Howard Stern Asking Harlem Voters...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I bet Palin runs in 2012, wins the nomination and beats Obama. Someone who has you pinheads in such a twisted tizzy, is hitting on something you are extremely afraid of. I have not seen anyone yet (who I believe) that was planning on voting for McCain until he picked Palin.

But this thread is not the Sarah Palin bashing thread, so let's avoid taking it there. If you have a comment on the clueless and stupid Harlem voters, this is the place for it. If not, move along... go find the Sarah bashing thread, or better yet, start a new one!
Great, a satanic racist interviewing ignorant racists. Now if we could only get a false Christian racist like Rev. Jesse Jackson to interview the redneck racists everything would balance out. :rolleyes:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I bet Palin runs in 2012, wins the nomination and beats Obama. Someone who has you pinheads in such a twisted tizzy, is hitting on something you are extremely afraid of. I have not seen anyone yet (who I believe) that was planning on voting for McCain until he picked Palin.

But this thread is not the Sarah Palin bashing thread, so let's avoid taking it there. If you have a comment on the clueless and stupid Harlem voters, this is the place for it. If not, move along... go find the Sarah bashing thread, or better yet, start a new one!

I am not afraid of Palin because she brought something valuable to the McCain camp.

I am afraid of Palin because she is clueless. I am afraid of Palin because I don't want someone who believes that dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago to have the nuclear codes. I am afraid of Palin because she thinks God wants the USA to stand above all other nations. I am afraid of Palin because she thinks God approves of our petty little wars. I am afraid of Palin because she had no qualms about raising taxes on oil companies in Alaska so she could send more money to all the residents.

And anyone is ISN'T scared by those things should rethink what they expect from the government.
"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I bet Palin runs in 2012, wins the nomination and beats Obama. "

Bring it. She's Daniella Quayle with a bad accent. The McCain campaign is already throwing her under the bus for losing.

I've heard speculation that she'll get her own talk show, which seems infinitely more likely.
Errrrr Dixie...what's your point? I mean I could go down to rural Alabama and do the old vice versa with some red neck mouth breather and get the same results. One of them would probably be you! LOL

Exactly. This serves 1 purpose, comedy. It is and was funny a couple months ago when it aired and it is funny now.
Get in all the laughs you can Socialists. We'll see who laughs last.

This IS the last laugh, Dix. We told you - over & over again - that Bush was a disaster, and would be for the Republican party.

The party is lost right now, and Tuesday is going to be a very, very bad day for the GOP; it's comeuppance time. And now you're saying that the future is Palin?

Loving it...
This IS the last laugh, Dix. We told you - over & over again - that Bush was a disaster, and would be for the Republican party.

The party is lost right now, and Tuesday is going to be a very, very bad day for the GOP; it's comeuppance time. And now you're saying that the future is Palin?

Loving it...

Well, unless your Commie Obamie plans to turn us into a Socialist Dictatorship and do away with elections, I don't think it's the 'last laugh'.

I don't give a fuck what you told me, you are a moron. The 'disaster' for the Republican party was nominating John McCain and trying to appeal to 'moderate' people who they thought had a little sense. As we see, they are as clueless as you are, complete and absolute morons.

Go ahead and be a cocky little prick, rub it in real good, because you are going to regret it soon enough. Mark my words, moron!
"Mark my words, moron!"

I've marked plenty of your brain-dead words. Virtually none have panned out.

I'll keep marking 'em, though...
Well, unless your Commie Obamie plans to turn us into a Socialist Dictatorship and do away with elections, I don't think it's the 'last laugh'.

I don't give a fuck what you told me, you are a moron. The 'disaster' for the Republican party was nominating John McCain and trying to appeal to 'moderate' people who they thought had a little sense. As we see, they are as clueless as you are, complete and absolute morons.

Go ahead and be a cocky little prick, rub it in real good, because you are going to regret it soon enough. Mark my words, moron!

Nominating McCain in an attempt to get moderates was not the big mistake.

The hardcore republicans are still going to vote for him. They are certainly not voting for Obama. But the hardcore republicans are not enough to get him elected. And the true conservatives have seen that the republican party has abandoned them.

THis election is more about backlash from the Bush years than about any individual candidate. I have said all along, if the democrats didn't win this by a large margin they may as well pack up and close the doors.
Nominating McCain in an attempt to get moderates was not the big mistake.

The hardcore republicans are still going to vote for him. They are certainly not voting for Obama. But the hardcore republicans are not enough to get him elected. And the true conservatives have seen that the republican party has abandoned them.

THis election is more about backlash from the Bush years than about any individual candidate. I have said all along, if the democrats didn't win this by a large margin they may as well pack up and close the doors.

Well, you are just plain wrong. I don't know about "hardcore republicans" but the "hardcore conservatives" are largely not voting for McCain or Obama. Neither one is truly a "conservative" so, what would be their motivation to vote for them? Palin did draw some conservative votes, but her handling by the McCain campaign was abysmal, and she was essentially relegated to being a cute cheerleader for McCain, which probably offended more conservatives than it drew. Had he allowed her to deliver a true conservative message, the one the conservatives were waiting to hear, he MAY have had a chance to win over some of the "hardcore conservatives" he needed, to win the election, instead, he continued to play to the "moderates" who were NEVER going to vote for him.

I agree, much of the Democrat support is a result of backlash against Bush, and just like 1976 gave us Jimmy Carter in the backlash of Watergate, we are about to have another disastrous presidency as a result. What is amazing to me is, how liberals seem to think this puts the final nail in the coffin of conservatism, and it's going to all be smooth sailing from here. I assure you, this is not the case. Our country is largely conservative, and will eventually return to core conservative values in the years to come. That is, if Obama and the Democrat congress don't suspend elections and declare dictatorship.
"That is, if Obama and the Democrat congress don't suspend elections and declare dictatorship."

You keep saying that like its an actual threat. Give me a break on the alarmist nonsense.

The liberals said Bush was going to do the same thing. And it was as stupid then as it is now.