Howdy folks

Howdy folks. I'm a voluntaryist, which subsequently makes me an anarchist. I heard this place allowed real free speech. That's what made me decide to try it out. I look forward to participating in the discussions, if that's the case.
You’ll get along with the Mods. They’re anarcholibertarians. One of them should be here shortly to tell you not to fuck up. Another mod is a libertarian. He’s also a psychopath. He believes deeply in protecting children unless they are being executed by semi-automatic fire. Damo, the owner is also a libertarian and a great guy. He can be a tad slow on customer support.

I’m Mott. I’m generally considered the biggest asshole on JPP. It’s probably because of my poetry.

This is one of the least moderated political message boards yet it’s history abounds with mouth breathers who can’t even follow the few rule they do have and get booted.

Which is what Quetzel...aka Billy...was referring to with his warm welcome.
Sound like one of those Un-American butt hurt Nazi who got their pussy asses kicked by them?

Un-American: definitely, I'm an anarchist
butt-hurt: subjective, .'. debateable
Nazi: nope, I'm an anarchist
pussy: subjective, .'. debateable, it may be notable that no one has ever said that to my face
got ass kicked by ANTIFA faggots: never had the pleasure of meeting them. I'd love to.
You’ll get along with the Mods. They’re anarcholibertarians. One of them should be here shortly to tell you not to fuck up. Another mod is a libertarian. He’s also a psychopath. He believes deeply in protecting children unless they are being executed by semi-automatic fire. Damo, the owner is also a libertarian and a great guy. He can be a tad slow on customer support.

I’m Mott. I’m generally considered the biggest asshole on JPP. It’s probably because of my poetry.

This is one of the least moderated political message boards yet it’s history abounds with mouth breathers who can’t even follow the few rule they do have and get booted.

Which is what Quetzel...aka Billy...was referring to with his warm welcome.

Thanks for the run-down.
Un-American: definitely, I'm an anarchist
butt-hurt: subjective, .'. debateable
Nazi: nope, I'm an anarchist
pussy: subjective, .'. debateable, it may be notable that no one has ever said that to my face
got ass kicked by ANTIFA faggots: never had the pleasure of meeting them. I'd love to.
Well that’s usually the case when you hear folk talking smack about ANTIFA. It’s not their fault all those fascist skin headed KKKluckers fall down and cry when they’re around.
Well that’s usually the case when you hear folk talking smack about ANTIFA. It’s not their fault all those fascist skin headed KKKluckers fall down and cry when they’re around.

My issue with ANTIFA is that they are fascists themselves. That, and like others on the left, their answer to what they perceive as bad government is more government. They are the epitome of cognitive dissonance.
My issue with ANTIFA is that they are fascists themselves. That, and like others on the left, their answer to what they perceive as bad government is more government. They are the epitome of cognitive dissonance.

No...Legion Troll is the epitome of cognitive dissonance. Another JPP member to beware of.
You're not one of those white knights that thinks sticking up for chicks on the internet somehow magically translates to pussy IRL are ya?

hahahahahahaha ...

Yes. That is exactly what it is. Good Call. Boy, you read right through Mott on that one. You know what they say around here ... "Once you tap that Evince ass, it's hard to go back home to your wife".