How to make sure your 2020 mail-in vote is counted

Gotcha!!! So you mean when Dems have told us all for decades that there was no voter fraud going on they were LYING ?

You're not making sense. When the Republicans win they claim that it was without voter fraud.
Gotcha!!! So you mean when Dems have told us all for decades that there was no voter fraud going on they were LYING ? Hmmmm..... do tell. Nice to see some of you Finally come clean! ;)

No one EVER said "No" voter fraud. Just that it is extremely rare, and insignificant.

And it is. Trump is out to destroy the credibility of U.S. elections forever, and you guys just willingly go along & celebrate it.
Agree. Trump is a traitor.

So,.... how has your armed revolutionary army training been coming along? Have they learned that they need to wake up and get out of their parents basements before noon yet if they want to engage the enemy? You see,..... this could be a real problem for your revolution if the other side decides to attack at Dawn......:|
So,.... how has your armed revolutionary army training coming? Have they learned that they need to wake up and get out of their parents basements before noon yet if they want to engage the enemy? You see,..... this could be a real problem for your revolution if the other side decides to attack at Dawn......:|

You're not interesting.
If Trump wins he will have stolen it. There will be mass riots from all demographics.

He better walk away or there will be civil war.
Or.... you could just vote in person and know it counts. :laugh:
I was just about to say this. If you really want to make sure your vote is counted show up in person.

Or you can mail it and hope the USPS, which is notorious for losing packages and mail, and hope it gets to the right place.
How to make sure your 2020 vote is counted

Go vote in person...u stupid POS
I plan to vote in person using early voting since I don't have any "at-risk" health issues or loved ones at home who are "at-risk". Not everyone is as fortunate as my wife and myself.

One thing I've always disliked about the Democrats and why I'd never be one is because they believe in centralized power and a one-size-fits-all ideology. Just because they have a urban gang violence problem they want to pass laws stopping innocent rural Americans from high capacity magazines and semi-automatic rifles that use them. They also like to ban other things just for our "own good" because they "know what is best for everyone", hence the one-size-fits-all.

Any group, like the Democrats, who seeks to deprive Americans of their rights, of their freedoms for any reason other than to protect another citizen from direct harm is, IMO, acting against American ideals and the ideals our Founders.
If Trump wins he will have stolen it. There will be mass riots from all demographics.

He better walk away or there will be civil war.

The civil war will be short and sweet. Your side will be wiped out faster than Kamala fucked ugly old Willie Brown to get ahead. We have EVERYTHING......You have NOTHING. For the most part you are literally fish in a barrel. Good luck with it all.....

I find it very amusing when the left threatens our side with civil war. :laugh: Too funny. When the real world slams you in the ass all the false bravado talk in the world doesnt mean shit.
I plan to vote in person using early voting since I don't have any "at-risk" health issues or loved ones at home who are "at-risk". Not everyone is as fortunate as my wife and myself.

One thing I've always disliked about the Democrats and why I'd never be one is because they believe in centralized power and a one-size-fits-all ideology. Just because they have a urban gang violence problem they want to pass laws stopping innocent rural Americans from high capacity magazines and semi-automatic rifles that use them. They also like to ban other things just for our "own good" because they "know what is best for everyone", hence the one-size-fits-all.

Any group, like the Democrats, who seeks to deprive Americans of their rights, of their freedoms for any reason other than to protect another citizen from direct harm is, IMO, acting against American ideals and the ideals our Founders.

I find it very amusing when the left threatens our side with civil war. :laugh: Too funny. When the real world slams you in the ass all the false bravado talk in the world doesnt mean shit.

Especially when they plan to fight it with strongly worded letters of protest and a knitted pink cap. OTOH, the RWNJ claims of civil war are just a silly.