How come none of the candidates are talking about Iraq?

i was complaining in 06 about all these anti war candidates that didn't talk about any other issues. Now we got a congress full of do nothings with the lowest ratings ever who didn't do what they said they would (get out of Iraq) and continue to fund the war. Now its a non discussed item.

what a sham.
And on the left it's bickering about which nominally anti-war, corporate Democrat will most embody "change" while explaining how they plan to institute national healthcare while paying down the deficit with no new taxes.
Election magic. How much something costs to implement cannot possibly come into play. Promise away and talk about returning to pre-Bush tax rates as "fixing" the issue. Pre-Bush we were STILL defecit spending. Even if there was a budgeted surplus that never came into being the fact that we borrowed money shows that we were defecit spending.
Mostly because those are the only questions they have been getting.

well of course the Pundits and voters will not ask those embaressing types of questions.
EVERYONE now realizes that invading Iraq was a mistake. well anyone with any sense at all.
Election magic. How much something costs to implement cannot possibly come into play. Promise away and talk about returning to pre-Bush tax rates as "fixing" the issue. Pre-Bush we were STILL defecit spending. Even if there was a budgeted surplus that never came into being the fact that we borrowed money shows that we were defecit spending.

True but the situation was far better pre Bush.