How many Democrat congress spending bills/tax increases do you expect Obama to veto?

How many Democrat spending bills/tax increases will Obama veto?

  • 0

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Medicaid/Medicare cost 8 times what the Iraq war does but universal healthcare for all will be free

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Dems only increase taxes on the rich, that's why when you see your paycheck no money is deducted

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think Dems will actually solve SS with something other than a tax increase

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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It is low, 13 I think or around there. This is a critical point though on where McCain differs from Bush. Bush tried to please everyone, McCain may not be the big maverick he used to be, nor everything different from Bush, but he is still the number one maverick in the senate.

Wrongo, Ron Paul is far more of a Maverick that McCain.
I think he only voted party lines about 70-75% of the time.

And probably a few more rebels.
It is low, 13 I think or around there. This is a critical point though on where McCain differs from Bush. Bush tried to please everyone, McCain may not be the big maverick he used to be, nor everything different from Bush, but he is still the number one maverick in the senate.

Bush tried to please everyone? :lmao:
Wrongo, Ron Paul is far more of a Maverick that McCain.
I think he only voted party lines about 70-75% of the time.

And probably a few more rebels.

I am talking the senate, but since you mentioned it, I don't think they are that far off.

McCain last year rating of 80 with lifetime rating of 82
Ron Paul last year with rating of 77 and lifetime of 82 again

They have the same lifetime record of going against their party.
It's important to remember that a pure Libertarian is going to garner a high Conservative rating because the vast majority of bills are spending bills that they both oppose.
Bush tried to please everyone? :lmao:

Yes he did and YOU especially with a lot of socialist (pill bill, giant education increase) religious (faith based programs, late term abortion bans) legislation. You already said yourself he vetoed barely anything, I don't know how much more a President can be judged as trying to please everyone.
Yes he did and YOU especially with a lot of socialist (pill bill, giant education increase) religious (faith based programs, late term abortion bans) legislation. You already said yourself he vetoed barely anything, I don't know how much more a President can be judged as trying to please everyone.

My My how your tune has changed in just the last year....

some of the more intelligent ones of us saw the bush problems years ago.

as I recall you were still a devout Bushist during the pill bill.
My My how your tune has changed in just the last year....

some of the more intelligent ones of us saw the bush problems years ago.

as I recall you were still a devout Bushist during the pill bill.

You didn't know me then, I was so pissed at that bill, I dropped support for Repubs and became strict Libertarian for a few months.
I saw Bush's problems too, I just also see Dem ones and am able to rationalize who would be worse. I am under no delusion into thinking the parties switched places, after Sep 11th we have moved hard to the left with the desire for small government on a hopeful temporary holiday.
BULLSHIT. Obama has a perfect ZERO rating from the ACU and has no prior record of going against his party.

I understand you are pissed at Repubs and with good reason, Bush did barely use the veto and he did pass all Dem and Repub spending increases, but don't let hatred overlook reason.

LOL Dano. I am scared of anyone that scores anything with the ACU.
LOL Dano. I am scared of anyone that scores anything with the ACU.

This is a really old argument, if you don't trust the zero someone scores from the ACU, then go to a Liberal vote recording site and see that they get a perfect 100 for being a Liberal.
They are recording votes of yay or nay, not their opinions. That means if Joe Blow votes for a tax cut he gets points, regardless of whether he does it because he loves tax cuts or because he was pushed into it.

I trust the ACU with the exact same trust of a leftwing vote ranking site.
This is a really old argument, if you don't trust the zero someone scores from the ACU, then go to a Liberal vote recording site and see that they get a perfect 100 for being a Liberal.
They are recording votes of yay or nay, not their opinions. That means if Joe Blow votes for a tax cut he gets points, regardless of whether he does it because he loves tax cuts or because he was pushed into it.

I trust the ACU with the exact same trust of a leftwing vote ranking site.

Well there are plenty of Republican politicians that have a 0 with Liberal think tanks Dano.
Well we do know Clinton used his veto, he also lowered spending by 3% of GDP. Don't worry though, I still hate Democrat ideology. I'm just not falling for the Repubs empty promises.

LMAO... did he actually lower anything???? Or did GDP simply explode in the late 90's causing the percentage to be lower?
McCain will veto more than Obama he has a record of going against both parties on some issues.

Clinton vetoed welfare reform...TWICE, he only signed on for the 3rd time because he had no choice to go against overwhelming public opinion:

he used his veto to stop spending cuts (back when the Repubs actually got them through). Let's not give him false credit.

And to add to that, Clinton was at least a moderate in some respects where he pushed for defence cuts early on, how about Obama who from his OWN site wants to increase the military beyond what Bush did?

McCain won't veto anything. Obama is going to win this election. (barring a major screwup by the One... which I don't see happening at this point)
Well there are plenty of Republican politicians that have a 0 with Liberal think tanks Dano.

That's correct. You understand what I am saying no?
Liberal vote ranking orgs give a 100 for a perfect Liberal and Conservative vote ranking orgs give a 100 for a perfect Conservative.
I would trust either.

Part of me suspects you have never even heard of the ACU until today, I often find when you learn something new, you try and make pretend that you are knowledgeable on it so you don't appear to be below the argument.

Don't you ever feell like a fraud? Criticizing Austrian economics, Milton Friedman, the ACU and so on knowing full well you have never bothered to read anything of substance from them.

I think you are going to law school yes? I'm sure you'll make a great have a natural ability to change tact at the speed of light in your arguments and never appear flustered.
McCain won't veto anything. Obama is going to win this election. (barring a major screwup by the One... which I don't see happening at this point)

Obama will likely win sure. I can't guarantee McCain would veto anything, but by his record of going against the popular will of the senate (especially on pork), he is probably the number one senator who would have the best odds of vetoing, unless you can think of someone better?
Obama will certainly veto nothing, especially with a large Dem majority Congress.
Part of me suspects you have never even heard of the ACU until today, I often find when you learn something new, you try and make pretend that you are knowledgeable on it so you don't appear to be below the argument.

And you would be wrong on that matter. I don't pretend to be some sort of expert on them but I've seen their congressional rankings.

Don't you ever feell like a fraud? Criticizing Austrian economics, Milton Friedman, the ACU and so on knowing full well you have never bothered to read anything of substance from them.

I critiscize Autrian economics a lot. My criticism of Friedman is a lot less justified but I still do it mainly for fun. I'd just like to point out that nothing that goes up before congress these days is very left or right, and so having a zero rating according to a conservative think tank just means that you are within the left of the already very politically limited congress.

I think you are going to law school yes? I'm sure you'll make a great have a natural ability to change tact at the speed of light in your arguments and never appear flustered.
