How many trumptards have actually read any of Marx's works

Although we often agree, guno, you're now being unfair.
The coloring book version of the Manifesto has yet to be released.

The slack jaws eyes would glaze over trying to read Marx's Grundrisse. Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy. Maybe some day it will be published in picture book form as part of the trump series on education
Zero would be my guess.

It's a trigger word for the uneducated rubes, like BLM and Soro , but Marxism covers it all for them, even thought thy have no clue what Marx wrote, doubt they ever read any other classics. That is why they are easily gulled and triggered
The slack jaws eyes would glaze over trying to read Marx's Grundrisse. Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy. Maybe some day it will be published in picture book form as part of the trump series on education

The same is very true of Mao's Little Red Book. More than one h.s. friend carried that in his/her arms at school. I borrowed it, tried to read it for a week, gave it back. Same with Hitler's Mein Kampf... which I tried to read both in German and English. I also read three of Ayn Rand's novels in h.s. But the biggest most popular books in h.s. back then was anything Tolkien. Better writing, excellent story line and plot, amazing characters too. But kind of the same -- pop culture w/o a lot of meaning. (LOTR has made a ton more money than those other authors, if that's your measure.)

This is why I am a liberal and always have been. I seen nothing of value in screeds of extreme bias, no matter how popularized they are in your current culture. It really is enlightening though if you try it yourself and don't rely on someone else's interpretation.
The same is very true of Mao's Little Red Book. More than one h.s. friend carried that in his/her arms at school. I borrowed it, tried to read it for a week, gave it back. Same with Hitler's Mein Kampf... which I tried to read both in German and English. I also read three of Ayn Rand's novels in h.s. But the biggest most popular books in h.s. back then was anything Tolkien. Better writing, excellent story line and plot, amazing characters too. But kind of the same -- pop culture w/o a lot of meaning. (LOTR has made a ton more money than those other authors, if that's your measure.)

This is why I am a liberal and always have been. I seen nothing of value in screeds of extreme bias, no matter how popularized they are in your current culture. It really is enlightening though if you try it yourself and don't rely on someone else's interpretation.
