How can he deliver such great speeches...

...yet, he is completely unable to talk coherently at a press conference?

I'm listening to Barry speak now, at a press conference with the British PM. It's excruciating to listen to! He is asked a simple question, which is worthy of a short simple answer, but he just starts rambling, and when he is done, hasn't really answered the question!

I would say it might make a good drinking game to count how many times he says "uhhh..." but my god, after 5 minutes, you'd be ready for the Betty Ford Clinic! Could it be more apparent this guy knows absolutely nothing about what he is talking about? His responses clearly show this! I've not heard him articulate one single point, he just dances around and "uhmm's and ahh's" his way through some convoluted bullshit that makes no coherent sense! He acts like someone who is way over his head, trying to convince people he knows what the fuck he's talking about.

Am I the only one who this annoys? I mean, seriously... I can't stand to listen to him talk! I just want to slap him through my TV screen, and scream... SPIT IT OUT BARRY! Well... 21 minutes, it's finally over now... seemed like 2 hours! And when you edit out the "uhm's" and "ahh's" and take away the meaningless rhetoric, you have about 45 seconds of substance.
He can give a good speech, when he has good speech writer and reads from a teleprompter..

other than that, the man can't think and talk at the same time..
I saw parts of it, I laughed when he said he was not concerned with the day to day fluctuation of the stock market. Gee, who could not have figured that one out, its tanked ever since he took office.
I saw that thing the British PM meet and greet too. he seemed drunk or on something. Four second pauses between words, I shit you not.
It is amazing that you didnt seem to care when Bush would not even take questions and would fuck up reading a speach someone wrote for him to say.

Its called thinking people , the man is thinking about what he is about to say, something Bush Never did.
It is amazing that you didnt seem to care when Bush would not even take questions and would fuck up reading a speach someone wrote for him to say.

Its called thinking people , the man is thinking about what he is about to say, something Bush Never did.

Bush is retarded too. Is that the only standard you can conceive? how blighted is your imagination?

Its called thinking people , the man is thinking about what he is about to say, something Bush Never did.
Do you have any results of studies on this theory of yours? Intelligent people can think a lot faster than they can speak, and don't have to say "ahh" or stop speaking in order to do it. :)
do you know that he's actually a muslim??? Why else would he not show his birth certificate?
It is amazing that you didnt seem to care when Bush would not even take questions and would fuck up reading a speach someone wrote for him to say.

Its called thinking people , the man is thinking about what he is about to say, something Bush Never did.

Uhmm... let me just say that... uhm.....uhm.... much has been made of...of...of...of...of...of.... of how.... I speak. And uhmmm... let me... uhmm.... let me be.... uhm.... perfectly clear.... There can be no question.... uhmm... and by that, I mean... uhm... uh... no doubt.... that I am.... uhhm... uhmm... uh... I am a... a....a... a.... a very.... important.... a very important person. When I speak.... uhm.... uhm.... everyone is.... is... is.... is listening... and so.... to... to... to.... to make this perfectly clear.... I ...uh... I have to.... have to... uhm... I have to make sure.... uhm... what I.... uhm.... say.... is... uhmm... uhm... uhm.... is correct. Uhm... and let me just add... that... uhm... uhm... on no way.... in no way does it mean.... uhm... uhm.... I don't...uhm...know.... what I'm talking about! Now.....that being said.... it doesn't mean.... uhm... uhm.... I always know.... uhm.... what I'm talking about. I.... uhm.... I do know..... most.... uhm.... most of the time... but not.... uhm.... not always. And let me just add.... uhm.... whenever.... whenever I.... uhm.... speak this way..... uhm....uhm.....uhmm... it can be.... it can be both.... uhm..... that I know what I'm saying.... and I don't know what I'm.... uhm.... saying. And let me just add.... that's not to say.... I don't know.... know what.... what I'm.... uhm... saying.... because I assure you.... and you can rest assured.... I.... uhm.... uhm....uhm.... I always.... uhm... uhm.... know..... I always know.... uhm.... what I am..... uhm.... what I am saying!
Dixie, that is such a lame exaggeration of how the man speaks.

Quit projecting your jealousy; I'm sorry Bush couldn't speak, but it's over now.
Have you noticed that liberals used to love to call george bush a monkey but now we aren't allowed to call obama a monkey?