How to make sure your 2020 mail-in vote is counted


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(CNN) A lot of people have concerns about mail-in voting (is the Postal Service being sabotaged? Will their vote be counted?), and also about the state of American democracy in general.

Voting by mail is actually very secure, despite what the President says. However, if people don't trust that their votes will be counted, that's a full-blown crisis of democracy. With millions of Americans turning to mail-in voting, many for the first time, because of the coronavirus pandemic, that means doubts about the ability of the USPS to deliver mail equal doubts about the election.

Vote early! On Friday, we learned USPS has notified states that some mail-in ballots are at risk of not being counted.


Or.... you could just vote in person and know it counts. :laugh:

I was just about to say this. If you really want to make sure your vote is counted show up in person.

Or you can mail it and hope the USPS, which is notorious for losing packages and mail, and hope it gets to the right place.
(CNN) A lot of people have concerns about mail-in voting (is the Postal Service being sabotaged? Will their vote be counted?), and also about the state of American democracy in general.

Voting by mail is actually very secure, despite what the President says. However, if people don't trust that their votes will be counted, that's a full-blown crisis of democracy. With millions of Americans turning to mail-in voting, many for the first time, because of the coronavirus pandemic, that means doubts about the ability of the USPS to deliver mail equal doubts about the election.

Vote early! On Friday, we learned USPS has notified states that some mail-in ballots are at risk of not being counted.


How to make sure your 2020 vote is counted

Go vote in person...u stupid POS
(CNN) A lot of people have concerns about mail-in voting (is the Postal Service being sabotaged? Will their vote be counted?), and also about the state of American democracy in general.

Voting by mail is actually very secure, despite what the President says. However, if people don't trust that their votes will be counted, that's a full-blown crisis of democracy. With millions of Americans turning to mail-in voting, many for the first time, because of the coronavirus pandemic, that means doubts about the ability of the USPS to deliver mail equal doubts about the election.

Vote early! On Friday, we learned USPS has notified states that some mail-in ballots are at risk of not being counted.


Request mail in ballot now. I have a friend who already voted by mail.
Or.... you could just vote in person and know it counts. :laugh:

You do know why people are reluctant to vote in person ,don't you? The Trump virus is closing in on 6 million cases and 200,000 deaths. The option of mail-in is so much safer and better. Trump is destroying the post office system to break mail-in and apparently you do not care.
You do know why people are reluctant to vote in person ,don't you? The Trump virus is closing in on 6 million cases and 200,000 deaths. The option of mail-in is so much safer and better. Trump is destroying the post office system to break mail-in and apparently you do not care.

Just because you show up in person does not mean there is no fraud. A rather naive belief.
Just because you show up in person does not mean there is no fraud. A rather naive belief.

Gotcha!!! So you mean when Dems have told us all for decades that there was no voter fraud going on they were LYING ? Hmmmm..... do tell. Nice to see some of you Finally come clean! ;)
Stop being a troll. Aim higher.

O.K,......Shouldnt you be busy readying yourself for the armed revolution you were talking about earlier when Trump wins? :laugh: ALL traitors against the United States will be dealt with accordingly and given a traitors justice. Death to communist traitors!
O.K,......Shouldnt you be busy readying yourself for the armed revolution you were talking about earlier when Trump wins? :laugh: ALL traitors against the United States will be dealt with accordingly and given a traitors justice. Death to communist traitors!

uh huh
I have already received confirmatory mail as to my registration addy and perm vote by mail status.

Why would I want to walk into someone's garage when I can just write fuck CRIMINAL TRAITOR trump* on a piece of paper and drop it in the mail?