How Classy

Yeah I remember when it came out, and that was the conclusion.

And as for Damo's bs that "he's sure bush dismissed it" try Karl Rove was the one spreading it.

For years now, the stupid pundits have been giggling over that, as a way to show that they're in the know, and how cool Karl Rove is. On the political shows.

Of course, I'm sure you "missed this" too.

This is Darla>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:mun::lmao:

Bush To Obama - Fuck you, go rent a room bitch.

Why should Bush go out of his way for Obama? Can anyone tell me that answer? Obama slammed the president every time he gave a speech during the campaign, then he has the nerve to ask if he can move in early.
I agree with Bush, Howard is a better man, he should get the room.
Is this all thinkprogress has to wine about?

Here's a better question for not just Obama but just about any DC democrat: Liberal Democrats laud how great public schools are compared to private, so WHY do they always send their kids to private schools?

Yes, John was especially brave on banning guns:

But otherwise he was a racist conservative who deserved nothing more than a point blank shotgun blast to the head.
Who's staying prior to the 15th?

Obama and family are moving from Hay-Adams to Blair House on the 15th, as is the traditional 5 days prior...

Well, I don't know, it seems to me that it has not been reported that anyone has ever asked before. Also, it's now been reported in numerous msm outlets that Howard was not scheduled to be a guest until AFTER Bush turned Obama's request down. At that point, Bush invited Howard to stay for one night. As has been pointed out, he only asked because his daughters needed to start school. Because he was turned down, taxpayers have incurred extra expenses in securing (as in, security) another location for him.

All in all, this appears to be another Bush spite move. The guy has a record, so it's not exactly out of the blue.
Well, I don't know, it seems to me that it has not been reported that anyone has ever asked before. Also, it's now been reported in numerous msm outlets that Howard was not scheduled to be a guest until AFTER Bush turned Obama's request down. At that point, Bush invited Howard to stay for one night. As has been pointed out, he only asked because his daughters needed to start school. Because he was turned down, taxpayers have incurred extra expenses in securing (as in, security) another location for him.

All in all, this appears to be another Bush spite move. The guy has a record, so it's not exactly out of the blue.

and Tony Blair. Seriously Darla, seems to me that they blocked out the 15th-20th, as was the norm. Bitching about that, well Obama didn't. He asked and was cool with the response. It's not like he couldn't find a hotel room, (or Presidential Suite). ;)
"In December, President-elect Obama asked the White House if he and his family could move into Blair House — the White House’s guest house — a week early, so that his daughters Malia and Sasha could start school. The White House rebuffed them, saying the house was already booked for another guest. A White House source added that “Blair House was appalled” by the request.

After weeks of speculation, the mystery guest that trumps the President-elect and his family has finally been revealed. The White House offered the house to John Howard, the former Prime Minister of Australia who is set to receive a Medal of Freedom. Instead of arranging other accommodations for Howard’s one-night stay, the Bush administration told the Obama family to stay in a hotel for two weeks. (Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, who are also receiving the Medal of Freedom, opted to find other accommodations.)

Last night on MSNBC’s “Countdown,” Bloomberg journalist Margaret Carlson revealed that when the White House turned down Obama’s request in early December, it had not yet even invited Howard to stay at the Blair House:

I reported…on December 11 and 12 that there were no foreign dignitaries booked into Blair House during that period of time. … I have the feeling they asked him [Howard] to come and stay so that there might be some plausible reason for not letting the Obamas stay there.

I had to laugh, the Rapper was right, Bush hates blacks!
OH Lord...the PC crowd is having another Liberal orgasm...speculating on what if's!:bs:

At least we have orgasms and not envy others for their ability to be satisfied!

Is that why conservatives are interested in others sex life?
Either way of course, Damo's diversion worked again. This is what he wants, for us to be bickering about Bill fucking Clinton so no one talks about what a low class piece of shit Bush is.

And what a liar to boot.

We will be talking about what a piece of shite Bush is for many years to come and the historians will have more to mull over in this manure pile than they could ever wish for!
It is costing the tax payers money to put the Obama's in a hotel room. Bush administration at its best, once again!