How Philosophy Helps Us Find Our Way

Seems cryptic to me.

My mind like to work with that which I can see and touch.

I understand, however, that we're not all alike.
So you are saying both Republicans and Democrats are Totalitarians?

Today was the day in that Christian Nation national religion tradition of blanket castigation & makeshitupism mass neuroses of fascism Islamidotocracy Mohammed pedophilia condescending arrogance of SCOTUS Rehnquist's "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Bicentennial diatribe granting standing to thieving national Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glorys - old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists that one must vote resulting in one must mourn in a synagogue after 9/11 USA NYC & D.C. losses really find out what democracy vs demagoguery is.
Banning abortions is Totalitarianism!

Do you need other examples of totalitarianism?

Because I have many more examples of how your Political side of the aisle is heading America into Totalitarianism!

you people are killing infants who could clearly survive on their own.

censorship is totalitarianism.

mandatory vaxx is totalitarianism.
So you are saying both Republicans and Democrats are Totalitarians?

Now with no saving grace apparently derived from SCOTUS pedophilia of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" parenting of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement and it's Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition in protecting & serving thieving National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists for their Christian Nation WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations "man is God" supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court medical pseudoscience evolution precedent in Islam human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception for those burning "it's only a God damn piece of paper" Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 health care plan patriot act of American pedophilia granting standing to Islamidotocracy flying flaming carpeted Mohammed chariots to Valhalla in martyrdom for Christiananality pedophilia mentality under color of law survival of the fittest fascists reasoning....
Now with no saving grace apparently derived from SCOTUS pedophilia of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" parenting of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement and it's Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition in protecting & serving thieving National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists for their Christian Nation WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations "man is God" supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court medical pseudoscience evolution precedent in Islam human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception for those burning "it's only a God damn piece of paper" Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 health care plan patriot act of American pedophilia granting standing to Islamidotocracy flying flaming carpeted Mohammed chariots to Valhalla in martyrdom for Christiananality pedophilia mentality under color of law survival of the fittest fascists reasoning....

Now Salty, you know you are suppose to take your Adderall first- and then post your comments!
Now Salty, you know you are suppose to take your Adderall first- and then post your comments!

No doubt it's sweet to those cross conditioned way beyond the pleasure principle suicidal super egos of practicing supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court pedophilia, Christiananality pedophilia, Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia, Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement, Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition pedophilia, McHeil's Navy pedophilia & those Nazington, District crooks on Capital Hill national religion of Mengele "Angel of Death" WW II traditions as their only cognitive dissonance saving grace political pseudoscience way too dang lily brilliant white malfeasance.
AG: You can think of the "Meditations" of Descartes as therapeutic, right? Philosophy can provide concepts with which to describe what people are going through, and then people can grab onto those concepts and use them.

KS: Descartes said, I’m going to prove everything from the ground up. It is an intellectual memoir of someone’s crisis experience feeling filled with terrors of being deceived.

This is why philosophy is not religion. Also, why philosophy does not yield to science.

Philosophy is organized doubt of natural time evolving in plain sight as an equally displaced ancestor that does, doesn't adapt honestly to the moment inhabiting space conceived to dead while outside the womb until entering one's tomb cradle to grave being one of a kind that navigates as placed or directs outcomes taking advantage of those lost to power of suggesting life is more than mutually evolving here in series parallel compounding events of genetic results eternally separated now exactly as each is occupying space here.

that self evident thingy.
AG: You can think of the "Meditations" of Descartes as therapeutic, right? Philosophy can provide concepts with which to describe what people are going through, and then people can grab onto those concepts and use them.

KS: Descartes said, I’m going to prove everything from the ground up. It is an intellectual memoir of someone’s crisis experience feeling filled with terrors of being deceived.

This is why philosophy is not religion. Also, why philosophy does not yield to science.

Philosophy which leads people with penises to think they menstruate and can have babies.
AG: You can think of the "Meditations" of Descartes as therapeutic, right? Philosophy can provide concepts with which to describe what people are going through, and then people can grab onto those concepts and use them.

KS: Descartes said, I’m going to prove everything from the ground up. It is an intellectual memoir of someone’s crisis experience feeling filled with terrors of being deceived.

This is why philosophy is not religion. Also, why philosophy does not yield to science.

Agreed philosophy isn't religion; religion is a subset of philosophy. Philosophy and science are two different things, both of which are used by human beings.

Consider one of my favorite subjects: guns. A gun is a product of science; linear thinking. It requires skills in metallurgy and chemistry to manufacture and to function reliably when needed. Philosophy is the guiding principle for how people determine how the gun is used.

That said, nutjobs don't count since they are nutjobs. I doubt any of the prominent mass shooters are capable of discussing high-minded philosophical reasons for committing mass murder. Most did it out of anger with an end game of suicide. <-- with all respect to Albert Camus.
Philosophy which leads people with penises to think they menstruate and can have babies.

That's not philosophy, dumbass. Name a male who thinks he can menstruate and have babies and I'll show you a nutjob.

Do you have any college? A class or two?
So you are saying both Republicans and Democrats are Totalitarians?

Both are clearly authoritarian. Notice how AHZ wants to dictate to Americans what to believe, how to live and how to think. Same goes for the LW wackos using the same strategy.

As each party moves to extremes, there is a greater divide between them and less chance of compromise. Our national politics has been in this phase of our history since the end of the Cold War when America had to reinvent itself, again. Hopefully, we are seeing the final stages of this phase and we'll begin reentering a phase of growth and cooperation by the end of the decade.
That's not philosophy, dumbass. Name a male who thinks he can menstruate and have babies and I'll show you a nutjob.

Do you have any college? A class or two?

That's leftist philosophy you donkey brained moron.

Ooooh I get it you're one of those that thinks going to college makes people smart. Am I right? Oh course I'm fucking right. No need wasting time in the answer. If you think it's true then you're dumber than I imagined and i some imagination about just how stupid you actually are.
That's leftist philosophy you donkey brained moron.

Ooooh I get it you're one of those that thinks going to college makes people smart. Am I right? Oh course I'm fucking right. No need wasting time in the answer. If you think it's true then you're dumber than I imagined and i some imagination about just how stupid you actually are.

According to you, Yak. The fact you can't name a single male idiot claiming that is another reason why your judgement and veracity are suspect.

No, dumbass. Smart people are smart. College is education. You? You're just a loudmouthed dumbass who can't accept that there are people smarter and better educated than yourself. Instead of recognizing that truism, you blame others; usually Jews, Blacks and transsexuals.

Get a fucking clue, moron. It's not too late.