How will Sequestration harm you?


Loyal to the end
I'm on a plane early tomorrow morning and apparently after releasing a few million violent prisoners The Obama is going to fire 2/3 of the air traffic controllers and there will only be one person at each airport scanning passengers for assault rifles. Hopefully I'll get to the airport at the beginning of his shift.
I'm on a plane early tomorrow morning and apparently after releasing a few million violent prisoners The Obama is going to fire 2/3 of the air traffic controllers and there will only be one person at each airport scanning passengers for assault rifles. Hopefully I'll get to the airport at the beginning of his shift.

so Obama is like Reagan?
If the government had enough money last year to pay airport security and keep violent criminals in jail and all that jazz, how come they won’t have enough money to do it this year now that the sequester is in effect since the only cuts that happened are to the increase in the projected amount of increase of the money they were going to spend anyhow and government will still have more money to spend on that jazz this year than it did last year.

Who’s bullshitting who here???

It will hurt neocons who have been sucking that military NRAZI cock!

I’m all for reducing the neo-con bloated corrupt Military Industrial Complex and the neo-lib vote bribing fund. Too bad it’s nothing more than a reduction in the increase of their self-anointed allowance the duopoly shoves down our throats, huh?
I'm on a plane early tomorrow morning and apparently after releasing a few million violent prisoners The Obama is going to fire 2/3 of the air traffic controllers and there will only be one person at each airport scanning passengers for assault rifles. Hopefully I'll get to the airport at the beginning of his shift.
With our without your assault rifle?
If the government had enough money last year to pay airport security and keep violent criminals in jail and all that jazz, how come they won’t have enough money to do it this year now that the sequester is in effect since the only cuts that happened are to the increase in the projected amount of increase of the money they were going to spend anyhow and government will still have more money to spend on that jazz this year than it did last year.

Who’s bullshitting who here???

"Obama" and "Pinheads by the millions"......or was that a rhetorical question ?
All the fear mongering by the liars!
The world didnt end!

No obamageddon!

Again Obama has been caught in one of his lies.

But the obamacult continue to believe his lies!
I am aughing my ass off this morning because my hometown is losing their air traffic controllers! Now all the tea party red necks are enraged! Lmao

They meant cuts that didn't affect them.

Seriously, if it weren't for the three people who lost their job I would be overjoyed!

I guess people are going to find out just how much this hurts!