist totalitarian.

House GOP to Accuse Biden of Corruption with No Proof

“House Oversight Republicans laid out their intention to accuse President Joe Biden of corruption even without direct evidence that he financially benefited from Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, a clear shift in their strategy that they said was launched to investigate the president,” CNN reports.

House Republicans issue new report on Joe Biden corruption… that again offers no evidence (reprint from USA Today)

Evidence isn’t important, per their instructions from MaraLago, they have to get Biden impeached before the 2024 election

Part of Trump’s strategy is to copy that of 2016, true or not, using innuendo, and a more than willing right wing media who knows where the money is, to portray Trump’s opponent as dirty and corrupt as he is so that it becomes a choice of the worse evil. His House stooges are just following orders, they could care less about the facts or even effects on the country
When a country has a roughly equal number of totally incompatible people,

dysfunction ensues.

The United States in its present configuration will never see properly functioning government again.
Accusing someone without evidence sure doesn't sound like what this country is all about,; sounds more like a fascist totalitarian.

House GOP to Accuse Biden of Corruption with No Proof

“House Oversight Republicans laid out their intention to accuse President Joe Biden of corruption even without direct evidence that he financially benefited from Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, a clear shift in their strategy that they said was launched to investigate the president,” CNN reports.

House Republicans issue new report on Joe Biden corruption… that again offers no evidence (reprint from USA Today)

They did the same thing with Benghazi

Nothing but “we claim she did this and someday we may find evidence”
When a country has a roughly equal number of totally incompatible people,

dysfunction ensues.

The United States in its present configuration will never see properly functioning government again.

Because some believe lies

How about we just stop the liars
When a country has a roughly equal number of totally incompatible people,

dysfunction ensues.

The United States in its present configuration will never see properly functioning government again.

Washington himself warned of such with the rise of the first political parties, but I think they will down the road when confronted with a generational crisis. Covid bought the country together, only Trump fought to keep it divided, and America kicked him out due to his f*cking up that crisis.

What adds to today’s malfunction is that segment of the media, largely infotainment, that looks to profit off of the division
Because some believe lies

How about we just stop the liars

You want to have what our side wants, vinny,
but you don't want everybody to have what they want.

If we want to make the most people happy, we must partition the republic.

If you want one side to win, and the other side to remain as a dangerous, seditious resistance,
we can keep the republic as it is.

The way our constitution is written, vinny,
even the slightly smaller conservative side could very well win, by the way.
Lies won’t win

The system is handling these traitors and the fools who followed like the fools they are

A return to truth is possible and will happen