How the US can get out of debt


Loyal to the end
1. Stop spending like a drunken sailor. Just take spending back to 2006 levels and freeze it there for a while.
2. Drill baby drill. Lets make a serious effort to become energy independent. Stop the war on coal and fracking. There's lots of revenue in drilling rights and of course more revenue and jobs by exploiting our own energy.
3. Sell land. The feds own huge swaths of land in western states. For instance central Oregon is like little islands of private land in a huge sea of federal property, and it's not all national parks and pristine wilderness.
4. Legalize marijuana and tax it. This would create a lot of revenue and save billions on the stupid war on drugs. Anyone involved in the current illegal drug trade would be forever forbidden from the legal one. This would have the added benefit of destroying drug cartels.
1. Stop spending like a drunken sailor. Just take spending back to 2006 levels and freeze it there for a while.
2. Drill baby drill. Lets make a serious effort to become energy independent. Stop the war on coal and fracking. There's lots of revenue in drilling rights and of course more revenue and jobs by exploiting our own energy.
3. Sell land. The feds own huge swaths of land in western states. For instance central Oregon is like little islands of private land in a huge sea of federal property, and it's not all national parks and pristine wilderness.
4. Legalize marijuana and tax it. This would create a lot of revenue and save billions on the stupid war on drugs. Anyone involved in the current illegal drug trade would be forever forbidden from the legal one. This would have the added benefit of destroying drug cartels.

How does legalizing marijuana break up drug cartels? You really think they will say "aww fuck, time to shut er down"?
1. Stop spending like a drunken sailor. Just take spending back to 2006 levels and freeze it there for a while.
2. Drill baby drill. Lets make a serious effort to become energy independent. Stop the war on coal and fracking. There's lots of revenue in drilling rights and of course more revenue and jobs by exploiting our own energy.
3. Sell land. The feds own huge swaths of land in western states. For instance central Oregon is like little islands of private land in a huge sea of federal property, and it's not all national parks and pristine wilderness.
4. Legalize marijuana and tax it. This would create a lot of revenue and save billions on the stupid war on drugs. Anyone involved in the current illegal drug trade would be forever forbidden from the legal one. This would have the added benefit of destroying drug cartels.

#2 is just ignorance. You clearly don't know much about fracking.
Please, elaborate, oh wise one.

Research oil fracking yourself, oh lazy one.

Big oil Bush made a law stating the Gov can't look into the ingredients used in oil fracking because it would be like exposing ingredients in a personal recipe. Meanwhile, it's widely known fracking is creating health issues for Americans but we can't look into it because your awesome Bush was awesome yet again.

Or you can have the perspective of the free market. "Don't want, don't buy"

Oil isn't exactly in that category is it? It's a bit more difficult than that. Though, I could ride a bike to work even when living in the Country, it's just easier to stop oil fracking and look for renewable energy.
Research oil fracking yourself, oh lazy one.

Big oil Bush made a law stating the Gov can't look into the ingredients used in oil fracking because it would be like exposing ingredients in a personal recipe. Meanwhile, it's widely known fracking is creating health issues for Americans but we can't look into it because your awesome Bush was awesome yet again.

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Research oil fracking yourself, oh lazy one.
I have. I'm pretty knowledgeable on the subject. I doubt you are though.

Big oil Bush made a law stating the Gov can't look into the ingredients used in oil fracking because it would be like exposing ingredients in a personal recipe.
[Citation Needed]
Meanwhile, it's widely known fracking is creating health issues for Americans but we can't look into it
[Citation Needed]
because your awesome Bush was awesome yet again.
Never voted for Bush so, you're projecting, master of ignorance.

Or you can have the perspective of the free market. "Don't want, don't buy"
No, I have the perspective of "Uranium now, Uranium forever".

Though, I could ride a bike to work even when living in the Country, it's just easier to stop oil fracking and look for renewable energy.
Yeah, that's what we need. More asshole cyclists cloggin up are roads and slowing traffic while creating incalculable hazards by ignoring all rules of the road because they're too good for the fucking sidewalk.
Yeah, that's what we need. More asshole cyclists cloggin up are roads and slowing traffic while creating incalculable hazards by ignoring all rules of the road because they're too good for the fucking sidewalk.

Methinks the cyclists aren't the assholes.

Try looking in a mirror.
I have. I'm pretty knowledgeable on the subject. I doubt you are though.

[Citation Needed] [Citation Needed]
Never voted for Bush so, you're projecting, master of ignorance.

No, I have the perspective of "Uranium now, Uranium forever".

Yeah, that's what we need. More asshole cyclists cloggin up are roads and slowing traffic while creating incalculable hazards by ignoring all rules of the road because they're too good for the fucking sidewalk.

Cyclists aren't supposed to use the sidewalk, it's for pedestrians. Bicycle lanes solve a lot of problems.
The only way to get this country out of debt is to put people back to work. Since our govt. representatives are so heavily invested in slave labor in Asia, this will never happen.
The only way to get this country out of debt is to put people back to work. Since our govt. representatives are so heavily invested in slave labor in Asia, this will never happen.
Your beloved Democrats are having a war on coal so we are shipping the stuff to China, and the cheap energy and labor has cost American jobs.
The only way to get this country out of debt is to put people back to work. Since our govt. representatives are so heavily invested in slave labor in Asia, this will never happen.

Robots are cheaper. Whose fault is that?
I'd first like a post about why it'd be a unquestionably good thing for the United States to be free of debt. I mean, there are good arguments for the United States not having too much debt, but I don't see why none at all is necessarily a goal worth pursuing.
I'd first like a post about why it'd be a unquestionably good thing for the United States to be free of debt. I mean, there are good arguments for the United States not having too much debt, but I don't see why none at all is necessarily a goal worth pursuing.
Because we wouldn't be paying all that interest, duh.