How many Democrat congress spending bills/tax increases do you expect Obama to veto?

How many Democrat spending bills/tax increases will Obama veto?

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How many spending bills from the Democrat majority senate and house do you expect a President Obama to go against his own party and veto?
Probably veto more than Bush and the Repubs did....

BULLSHIT. Obama has a perfect ZERO rating from the ACU and has no prior record of going against his party.

I understand you are pissed at Repubs and with good reason, Bush did barely use the veto and he did pass all Dem and Repub spending increases, but don't let hatred overlook reason.
Well we do know Clinton used his veto, he also lowered spending by 3% of GDP. Don't worry though, I still hate Democrat ideology. I'm just not falling for the Repubs empty promises.

Oh for fucks sakes, let's not lose sight of the important part.

I am sure it will be real "Democratic" when they get their numbers in the senate, so if in the extremely unlikely otherworldy event that Obama actually decides to act responsibily and veto one bill of their's, then they can just override his veto.

Don't worry, when I think of Dems in the future I'll be sure to remember the 'tic' part, I can't think of any more apt a bug.
Well we do know Clinton used his veto, he also lowered spending by 3% of GDP. Don't worry though, I still hate Democrat ideology. I'm just not falling for the Repubs empty promises.
McCain will veto more than Obama he has a record of going against both parties on some issues.

Clinton vetoed welfare reform...TWICE, he only signed on for the 3rd time because he had no choice to go against overwhelming public opinion:

he used his veto to stop spending cuts (back when the Repubs actually got them through). Let's not give him false credit.

And to add to that, Clinton was at least a moderate in some respects where he pushed for defence cuts early on, how about Obama who from his OWN site wants to increase the military beyond what Bush did?
I hope he vetoes more than Bush did, I hope he does well.

Well as long as we vote based on hope rather than someone's actual past voting record, I'm sure it will all give us that warm fuzzy feeling we all crave.

Well as long as we vote based on hope rather than someone's actual past voting record, I'm sure it will all give us that warm fuzzy feeling we all crave.

I do not think that McCain can pull it out, I think Obama has it won. Shoot, mail in ballots go out very soon, and most of the people in our area are voting mail-in. The election will be over in CO weeks before we hold the official election, the votes just won't be put through the optical scanner yet. I believe that this will be a regular thing across the nation. It is right now that really counts.
I do not think that McCain can pull it out, I think Obama has it won. Shoot, mail in ballots go out very soon, and most of the people in our area are voting mail-in. The election will be over in CO weeks before we hold the official election, the votes just won't be put through the optical scanner yet. I believe that this will be a regular thing across the nation. It is right now that really counts.

I agree.
Well if Bush got to do a total of zero in his first 4 years, then it's only fair for Obama to do the same. :clink:
Well if Bush got to do a total of zero in his first 4 years, then it's only fair for Obama to do the same. :clink:
The first 2 years of Bush's term, there was a Democrat majority senate.
Bush also never had the kind of majority, that Obama will have after this election.
Finally and most critically, there are many Liberal/moderate Repubs who have/had no interest in cutting like Chafee, Snowe and Collins, yet where are the moderate Dems? There is no Zell Miller anymore, nor John Breaux.
There has been a Repub majority, there has never been an economic Conservative majority.

And this is a shortsighted attitude, it's sort of like the husband who comes home with a new golf set that the family can't afford and then hearing well it's the wife's turn to go out and get a new (and even more expensive) furniture set.
We have no money, we have a giant debt, all I'm hearing is that it's the time for Dems and pissed off Libertarians/Conservatives to get revenge and go on their own shopping spree.
bush's total vetoes is still what about 4 or so ?
It is low, 13 I think or around there. This is a critical point though on where McCain differs from Bush. Bush tried to please everyone, McCain may not be the big maverick he used to be, nor everything different from Bush, but he is still the number one maverick in the senate.