How we can tell Dems are freaking out!

I've just read three prominent liberals on this board, propagating the 'conspiracy myth' regarding 9/11. Now, one liberal... I could understand, and then, there's always a liberal 'bro' willing to help another liberal 'bro' out, so two libs? Okay, I can accept that, but THREE in a row? Something is up!

Why are we suddenly being inundated with morons, who insist 9/11 was an inside job? What's up with that? WELL... let me explain... it's Desperation Time! Faced with the continuing downward slide of Obama's poll numbers, and an economy that still appears to have a foot in the grave, with no realistic hope of recovery before November, the liberal fanatics are hitting the panic button. The constant beating into our heads that we're all stupid gun and bible toters, hasn't worked. Blaming Bush for everything, has grown old and lost its potency. So they need something new and innovative... nothing like a sinister conspiracy!

Here's the narrative for those of you too dumb to turn off Fox News... Republicans are basically EVIL people who can't be trusted! On 9/11, they somehow managed to orchestrate what appeared to be terror attacks on the US. Thousands of actual people died, we know this because we've interviewed their families, and seen their faces. But evil Republicans didn't care about these lives, they were easily expendable to secure the political future of Republicans... disregard the fact that a Republican had just been elected president with what was, at the time, the largest total vote any man has ever received for the office of president. Republicans, being the evil and sick creatures they are, weren't content with political popularity, they needed blood and gore. Rallying the nation around a war cause, was the plan.... because WAR is always a popular move for ANY president! Wye, it was so popular with Lyndon Johnson, he wouldn't even seek re-election... And we all witnessed how politically successful Iraq was for Bush.

Now the 'basis' for these revived conspiracy allegations, is apparently 'science' (according to BAC) ...You see, only a controlled demolition could bring down the towers as they fell. Of course, in all the controlled demolitions I've ever seen, they never flew planes into the building first. Seems like something like that, might possibly disrupt the placement of munitions, or set them off accidentally, before they were scheduled to explode, and this might possibly disrupt the controlled demolition, angles and trajectories, et;al... Of course, this would be unacceptable, because, even though Republicans are evil blood-thirsty monsters who would mastermind all of this, they wouldn't want the buildings to fall off-kilter and kill thousands more. No, the controlled demolition had to be limited to the smallest footprint possible, even though they knew this would be totally obvious to the typical conspiracy theorist.

I haven't really had the chance to delve into this whole thing with BAC or the others, I would be interested to know about the hijackers of the planes... were they Jihadist Republicans, who merely gave their lives for the cause? And what about all the people who would have played a role in setting charges, checking placement, and actually conducting the demolition? Where were they? Where are they now? Obviously, the evil Republicans couldn't have them out there running around, knowing the secrets... so perhaps they had them snuffed? Poor souls, should have realized it was coming, and that their evil overlords couldn't allow them to become liabilities. And there had to be some level of communications in order to coordinate all of this... WikiLeaks somehow managed to unveil thousands of top secret documents regarding Iraq and Afghanistan and the US military... but oddly enough, no one has ever come up with so much as an incriminating email on this. Evil Republicans must have done a splendid job of covering their tracks, in anticipation that some hacker would start mass-releasing confidential government information.

There have been conspiracy theories for years. There will always be conspiracy theories and people who choose to believe them. Of all the conspiracy theories I have ever heard in my lifetime, this one has to take the cake. It topples the Fake Moon Landing conspiracy from the throne, as the most absurd and ridiculous of them all. But this is what the Liberal Democrats have resorted to, because they KNOW it's almost over. They KNOW that barring some sensational revelation such as this, the Republicans are about to assume an enormous amount of political power, and that calls for desperate measures. The Trick, will be to convince enough people their theory has validity, and I look for some trivial tid-bit(s) to come rolling out, over the course of the next weeks and months, to play into this revived conspiracy. Stay tuned!
I think you're reading too much into it Dixie.....Occam's Razor would indicate that the real reason is simply that liberals aren't very bright........
I dread conspiracy theories like this, well...any conspiracy theory. In this particular case, 9/11, I believe there was a poll from Zogby put out back in 2004 or something that was so dubiously written (and sponsored by 9/11 that it was easy to skew it towards the belief that the government had knowledge of the attacks. Same with another poll from Scripps Howard in 2010.

CBS had a good writeup on it:
In an article for Psychology Today, Ilan Shrira wrote: "Conspiracy theories help us cope with distressing events and make sense out of them. Conspiracies assure us that bad things don't just happen randomly. Conspiracies tell us that someone out there is accountable, however unwittingly or secretly or incomprehensibly, so it's possible to stop these people and punish them and in due course let everyone else re-establish control over their own lives. Conspiracies also remind us that we shouldn't blame ourselves for our predicaments; it's not our fault, it's them! In these ways, believing in conspiracies serves many of the same self-protective functions as scapegoating."

By grasping at straws, and laying the blame on anything other than senseless, random violence - the very hallmark of al Qaeda's crusade - truthers are trying to make order where there is none, and in the end, the only people they want to make feel better are themselves.

I don't know who you mean are "liberals" pushing the theories in that thread because I try to stay away from such craziness. I would suspect they are far from liberal...more like Libertarian.
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I dread conspiracy theories like this, well...any conspiracy theory. In this particular case, 9/11, I believe there was a poll from Zogby put out back in 2004 or something that was so dubiously written (and sponsored by 9/11 that it was easy to skew it towards the belief that the government had knowledge of the attacks. Same with another poll from Scripps Howard in 2010.

CBS had a good writeup on it:

I don't know who you mean are "liberals" pushing the theories in that thread because I try to stay away from such craziness. I would suspect they are far from liberal...more like Libertarian.

Well, all I know is, I've seen three liberals on this board, comment today on this. It's not originating from the Libertarian spectrum, it's coming from Liberals. They've wanted to believe this all along, that's the funniest part. Just after 9/11, they began with this silly ridiculous shit, and found they were in such a small minority, they backed off. We pretty much dismissed them as kooks back then, but for some reason, they have re-emerged! Now, I think the reason is Obama's dismal poll numbers, and the reality setting in, that things are not about to go well for Liberals in the November elections. This is just the kind of thing the Liberals can sink their teeth into, because they've always wanted to believe this anyway, and from their perspective, what do they have to lose?

The fact that Liberals seem to believe this will now catch fire and ignite the base, leads me to think they are holding some morsel of 'evidence' that will be unveiled at a later date, after they have successfully planted these initial seeds of curiosity among the masses. Look for, in the next few months, a 'bombshell' to support this insane idea... I guarantee, it's coming. As you say, things can be worded any way to get the 'result' you wish... the same is true with the so-called 'evidence' regarding this conspiracy. Things can be interpreted all sorts of ways, and that's precisely what I expect to see happen with this. Time will tell.
I think you're reading too much into it Dixie.....Occam's Razor would indicate that the real reason is simply that liberals aren't very bright........

I disagree, I think Liberals are very intelligent... not ALL Liberals, of course. A lot of them are merely sheep following the flock... but the Liberal masterminds, the ones who are coming up with this stuff... they are smart people. It's why they have been so successful in fundamental transformation of America thus far. Now, they are ideological idiots, who's ideas belong in the bottom of a cesspool, but they are extremely intelligent people. You have to admit, it're pretty brilliant to have the support of all these assorted coalitions, who are never helped or benefited, but can be depended upon to continue voting for the Liberal party in election after election. It takes a real genius to figure out how to pull that off, in my opinion.
You have to admit, it're pretty brilliant to have the support of all these assorted coalitions, who are never helped or benefited, but can be depended upon to continue voting for the Liberal party in election after election. It takes a real genius to figure out how to pull that off, in my opinion.

not at only requires dimwitted coalitions......
dixie said:
Here's the narrative for those of you too dumb to turn off Fox News... Republicans are basically EVIL people who can't be trusted!
Fox News finally admitted that?
Yeah, because that's remotely close to what I wrote, you retarded mental midget.

Why don't you run along, and work on your ability to mis-comprehend everything?

Because of my bad eyesite I can't read what your toilet says. What does it say?
I've just read three prominent liberals on this board, propagating the 'conspiracy myth' regarding 9/11. Now, one liberal... I could understand, and then, there's always a liberal 'bro' willing to help another liberal 'bro' out, so two libs? Okay, I can accept that, but THREE in a row? Something is up!

Why are we suddenly being inundated with morons, who insist 9/11 was an inside job? What's up with that? WELL... let me explain... it's Desperation Time! Faced with the continuing downward slide of Obama's poll numbers, and an economy that still appears to have a foot in the grave, with no realistic hope of recovery before November, the liberal fanatics are hitting the panic button. The constant beating into our heads that we're all stupid gun and bible toters, hasn't worked. Blaming Bush for everything, has grown old and lost its potency. So they need something new and innovative... nothing like a sinister conspiracy!

Here's the narrative for those of you too dumb to turn off Fox News... Republicans are basically EVIL people who can't be trusted! On 9/11, they somehow managed to orchestrate what appeared to be terror attacks on the US. Thousands of actual people died, we know this because we've interviewed their families, and seen their faces. But evil Republicans didn't care about these lives, they were easily expendable to secure the political future of Republicans... disregard the fact that a Republican had just been elected president with what was, at the time, the largest total vote any man has ever received for the office of president. Republicans, being the evil and sick creatures they are, weren't content with political popularity, they needed blood and gore. Rallying the nation around a war cause, was the plan.... because WAR is always a popular move for ANY president! Wye, it was so popular with Lyndon Johnson, he wouldn't even seek re-election... And we all witnessed how politically successful Iraq was for Bush.

Now the 'basis' for these revived conspiracy allegations, is apparently 'science' (according to BAC) ...You see, only a controlled demolition could bring down the towers as they fell. Of course, in all the controlled demolitions I've ever seen, they never flew planes into the building first. Seems like something like that, might possibly disrupt the placement of munitions, or set them off accidentally, before they were scheduled to explode, and this might possibly disrupt the controlled demolition, angles and trajectories, et;al... Of course, this would be unacceptable, because, even though Republicans are evil blood-thirsty monsters who would mastermind all of this, they wouldn't want the buildings to fall off-kilter and kill thousands more. No, the controlled demolition had to be limited to the smallest footprint possible, even though they knew this would be totally obvious to the typical conspiracy theorist.

I haven't really had the chance to delve into this whole thing with BAC or the others, I would be interested to know about the hijackers of the planes... were they Jihadist Republicans, who merely gave their lives for the cause? And what about all the people who would have played a role in setting charges, checking placement, and actually conducting the demolition? Where were they? Where are they now? Obviously, the evil Republicans couldn't have them out there running around, knowing the secrets... so perhaps they had them snuffed? Poor souls, should have realized it was coming, and that their evil overlords couldn't allow them to become liabilities. And there had to be some level of communications in order to coordinate all of this... WikiLeaks somehow managed to unveil thousands of top secret documents regarding Iraq and Afghanistan and the US military... but oddly enough, no one has ever come up with so much as an incriminating email on this. Evil Republicans must have done a splendid job of covering their tracks, in anticipation that some hacker would start mass-releasing confidential government information.

There have been conspiracy theories for years. There will always be conspiracy theories and people who choose to believe them. Of all the conspiracy theories I have ever heard in my lifetime, this one has to take the cake. It topples the Fake Moon Landing conspiracy from the throne, as the most absurd and ridiculous of them all. But this is what the Liberal Democrats have resorted to, because they KNOW it's almost over. They KNOW that barring some sensational revelation such as this, the Republicans are about to assume an enormous amount of political power, and that calls for desperate measures. The Trick, will be to convince enough people their theory has validity, and I look for some trivial tid-bit(s) to come rolling out, over the course of the next weeks and months, to play into this revived conspiracy. Stay tuned!

Please tell me where I might find this thread so I may read it and enjoy...
It's easy enough to find. If not, just ask blackascoal, and I'm sure he will 'enlighten' you.

I'll give you least you're consistent.

You refuse to corroborate your claims when someone asks, so why should you be expected to just give out the title of some thread you yourself reference in your freakin OP just because someone asks?
I'll give you least you're consistent.

You refuse to corroborate your claims when someone asks, so why should you be expected to just give out the title of some thread you yourself reference in your freakin OP just because someone asks?

Let's be clear, what I refuse to do, is play your cute little "Run-Fetch" game. You're a big boy, you know how to find things on the Interwebs.

There are times when I post something, and I include a link to support what I have to say. I don't always do this, because there are also times I feel it better to allow the reader to investigate on their own, and find out for themselves. Generally speaking, this is because I have every confidence they will find the same information I did, when I researched it myself. I don't need to plug websites or sources, and I certainly don't need to be put in the position of defending them in the middle of a discussion about something else, so I leave it up to you, the reader, to seek out information sources to your preference.

If I have said something, and you go out there and find a credible source that refutes what I said, I will look at this objectively and have been known to change my mind, or admit that I was incorrect. I don't click links to left-wing propaganda outlets, because it helps support their existence, and I think they are the single most detrimental element in our present society. "Credible sources," are people like Reuters or the Associated Press... not LiberalThink.ORG!

Now all this being said, you can simply go to blackascoal's profile and look up the last post he made, and that is likely one of several threads he and the other two liberals were commenting in about this. I wish I could recall who the other two liberals were, but to be honest... Onezies, Jughead and Bijou all sound exactly alike to me, I can't tell any difference. BAC was leading the charge, the other two were chiming in to agree. I just found it interesting that suddenly, we seem to have a rash of new-found interest in this particular conspiracy theory. It's totally MY opinion this is due to Obama's sagging poll numbers and the inevitable butt-whooping that's about to happen in November. You are free to present your own opinion.
Let's be clear, what I refuse to do, is play your cute little "Run-Fetch" game. You're a big boy, you know how to find things on the Interwebs.

There are times when I post something, and I include a link to support what I have to say. I don't always do this, because there are also times I feel it better to allow the reader to investigate on their own, and find out for themselves. Generally speaking, this is because I have every confidence they will find the same information I did, when I researched it myself. I don't need to plug websites or sources, and I certainly don't need to be put in the position of defending them in the middle of a discussion about something else, so I leave it up to you, the reader, to seek out information sources to your preference.

If I have said something, and you go out there and find a credible source that refutes what I said, I will look at this objectively and have been known to change my mind, or admit that I was incorrect. I don't click links to left-wing propaganda outlets, because it helps support their existence, and I think they are the single most detrimental element in our present society. "Credible sources," are people like Reuters or the Associated Press... not LiberalThink.ORG!

Now all this being said, you can simply go to blackascoal's profile and look up the last post he made, and that is likely one of several threads he and the other two liberals were commenting in about this. I wish I could recall who the other two liberals were, but to be honest... Onezies, Jughead and Bijou all sound exactly alike to me, I can't tell any difference. BAC was leading the charge, the other two were chiming in to agree. I just found it interesting that suddenly, we seem to have a rash of new-found interest in this particular conspiracy theory. It's totally MY opinion this is due to Obama's sagging poll numbers and the inevitable butt-whooping that's about to happen in November. You are free to present your own opinion.

Is that what I'm doing? Playing a cute little "run and fetch" game?

Y-O-U created a thread about another thread and the discussion therein.

And then when I asked you for the title of this thread you reference because I'd like to read what it is you reference, you refuse.

Typical Dixie bloviation.

Takes four paragraphs to explain why you're being an uncooperative coward.
Yes Zapped, that's exactly what you are doing. It's what you ALWAYS do, or try to do. Whenever you encounter a thread from a conservative on a topic you can't refute them on, you attempt to have them run around in circles backing things up with links, which you will immediately jump on to condemn as hackery. And it's generally about some superficial aspect of the point, and not the point itself. It doesn't really matter though, because in your retarded mind, you think you are 'winning' debates because you can run the clock out, making the conservative chase his tail. I've watched you and other liberals do this for years, and I just decided to stop playing the game. It's more important to me, and a better use of my time, to keep the topic open for honest discussion. If I have to endure your infantile whining episodes in the process, so be it!

Now either comment on the subject of this thread, or leave. Stop acting like you're 3-years-old.
Boy that must have been a real bitch...

I mean gee had to whine about me and my bitch of a request for at least three posts before you finally posted a link to the thread you yourself bring up in your OP.

So now, you are going to comment on the topic of the thread, and stop acting like a 3-year-old, whining over me not posing a link, right?
Yeah, because that's remotely close to what I wrote, you retarded mental midget.

Why don't you run along, and work on your ability to mis-comprehend everything?
Hey idiot.....Zappa quoted your whole post.

Why not read WHAT YOU POSTED, and get back to me.