How does your states unemployment insurance stack up?


Abreast of the situations
Now that the fear is everywhere not knowing if we will have a job next week im sure those of you who are nervous as I am have most definitely set aside a rainy day emergency fund, have a plan for if that pink slip day comes, and have researched the how to and amount that your unemployment insurance would be.

In the state of Massachusetts you can receive up to 50% of your wages based on your most recent set of paychecks to an amount of $628bucks per week before tax plus an additional $25 for dependents.
Unfortunately, Alabama's unemployment doesn't pay particularly well. (at least the last time I checked which was in 2003)

Guess I better keep working.
Now that the fear is everywhere not knowing if we will have a job next week im sure those of you who are nervous as I am have most definitely set aside a rainy day emergency fund, have a plan for if that pink slip day comes, and have researched the how to and amount that your unemployment insurance would be.

In the state of Massachusetts you can receive up to 50% of your wages based on your most recent set of paychecks to an amount of $628bucks per week before tax plus an additional $25 for dependents.

Unemployment insurance should be optional, often times poorer people work jobs where they have little chance of ever getting laid off (ie: gas station, fast food, retail) yet they are forced to pay unemployment insurance for largely wealthier people.
It should be optional. Push your rep to try and make it optional.
Unemployment insurance should be optional, often times poorer people work jobs where they have little chance of ever getting laid off (ie: gas station, fast food, retail) yet they are forced to pay unemployment insurance for largely wealthier people.
It should be optional. Push your rep to try and make it optional.

So then what happens to the people who opted out of the insurance and then get laid off?
So then what happens to the people who opted out of the insurance and then get laid off?

They try and find another job. Often people get packages or they have savings, I mean you yourself have a ton of stock. Worse case scenario is you find a job that was less than you had.
I've known at least 4 people personally who have dragged their heels after being laid off saying that they had no rush because the unemployment insurance is there. One even decided to take a trip to China because he felt it was a great time to take a vacation.

I don't want to pay for it, do you? If so, I respect your decision but please respect mine not to be forced to pay for insurance I don't want.
I'm not sure why you think fast food and retail don't lay people off.

And in the economy we have today, both types of business are going under or cutting back in record numbers.
They try and find another job. Often people get packages or they have savings, I mean you yourself have a ton of stock. Worse case scenario is you find a job that was less than you had.
I've known at least 4 people personally who have dragged their heels after being laid off saying that they had no rush because the unemployment insurance is there. One even decided to take a trip to China because he felt it was a great time to take a vacation.

I don't want to pay for it, do you? If so, I respect your decision but please respect mine not to be forced to pay for insurance I don't want.

If they collect welfare or have to foreclose on a home that costs me money. Trickle down.
They try and find another job. Often people get packages or they have savings, I mean you yourself have a ton of stock. Worse case scenario is you find a job that was less than you had.
I've known at least 4 people personally who have dragged their heels after being laid off saying that they had no rush because the unemployment insurance is there. One even decided to take a trip to China because he felt it was a great time to take a vacation.

I don't want to pay for it, do you? If so, I respect your decision but please respect mine not to be forced to pay for insurance I don't want.

Ah, to live in the libertarian fantasy land where you are free to take positions that will never become law based on some Danecdotal nonsense about some guy you know and sit on high with your smug contrarianism. Must be nice.
Sales Tax:
Alabama - 4% sales tax
MA - 5% sales tax exemption on food and clothing

Income tax:
Alabama 5%
MA 5%

Try including the total tax burden, Alabama is the LOWEST in the nation, NO state beats them:

"Alabama can again claim to have the nation's lowest state and local tax collections per person. New Census Bureau reports for fiscal 2006 show Alabama's state, county and city governments collected $2,782 in taxes per person.
The national median was $3,700."

Chap, this is a silly point to debate anyway, obviously if Solitary says unemployment insurance is lower there, it stands to reason that the unemployment insurance contributions are also correspondingly lower as well.
There are always exceptions to the typical cases. But most people collecting unemployment do so to support themselves and their families while they actively look for a job.
Try including the total tax burden, Alabama is the LOWEST in the nation, NO state beats them:

"Alabama can again claim to have the nation's lowest state and local tax collections per person. New Census Bureau reports for fiscal 2006 show Alabama's state, county and city governments collected $2,782 in taxes per person.
The national median was $3,700."

Chap, this is a silly point to debate anyway, obviously if Solitary says unemployment insurance is lower there, it stands to reason that the unemployment insurance contributions are also correspondingly lower as well.

Where's the chart that shows federal dollars flowing into Alabama?
Ah, to live in the libertarian fantasy land where you are free to take positions that will never become law based on some Danecdotal nonsense about some guy you know and sit on high with your smug contrarianism. Must be nice.
I'm not smug, I respect others choices if they want to make it and said that here, I said make it optional for those who don't want to pay for it.

Like most dishonest Liberals you ignore the facts presented and just pretend all I offered was some anecdotal story. The anecdotes support my argument, always have. Perhaps I have these stories that regular guys like Chap and Solitary can relate to because I HAVE lived a more humble and less elite life than Liberals like yourself...
Try including the total tax burden, Alabama is the LOWEST in the nation, NO state beats them:

"Alabama can again claim to have the nation's lowest state and local tax collections per person. New Census Bureau reports for fiscal 2006 show Alabama's state, county and city governments collected $2,782 in taxes per person.
The national median was $3,700."

Chap, this is a silly point to debate anyway, obviously if Solitary says unemployment insurance is lower there, it stands to reason that the unemployment insurance contributions are also correspondingly lower as well.

Cant go by a $ amount when determining tax burden. You have to use percent as the cost of living is totally different. Non the less im sure over all things considered Alabama is more tax friendly then MA but I grantee you its not what you would think. "Taxachusetts" was gone 25years ago. Its cheaper to live here then in NY, NJ, RI, CT, VT, or Maine.. and NH is very close now.
There are always exceptions to the typical cases. But most people collecting unemployment do so to support themselves and their families while they actively look for a job.
Mostly true for sure, but my point is they will look harder with more urgency, it's just human nature or really nature in general.

Again, if you see value in it, by all means pay for it, that's how insurance should work, I just don't and others don't and we shouldn't be forced to pay for it. :)
There's a lot of value in life insurance, doesn't mean it should be forced either.
I'm not smug, I respect others choices if they want to make it and said that here, I said make it optional for those who don't want to pay for it.

Like most dishonest Liberals you ignore the facts presented and just pretend all I offered was some anecdotal story. The anecdotes support my argument, always have. Perhaps I have these stories that regular guys like Chap and Solitary can relate to because I HAVE lived a more humble and less elite life than Liberals like yourself...

The plural of anecdote is not evidence. As with your causation problems you have serious selection bias problems stemming largely from your reliance on the Danecdote.

As for the life I have lived and whether it is more or less "elite" (whatever the fuck that means in this context) I venture that you haven't the foggiest idea what you are talking about. It's of a piece with your smug self-righteousness though.
Cant go by a $ amount when determining tax burden. You have to use percent as the cost of living is totally different. Non the less im sure over all things considered Alabama is more tax friendly then MA but I grantee you its not what you would think. "Taxachusetts" was gone 25years ago. Its cheaper to live here then in NY, NJ, RI, CT, VT, or Maine.. and NH is very close now.
Hmm, well from what I read NH is still the place lots of people from Mass try and live to avoid taxes, but I think with the rest you are likely right.

If you want to include cost of living than the gap would widen even more as housing is pretty cheap in more Conservative states that avoid excessive regulation and restrictions on new building and usually have more space in general.
Mostly true for sure, but my point is they will look harder with more urgency, it's just human nature or really nature in general.

Again, if you see value in it, by all means pay for it, that's how insurance should work, I just don't and others don't and we shouldn't be forced to pay for it. :)
There's a lot of value in life insurance, doesn't mean it should be forced either.

You do have a point. for example if I get laid off I can get benefits for about 6 months of 653 a week before tax. Im not gonna go get a job making less then that. I have the luxury of being selective.
Hmm, well from what I read NH is still the place lots of people from Mass try and live to avoid taxes, but I think with the rest you are likely right.

If you want to include cost of living than the gap would widen even more as housing is pretty cheap in more Conservative states that avoid excessive regulation and restrictions on new building and usually have more space in general.

My same exact house im in now paying about 4500 a year in prop taxes would be about 9k in NH. the money always comes from somewhere.