How Affordable Is The Affordable Care Act?

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I was right, huh? Partisan insanity!
Yes! Furthermore they're provable because that's exactly what's happening with the ACA. Why do you think the insurance co's. are pulling out of the ACA? The vast majority of people signing up are the "most ill." The ACA regulations are absurd. Only a moron would believe that mandating the keeping of children on policies longer term and covering preexisting conditions wouldn't drive up the cost. Face reality darlin!
It's called cost sharing. It's always been a big part of the for profit insurance model. The ACA had funding in place so that insurers in areas with less risk helped fund insurers with higher risk. Eventually, as the glut of claims slows due to quality of care for all, the industry as a whole would stabilize.

In their never ending desire to politicize our health, Republicans successfully did away with funding for this cost sharing.
Republicans successfully did away with funding for this cost sharing.

good lord, liberals have no fucking shame.......there was no "funding in place" to do away with.......are you pretending the Republicans tricked Obama into signing a budget he didn't approve?......
How Affordable Is The Affordable Care Act?


April 18, 2016 - "A New York Times analysis found “historic increases” in those covered by the Affordable Care Act, destroying right-wing media predictions about health care reform including that it would topple the stock market” and enslave Americans. The Times analysis is just one of many pieces of research that have highlighted the successes of the Affordable Care Act."

It's called cost sharing. It's always been a big part of the for profit insurance model. The ACA had funding in place so that insurers in areas with less risk helped fund insurers with higher risk. Eventually, as the glut of claims slows due to quality of care for all, the industry as a whole would stabilize.

Bullshit! The people signing up in the exchanges are mostly going on the Medicaid rolls. Those people are being subsidized by the government for healthcare. Many, many doctors refuse to take Medicaid patients.

The ACA regulations mandate everybody carry contraceptive coverage, maternity coverage, extended coverage for adult children and coverage for preexisting conditions. The idea that so called “cost sharing” would keep cost down has been proven by the ACA to be a farce. Rates have exploded. Only the sickest are getting healthcare, subsidized by the taxpayers, millions have lost their insurance because they can’t afford it and are too rich according to the ADA to receive a government subsidy. Thus, their promise from Obama that they could keep their doctors is also a fucking lie! Co-pays and deductables are up for everybody.

In their never ending desire to politicize our health, Republicans successfully did away with funding for this cost sharing.

Yeah Right! Only an idiot can claim that Obama signed legislation he didn’t want. “Republicans” your ass!

If your talking about the sequester, That was Obama’s deal the the Republicans called his bluff on and he now attempts successfully to blame it on the Republicans with the tremendous help of major leftist media.

Fuckin partisans are morons! Especially the leftist partisans!