Howard Stern Asking Harlem Voters...

"we are about to have another disastrous presidency as a result. "

Dixie, honestly - what do you think we just got through?

America is experiencing the worst economy since the Great Depression. Our national debt is at incomprehensible levels. Energy policy has been a shambles, we're mired in 2 wars, people have historically low levels of confidence & the # of people who think we're on the wrong track is the highest in my lifetime.

And you're here as a 2-time voter for this disaster, lecturing us that the NEXT President is going to "mess things up?"
I am not afraid of Palin because she brought something valuable to the McCain camp.

I am afraid of Palin because she is clueless. I am afraid of Palin because I don't want someone who believes that dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago to have the nuclear codes. I am afraid of Palin because she thinks God wants the USA to stand above all other nations. I am afraid of Palin because she thinks God approves of our petty little wars. I am afraid of Palin because she had no qualms about raising taxes on oil companies in Alaska so she could send more money to all the residents.

And anyone is ISN'T scared by those things should rethink what they expect from the government.

You are afraid of Palin because of her Religious views but you are not afraid of Obama or Biden because of their Religious views? We know about Obama's crazy church.., but do you know about the Catholic Church...? Praying to Patron Saints..etc ...?
You are afraid of Palin because of her Religious views but you are not afraid of Obama or Biden because of their Religious views? We know about Obama's crazy church.., but do you know about the Catholic Church...? Praying to Patron Saints..etc ...?

Yes, I know all about Obama's church. But the radical views expressed there are racial, not some desire to turn the USA into a theocracy.

When JFK was running there was a widespread fear that the pope would actually be running the US if JFK won. Not exactly how it worked out.

But I have had dealings with fundamentalists that preach the same things Palin's church preaches. They are the reason Blue Laws have hung in so long. They are the ones battling to teach creationism in school science classes. They are the ones who want their religious beliefs made into laws.

And the idea that dinosaurs were here just 4,000 years ago is completely ignoring all scientific evidence to the contrary, and taking the word of a single book. That doesn't bode well for logical thought.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I bet Palin runs in 2012, wins the nomination and beats Obama. Someone who has you pinheads in such a twisted tizzy, is hitting on something you are extremely afraid of. I have not seen anyone yet (who I believe) that was planning on voting for McCain until he picked Palin.

But this thread is not the Sarah Palin bashing thread, so let's avoid taking it there. If you have a comment on the clueless and stupid Harlem voters, this is the place for it. If not, move along... go find the Sarah bashing thread, or better yet, start a new one!

Nominating McCain in an attempt to get moderates was not the big mistake.

The hardcore republicans are still going to vote for him. They are certainly not voting for Obama. But the hardcore republicans are not enough to get him elected. And the true conservatives have seen that the republican party has abandoned them.

THis election is more about backlash from the Bush years than about any individual candidate. I have said all along, if the democrats didn't win this by a large margin they may as well pack up and close the doors.

I think a lot of independents don't even care that McCain is more moderate than the other people in the party. All they see is an unprincipled hackjob who doesn't even know how to spell L E A D E R, and they immediately jump over to Obama.
"That is, if Obama and the Democrat congress don't suspend elections and declare dictatorship."

You keep saying that like its an actual threat. Give me a break on the alarmist nonsense.

The liberals said Bush was going to do the same thing. And it was as stupid then as it is now.

I don't think it's alarmist at all, it's how most Socialist dictatorships began. First, they stifle the press, then they destroy their enemies, then they usurp power, and finally declare themselves despots. Obama has kicked 'conservative' journalists off his plane, Biden excommunicates a TV station from further interviews, Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin have had their personal records ransacked, Obamamaniacs are telling me 'this IS the last laugh', it seems to me the only thing left is declaring despotism after the election. But I don't know, maybe they will simply set up a 'fake' system of elections, whereby The Messiah will forever get 100% of the vote, like his namesake, Saddam Hussein? Who fucking knows?
Stifle the press ? You mean like on Iraq coverage ? Yeah it is so much like the Nam coverage isn't it. Those inbedwith reporters are great.

or do you mean like buy the press ?
Stifle the press ? You mean like on Iraq coverage ? Yeah it is so much like the Nam coverage isn't it. Those inbedwith reporters are great.

or do you mean like buy the press ?

No, I mean like the militant socialist tactic of stifling the press, like Hitler did, like Lenin did, like Mussolini did, like Saddam did, like Chairman Mao did...
"we are about to have another disastrous presidency as a result. "

Dixie, honestly - what do you think we just got through?

America is experiencing the worst economy since the Great Depression. Our national debt is at incomprehensible levels. Energy policy has been a shambles, we're mired in 2 wars, people have historically low levels of confidence & the # of people who think we're on the wrong track is the highest in my lifetime.

And you're here as a 2-time voter for this disaster, lecturing us that the NEXT President is going to "mess things up?"
yea.....kind of a credibility gap, aint there?
The Stern shit is actually pretty hilarious.

It is actually, but the point is, I could do the same thing in Alabama. Pick some white red neck off the street and tell him Obama's policies are McCains and watch him support them.

But it's kind of old. I mean I've been laughing at Dixie's convulotions supporting Bush's misquided policies for years and let me tell this respect, Stern aint got shit on Dixie! LOL
Yeah.... Just as the terrible and corrupt Nixon administration gave us 4 years of Jimmah Cahtah... Bush yields us Obama Hussein! History does have a way of repeating itself.... let's just hope we have a free country left in 4 years.
Stern makes big bucks off of it and dixie just gets ulcers.

LMAO... No ulcers here dude, I am enjoying the shit outta this, and IF Obama wins, I will enjoy watching you idiots spin for the next 4 years, explaining why we didn't get those tax cuts, or anything else the bastard promised us. Before this is over with, you'll be lucky if Americans elect a Democrat as dog catcher again!
LMAO... No ulcers here dude, I am enjoying the shit outta this, and IF Obama wins, I will enjoy watching you idiots spin for the next 4 years, explaining why we didn't get those tax cuts, or anything else the bastard promised us. Before this is over with, you'll be lucky if Americans elect a Democrat as dog catcher again!

tell me again how accurate your opinions are ?
LMAO... No ulcers here dude, I am enjoying the shit outta this, and IF Obama wins, I will enjoy watching you idiots spin for the next 4 years, explaining why we didn't get those tax cuts, or anything else the bastard promised us. Before this is over with, you'll be lucky if Americans elect a Democrat as dog catcher again!

You ain't fooling anyone, Dix; you're not enjoying anything right now. You know the GOP had their shot, with your hero at the helm, and bombed, badly. Do you know how many people self-identify as Republicans now?

You're having a bad time, and it's about to get worse. You can spin it all you want.
You ain't fooling anyone, Dix; you're not enjoying anything right now. You know the GOP had their shot, with your hero at the helm, and bombed, badly. Do you know how many people self-identify as Republicans now?

You're having a bad time, and it's about to get worse. You can spin it all you want.

Well Onzies, you can think whatever you want to, I can't do anything about that, but I'm telling you, and I promise, I am not miserable, I am not unhappy, things aren't terrible for me, I am not about to commit suicide, no bad times here, I am enjoying the hell out of life at the moment.

I would rather McCain win the election, but if Obama wins, it's no big deal for me, I have plans either way, and I am going to be just fine with whatever happens. As I said before, I am almost glad about Obama winning rather than McCain, because so many of you pinheads have invested so much of your lives into this, and would take it so hard if he lost, you wouldn't be able to handle it. Perhaps that is why you seem to think I am suffering, because you know how bad you would be feeling if it were the other way around? But really, man... I am fine with it! I'm not going to lose one red cent of my 'wealth' because it is safe and secure, out of reach from the Liberals. I'm actually looking forward to retiring early and not having to work anymore, if you want to know the truth.

But.... If it makes you feel better about things to believe I am ready to jump off a cliff, you go right ahead believing that, Onzies... lol!
Dixie, first you rant about how Obama is going to turn us into a socialist, marxist nation. Then you go on about him getting rid of elections and setting himself as a dictator.

And then you turn around and tell us you don't care who wins? lmao

I think thats rather funny. People can say a lot of things about you, Dixie, but nobody ever said you weren't passionate about what you believe.

If you actually believe the things you have posted about Obama you could not possibly be as calm and happy as you claim.