How many times have you changed someones mind?


on indefiniate mod break
Be honest... in every discussion you've ever had on these boards, how often have you changed someone elses mind on a particular issue?

What would you say the ratio is between one party being in a different place before the discussion took place?

And if the times you've changed someones mind pales in comparison to all the times that zero progress was made, can we really say we are posting for others? or are we posting for ourselves? is this just one gigantic big ego stroke?
Be honest... in every discussion you've ever had on these boards, how often have you changed someone elses mind on a particular issue?

What would you say the ratio is between one party being in a different place before the discussion took place?

And if the times you've changed someones mind pales in comparison to all the times that zero progress was made, can we really say we are posting for others? or are we posting for ourselves? is this just one gigantic big ego stroke?

Of course membership and posting in political forums is simply an entertaining ego trip and hardly anything more.

Who doesn’t love a good argument?

Political forums are marginally more entertaining than the boob-tube.
If you affect someones opinion it won't be all at once. You might plant a seed that eventually changes their mind.

But you are presenting a false dichotomy. Your question implies it must either be some altruistic act to better the world or it is some ego trip. You do it to amuse yourself and it can inspire you to learn more about the subject matter of the discussions.
I've probably changed minds on irrelevant, Off Topic matters such as sports and Werewolf decisions. As for politics, I agree with Stringy, and I have evolved my opinions over the past 10 years of chatting on P.Com, FP, and JPP.
I've probably changed minds on irrelevant, Off Topic matters such as sports and Werewolf decisions. As for politics, I agree with Stringy, and I have evolved my opinions over the past 10 years of chatting on P.Com, FP, and JPP.

I'm with you in the sense I feel my thinking on different political issues has evolved over time as well. I couldn't point to a particular incident or singular conversation but more as a general thing.
Be honest... in every discussion you've ever had on these boards, how often have you changed someone elses mind on a particular issue?

What would you say the ratio is between one party being in a different place before the discussion took place?

And if the times you've changed someones mind pales in comparison to all the times that zero progress was made, can we really say we are posting for others? or are we posting for ourselves? is this just one gigantic big ego stroke?

A couple dozen, mostly on guns. I figure I've averaged about 2 per year since I've started.
Be honest... in every discussion you've ever had on these boards, how often have you changed someone elses mind on a particular issue?

does that include reducing them to a pathetic grovel in which everyone except them goes to bed laughing at how stupid they are........or only the times they admit it......
does that include reducing them to a pathetic grovel in which everyone except them goes to bed laughing at how stupid they are........or only the times they admit it......
I've have seen many outrageous examples of psychological projection since I've been on this board but this takes the cake PiMP! I can't remember the last time someone made me laugh so hard! :)
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Be honest... in every discussion you've ever had on these boards, how often have you changed someone elses mind on a particular issue?

What would you say the ratio is between one party being in a different place before the discussion took place?

And if the times you've changed someones mind pales in comparison to all the times that zero progress was made, can we really say we are posting for others? or are we posting for ourselves? is this just one gigantic big ego stroke?
Superstring is right. You are presenting a false dichotomy. The exchange of ideas isn't neccessarily about persuading someone to adopt your ideas. Nor is it neccessarily ego stroking. When I read posts on here I learn about how others think and feel on a particular subject. It provides me an opportunity to think critically about those topics, this in turn provides me with opportunities to learn about those topics and sometimes educate others on those topics too. I also learn from those whom I agree with and share values and learn things from them that reinforce my views and beliefs. I also learn from those I disagree with and at times I am persuaded by them. When I communicate on a topic I rarely expect I'm going to change someones mind. It happens on occasions but as String pointed out, that's usually a process and not an "ah ha!" moment.....though that does happen on rare occasions too but the fact that you are not persuading someone does not mean that the exchange of ideas on boards such as JPP is a waste of time or with out value or merit.

Unless of course you're arguing with PiMP....then it is. :)
I've have seen many outrageous examples of psychological projection since I've been on this board but this takes the cake PiMP! I can't remember the last time someone made me laugh so hard! :)
I was warned when I first arrived to be wary of you, because you were a "ringer".....instead I found you were a're so frightened of me you have to ridicule my name in every post just to maintain your inner equilibrium......
I don't know how many times I have changed someone's mind. But I do know that my own positions have gotten stronger by defending them, and some have shifted a bit.

I also hope I have helped educate a few lurkers. Or at least amused them.
For the most part, this is where we vent our frustrations with a broken, out of control government. Pointing out the hypocrisy of others that disagree
with our own perceptions and biases, all to no avail.....
The best you could hope for is to quite those that will not accept reality and fact for a short time. Though they might leave a thread, or start with the name
calling and ridicule a spelling mistake, typo, grammar or get personal, they won't change their minds, they only dig in to their point of view deeper and deeper, right or wrong becomes irrelevant.
There aren't that many that are even capable of civil discussion.....admitting a mistake almost unheard of for most.
Some can be shown video of someone saying something and still deny he said it.....
So if you post here to change minds, you're wasting your time.....just vent and get whats bothering you out of your system.....then relax and enjoy the bashing you'll
surely get in return....
Its like arguing with your wife...even if you win....especially, if your lose.:dunno:
what have you changed your mind on re: guns? O_o

Changed my mind? Nothing really. The only 'gun control' I support is getting a stamp/sticker/emblem on your state ID/License that says "Gun Owner" meaning that they aren't legally barred from owning a gun. Everytime you renew your license you get the NICS check, and if you become barred from ownership (I.E. arrested and charged or other court process), you get a stamp that says you cannot own a gun. Make private sales much better for everyone and I think is a great compromise honestly.