How To: Speak In Tongues Tutorial

Quote Originally Posted by SmarterthanYou View Post
What is sensical about limiting the means available for defense of self and country, when those with real criminal intent will ignore that law anyway, and where is the sense in surrendering the means of having last resort power over your government should it decide to ignore it's constitutional limits?
Seemingly time again for this Christian Nation annual national religion mass neuroses of fascism of rewarding Christiananlity pedophilia in it's Peter Principle pyramid scheme "man is God" mass psychoses of fascism to maintain & ensure their creation of a fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception slavery in dhimmitude servitude while insuring suicidal super egos in sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming as rationalizing it's pseudoscience reproductive reasoning diatribe tautology force of lynching enforcement under color of law as law of the land.