How much do teachers make?

Since you are a teacher, perhaps you can answer this for me... are teachers salaries based more on tenure or merit?

Absolutely based on length of service. No merit pay whatsoever. The worst teacher in our system gets paid (on the same scale) as the best. Right or wrong (I figure you consider it to be wrong ...... and I do to) that is the way it is.
Absolutely based on length of service. No merit pay whatsoever. The worst teacher in our system gets paid (on the same scale) as the best. Right or wrong (I figure you consider it to be wrong ...... and I do to) that is the way it is.

yeah... I absolutely consider it to be wrong. It provides no benefit for hard work, innovation or improvement.
Absolutely based on length of service. No merit pay whatsoever. The worst teacher in our system gets paid (on the same scale) as the best. Right or wrong (I figure you consider it to be wrong ...... and I do to) that is the way it is.

How hard is it to fire a poor teacher who has been there 10 years or longer?
Thanx. I could live there if I chose the area carefully. Wouldn't want to be too close to Louisville from what I can tell but there are areas of the state that are quite nice for a country boy.

Yes Just east of Lexington in the edges of the hills is a nice area for a country boy. or down around lake Cumberland. Fishing ! Morehead has a college and Cave run lake....
How hard is it to fire a poor teacher who has been there 10 years or longer?
Not nearly as hard as it is to fire a poor congress person that has been there 20 years.

If the teacher is poor and has been there over ten years that points to another problem in the system.
How hard is it to fire a poor teacher who has been there 10 years or longer?

The same as if the teacher has been here 3 years. You have to cross all of your t's and dot all of you i's. Due process. A necessary evil. It is all far too political and superintendents and school boards can develop grudges agains good teachers too.
How much do teachers make in your area?

Around her, we have terrable public schools, teachers start in the mid 30's. I heard the other day that in Ohio and Illinois they start in the 90's.

Is that true?

No, at least not in Illinois. Start about $35k. High schools top out about $120 after 15 years. Grammar schools around $70k.
teachers here can up to the 90s I know that. I think they start at close to $50k here.
I don't actually think merit pay would do much. Bad teachers are usually just bad by nature, and never should've went into that field. But I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea, as long as we can figure out a way that's fair (and no, linking pay to test scores is not the way to do it).

The thing I really think we need to ask ourselves is, why do kids in Europe and Japan learn so much more quickly and efficiently than our kids do? And what elements of their system encourage that?
I don't actually think merit pay would do much. Bad teachers are usually just bad by nature, and never should've went into that field. But I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea, as long as we can figure out a way that's fair (and no, linking pay to test scores is not the way to do it).

The thing I really think we need to ask ourselves is, why do kids in Europe and Japan learn so much more quickly and efficiently than our kids do? And what elements of their system encourage that?

I think merit pay a great idea, problem is in how to implement it. Ask any veteran teacher, there ARE skewed classes. They may be skewed high or low, but it has zip to do with the teacher. If I was being evaluated for merit pay, I don't want my current class, their csq, (iq equivalent per standardized scoring), is 110.) High of 128, low of 70. (Yes, seriously 70 in a Catholic school 7th grade.) Out of 18 students, I have 7 below 100 csq.
Merit pay and how to implement it.......fairly. That is the 64 dollar question. I have no idea but Kathianne is right, there are skewed classes and those who think that all 13 yr. olds (insert any age here) can learn at the same pace are nuts. The NCLB crew seems to think that they ought to.....but they are nutty as a fruitcake.

Maybe merit pay can be tied to individual student performance based on the previous years. I think this is the only way it can be fair to all concerned, teachers and students alike. The problem is that it would take a lot of monitoring and a lot of paperwork.....hence a lot of expense. There are problems with any improvements that need to be made. It will take money, yes, but I think we need to see that the money is used wisely. It is not so now.