how do you not know how many houses you own?


Junior Member
I mean are people really that rich??/

its good to see him braggin about how many he owns while everyone else is losing theirs... its a very christian sentiment.
I mean are people really that rich??/

its good to see him braggin about how many he owns while everyone else is losing theirs... its a very christian sentiment.

Where was he bragging? Try Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, etc., for the rich at the same time the question was asked. They haven't a clue. They have folk to manage their money.

Reason Pelosi is caught in the trap with oil and Pickens. My guess, wasn't her 'choice' but one made for her. Doesn't matter, it's her investment and a conflict of interest.
I think it show's McCain as a fuckin retard. Probably more stupid than bush. This guy's going to be president and he can't tell you how many houses he owns??

Althimers is setting in...
Actually, when wealthy people start investing in real estate its not uncommon for the people who manage their money to buy and sell houses without their knowing much about it.

Especially if you are in politics and separate yourself from the money mgmt.

Also, from what I have read 3% of homes with mortgages are in some sort of foreclosure or returning their house to their lender. Which means 97% of homes with a mortgage are current in paying their note.

I can't find recent data, but in 1999 only 62% of private homes carried a mortgage at all. I would not be surprised if that number is higher now, so lets call it 75% for the easy math.

So 25% of private homes in the USA are owned outright, with no mortgage. And of the 75% left, only 3% are in foreclosure.

I wouldn't quite say "...while everyone else is losing theirs..." is exactly accurate, now is it?
What was it that I posted that was inaccurate, asshat?

Or is it just fun to insult people instead of having to actually post facts?
I don't suck anyone's dick (hate to disappoint ya), but I do recognize that I have a job because some rich guy has started a few businesses.

The man that owned the company I work for has had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life since the late 80s.

But he kept working. He kept building a business. And he kept paying people good wages for working for him.
I don't suck anyone's dick (hate to disappoint ya), but I do recognize that I have a job because some rich guy has started a few businesses.

The man that owned the company I work for has had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life since the late 80s.

But he kept working. He kept building a business. And he kept paying people good wages for working for him.

Sound like you're on his pole too.
Sound like you're on his pole too.

Have you come out of the closet yet, ahz? Not that the door is shut on it.

No, not on his pole but on his payroll. Or I was until he sold the company. He still comes around the corporate office on occasion. And he is still working 60 or 80 hour weeks.

He built his businesses by working hard and hiring good people. And he paid his people well enough to keep them. Good benefits packages too.

But I guess you would call him a fascist, traitor, reptile-hybrid, zionist, globalist, asshole.

I'll keep calling him by his given name.
Have you come out of the closet yet, ahz? Not that the door is shut on it.

No, not on his pole but on his payroll. Or I was until he sold the company. He still comes around the corporate office on occasion. And he is still working 60 or 80 hour weeks.

He built his businesses by working hard and hiring good people. And he paid his people well enough to keep them. Good benefits packages too.

But I guess you would call him a fascist, traitor, reptile-hybrid, zionist, globalist, asshole.

I'll keep calling him by his given name.
I didn't hear you mention him commodifying other human beings and laying off people because slaves are cheaper overseas. If he did that, he would be all of the above, plus a fuckface.
I didn't hear you mention him commodifying other human beings and laying off people because slaves are cheaper overseas. If he did that, he would be all of the above, plus a fuckface.

I believe I have mentioned that some industries can't be outsourced?

We build utility systems. Now you can do a lot of things online and thru telecom, but hanging strand, fiber optic cables and burying utility lines pretty much HAS to be done on site.
I believe I have mentioned that some industries can't be outsourced?
And I believe I mentioned in those cases they use their cash to get politicians to augment immigration law with loopholes specifically designed to put select americans out of work.
And I believe I mentioned in those cases they use their cash to get politicians to augment immigration law with loopholes specifically designed to put select americans out of work.

I believe you have mentioned that. Of course, I have seen no evidence of anything of the sort. In fact, many of our subcontractors have found it MORE difficult to use immigrant labor, legal or illegal.

So I guess your ideas just don't pan out in the real world. At least not where I have seen them.
I believe you have mentioned that. Of course, I have seen no evidence of anything of the sort. In fact, many of our subcontractors have found it MORE difficult to use immigrant labor, legal or illegal.

So I guess your ideas just don't pan out in the real world. At least not where I have seen them.

Your anecdotal experiences do not erase the actual reality of outsourcing / offshoring / immigration law perversion. Why should they? Are you some kind of idiot?
Your anecdotal experiences do not erase the actual reality of outsourcing / offshoring / immigration law perversion. Why should they? Are you some kind of idiot?

I didn't say it erased any of it. But when you make a ridiculous statement like "And I believe I mentioned in those cases they use their cash to get politicians to augment immigration law with loopholes specifically designed to put select americans out of work.", I think my anecdotal evidence of having worked with hundreds of small businesses and over a hundred large businesses provides a counterpoint.

None of these people are spending cash on politicians to augment immigration laws with loopholes. In fact, over the last 5 years more loopholes have been closed than have been opened.

You keep spouting all this garbage without ANY facts to back it up.

I have seen hundreds of small companies use immigrant labor. I have seen many TRY and use american labor.

But the difficulty in using (even legal) immigrant labor has INCREASED in recent years.

If your statements were true, shouldn't it have gotten easier?
I didn't say it erased any of it. But when you make a ridiculous statement like "And I believe I mentioned in those cases they use their cash to get politicians to augment immigration law with loopholes specifically designed to put select americans out of work.", I think my anecdotal evidence of having worked with hundreds of small businesses and over a hundred large businesses provides a counterpoint.
But yet, they are no such counterpoint.
None of these people are spending cash on politicians to augment immigration laws with loopholes. In fact, over the last 5 years more loopholes have been closed than have been opened.
That's right, the system is totally on the up and up. Totally NOT corrupt. Are you a child?
You keep spouting all this garbage without ANY facts to back it up.
It is a fact that many americans lose jobs to outsourcing.

It is a fact that globalization propagandists tell us that's a good thing.
I have seen hundreds of small companies use immigrant labor. I have seen many TRY and use american labor.

But the difficulty in using (even legal) immigrant labor has INCREASED in recent years.

If your statements were true, shouldn't it have gotten easier?

Not necessarily. Maybe its just really hard to get people to dig ditches. Even illegals. You get down there.