First of all, you're a FUCKING LIAR. There's no way you liberals are blaming doctors for the high costs of health care. I see your idiot liberal mugs coming a mile away.

Liberal Senate Democrats hauled oil company execs before a committee to grill them over a 20 cents increase in the price of gasoline. NO ONE hauled a doctor before a committee to make him explain a MILLION DOLLAR heart attack.

NO liberal Senate Democrats hauled ONE hospital administrator before a committee to grill him on $100 per Advil, $600 per bed.

NO liberal Senate Democrats hauled ONE college dean before a committee to grill him on a HALF A MILLION DOLLAR COST IN STUDENT LOANS TO BE A DOCTOR.


And how did the KENYAN SHOESHINE BOY punish them? He gave them a HUGE transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class in HIGHER PREMIUMS, YOU FUCKING MORON.

Shut the fuck up, bitch. You have NO fucking idea what you're talking about.

you fucking lying is not the lefts position you fucking nutbag

I did a paper on it in college, you ignorant bitch.

Medicare caused the demand curve to shift to the right. More demand, coupled with a limited supply equals higher prices.

This is way above your hillbilly uneducated brain. Stick to food stamps and paying lot rent, something you know about. Leave economics to those who didn't drop out of middle school.
you fucking lying is not the lefts position you fucking nutbag

You are so fucking stupid that you can't even remember the campaign FOR Obamacare.

Stick to welfare checks and paying the lot rent. And leave the educated discussion to those of us who didn't drop out of middle school, you uneducated bitch. You don't know anything.
I did a paper on it in college, you ignorant bitch.

Medicare caused the demand curve to shift to the right. More demand, coupled with a limited supply equals higher prices.

This is way above your hillbilly uneducated brain. Stick to food stamps and paying lot rent, something you know about. Leave economics to those who didn't drop out of middle school.

dude you deny science, math and history for your evil party
You are so fucking stupid that you can't even remember the campaign FOR Obamacare.

Stick to welfare checks and paying the lot rent. And leave the educated discussion to those of us who didn't drop out of middle school, you uneducated bitch. You don't know anything.

its your opinion you stupid fuck not fact
Interestingly enough, health care was fine and affordable from 1911 to 1964, and we had health insurance. What changed in 64 was the advent of Medicare.

The you should be able to show everyone how the advent of Medicare directly correlates to higher costs for healthcare.
The you should be able to show everyone how the advent of Medicare directly correlates to higher costs for healthcare.

Finally, an intelligent question.

From 1911 to 1964 (and I chose that time span because the Legal Reserve Act was passed around the year 1911.) for the most part doctors and hospitals had to base their pricing on what people could afford to pay.

Insurance companies are (and have been since the Legal Reserve Act) required to maintain a "legal reserve" account to pay claims. Think about that for a moment.

The definition of "insurance" is "a pot where people voluntarily put money in with the idea that some or even one of them might need to take some money out for an UNFORESEEN accident, illness or death." And health insurance companies have to base their premiums on the ability to maintain that legal reserve.

More insurance companies and they have to be competitive in premiums.


The LAST thing insurance companies would want would be an increase in the cost of health care. Just means that they have to pay out more money for claims. That means they'd have to charge higher premiums without necessarily getting a bump in profits. It's ALL about the legal reserve.

(And I watched American Sun go out of business because its legal reserve dipped below the allowed amount, so it does happen from time to time.)

So insurance companies have pretty much covered illnesses and accidents for a long time.

A doctor has a waiting room. The market suggests that if he is not the only doctor in the area and his waiting room is empty, his fee is too high. If his waiting room is full all the time, he can actually afford to raise his fees. Because of demand.

Are you following so far? It's about price demand. On an economics Demand chart, Price Demand is where demand is determined by changes in price.

The other kind of Demand is the kind that is for any other reason other than price. If there is a flu epidemic, that will create a demand for flu vaccine.

These are market forces.

In 1964, Medicare shifted the Demand curve to the left by telling the oldest, sickest and most vulnerable citizens of America that they had a RIGHT to health care, paid for by the taxpayers.

That means the doctor's office is loaded up with clients. Of COURSE he's going to raise his fees. NOTHING that is ever subsidized by government LOWERS in price.


Now some doctors claim that the cost of getting a medical degree has skyrocketed. They face sometimes quarter of a million dollar student loans.

Who is responsible for that?

How about the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, who is subsidizing these colleges? Ever know a college to LOWER its tuition?

Medicare and Medicaid basically created a demand that didn't exist before. Bear in mind, old people WERE getting care anyway. They represented the RICHEST and MOST AFFLUENT segment of the American population. So Medicare was nothing more than welfare to the rich.

That's what happened to health care in the Sixties and it is how all this got started.

It's NOT the evil insurance companies. If anything, higher healthcare prices hurts their bottom line.

Why are hospitals so expensive? Figure that one out. You'll discover that they were subsidized by government as well. It's called Medicare Part A.

Around 1980, Medicare Part A was about to go bankrupt. Seniors were checking into hospitals like they were Holiday Inns, for every little ache and sniffle that came along. And naturally hospitals jacked up their rates and billed Medicare.

To prevent Part A from going bankrupt, Medicare created the Prospective Payment System, where a list of a little over 260 Diagnostic Related Groups was created. These DRGs represented everything Medicare could think of that could go wrong with you. And when a Medicare recipient checked in, the hospital would the entire flat amount and would apply it to the daily room rate.

Ex. Appendix surgery. $5000

Operating room and other costs-$4500
Room rate $200 a day.

In three days, the hospital is losing money. So it kicks the Medicare recipient to the curb, (or more likely to a skilled nursing facility.) And Medicare does not pay for unskilled nursing care.

I could go into greater detail, but I'd lose you. The math is mind boggling.

Bottom line, Medicare is the cause. The beginning. And now you know why and how.
The you should be able to show everyone how the advent of Medicare directly correlates to higher costs for healthcare.

If you had a clue about economic principles you'd know that every time government extorts and distributes taxpayer's money for any particular purpose, every crook in the nation comes out of the woodwork to join in the feeding at the trough, not to mention the paperwork cost burden government programs put on an otherwise private, self-regulating, "COMPETITIVE" institution.