How about you? Would you sign such a petition?


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A constitutional Amendment should be passed signed by a President and ratified by the States to outlaw all organized special interest having any personal or collective access to politicians. The bastards should have to buy adds in the media to promote their special interest and lobby “THE PEOPLE” therewith to support legislation for their particular special interest.

How about you? Would you sign such a petition?
A constitutional Amendment should be passed signed by a President and ratified by the States to outlaw all organized special interest having any personal or collective access to politicians. The bastards should have to buy adds in the media to promote their special interest and lobby “THE PEOPLE” therewith to support legislation for their particular special interest.

How about you? Would you sign such a petition?

It will never happen.
A constitutional Amendment should be passed signed by a President and ratified by the States to outlaw all organized special interest having any personal or collective access to politicians. The bastards should have to buy adds in the media to promote their special interest and lobby “THE PEOPLE” therewith to support legislation for their particular special interest.

How about you? Would you sign such a petition?

several states have already passed it :)
You don't require congress. It's not easy but it's possible.

It would require a constitutional amendment if it were to constitutionally linguistically protect the rights of the 1st amendment's free speech. and have any real teeth therewith that a simplistic law would not have. Congress can easily corrupt a simplistic law, repeal it, change it, but it's a much harder deal to repeal or change a constitutional amendment.

The question stands! Would you sign a petition for such an amendment?
I would be supportive of an amendment like that if it helps clean up the corrupt marriage between money and legislation.
vermont, california, illinois, new jersey completely passed

ct, nh, Wa, HI - passed in lower house

MD, MS, Delaware - passed in upper house

What effect does that have on the federal Congress and federal officials and Presidents? How does State law effect what the feds do?
it would be better to get public financing of elections, but Americans don't want to pay the small costs -
so they pay the big costs of corptocratic government
What effect does that have on the federal Congress and federal officials and Presidents? How does State law effect what the feds do?

???? im confused. I thought we were talking about an ammendment to the constitution. You do know how that gets started right? Its why i listed the states. Granted its only 4 so far but its a start.
it would be better to get public financing of elections, but Americans don't want to pay the small costs -
so they pay the big costs of corptocratic government

Public financing of politics by government mandate is a socialist idea. Aside from that, public financing is already in effect in the check off box on your tax form and it's not a popular voluntary option just being one dollar and voluntary. Personally, I don't wan't even one dollar of my taxes going into any politicians coffers voluntarily and I damn sure I don't want to see it mandated by BIG government. Let the bastards get financed by people who support their crooked political ideologies, we just need a constitutional amendment to outlaw the BIG special interest money out of the party and individual candidate's coffers. That's bribery, and bribery is a felony and the culprit of the vast majority of the corruption in America's politics.
???? im confused. I thought we were talking about an ammendment to the constitution. You do know how that gets started right? Its why i listed the states. Granted its only 4 so far but its a start.

The Constitution gets amended by either a Congressional resolution, a congressional petition, a written amendment by a member/members of the Congress, to be debated by the Congress, to be passed by both houses of the Congress and signed into law by a President and only official therewith ratification of a minimum of 3/4 of the States, or amending the Constitution can be started by 2/3 of the States calling a Constitutional Convention and presenting agreed on amendments to the Constitution to be ratified by at minimum 3/4 of the States.

When was the last State's Constitutional Convention called and presented an amendment to the Constitution that was ratified into the Constitution? Wasn't that like the 10 amendments called the Bill Of Rights? Weren't every following amendment originated and made by the Congress and the feds?

Hey, I've been calling for a Constitutional Convention here and everywhere for decades. I get "rolled eyes", insults and ridicule from both the right and left. Where's the petition I can sign to force a Constitutional Convention? I'll be obliged for that info.