How is Medicare so Efficient?

Dungheap, I stated earlier and am going to repeat it here so that I am sure you will read it.

Contrary to how I think government should be run, I live in the real world. I therefore work to weave some of my beliefs into government. Running a program like this with lower cost by working in a few checks on occasion is better than just pretending we can get rid of it and thus allowing it to continue as it has been. Even if I wish the program hadn't begun that way and that there might have been a better solution.

I think it was a mistake to ever connect the place of employment with health care insurance to begin with. Instead of having them pay a bit extra to the employee towards choices that are outside the company and that they could keep even while moving companies... for instance. However, we must work within reality. The government decided that giving companies a break for providing for others was better than allowing people to provide for themselves. It was a crappy solution, but it is reality.

So, since the government made a shitty decision 50 years ago we have to continue living with that shitty decision when there are better alternatives?

That makes no sense.
So you have support for the idea that Medicare spends more in fraudulent claims than private insurers spend on fraud detection? I'd like to see it.

The fact remains that Medicare is more efficient than private insurance. If better fraud detection measures were put in place it would simply be more efficient than it already is.
This is just evidence that you too didn't bother to watch the video.

Name one private company that spends more than $60 Billion per year on fraud detection, then we can compare.
So, since the government made a shitty decision 50 years ago we have to continue living with that shitty decision when there are better alternatives?

That makes no sense.
When the crappy solution is inevitable then making it the most efficient possible is the best solution available. Far better than doing nothing while mouthing platitudes. (This is like a uber-religious Republican voicing an opinion that creating a law that totally eliminates abortion is the only solution that they will support while ignoring ways that they can curb the number of abortions in the interim.)

Nobody but Ron Paul would even talk about getting rid of such a popular program. Therefore, working in reality is a far better way to save us money on a crappy solution.

While it seems like it makes no sense, it is a realist's point of view. Do you think that you would ever get rid of Medicare? Especially based on an opinion, like mine, that dependence on government is always a bad idea if there is any other solution available?
Another cost. The drug industry spends more than 2X on advertising as research.
Those "costs" are passed on to us/the health care industry in more than one way.