Huckabee is a joke

I hope so that freaking clown will scare moderates to the dems

I hope so too, but it might be just an additive effect. Many of the republicans heads are about to expolde and any rationalization might be eagerly snatched up.
I got attacked for saying that earlier today. Carefull, you will be labled a fear monger.

I don't think I attacked you on it, I had suspect that this might happen with the Religious right/wrong.

I am labeled far worse Alex.
The contents is what matters.
I got attacked for saying that earlier today. Carefull, you will be labled a fear monger.
You were labeled that because you "feared" it. It was in the title of your post. Why would we think you feared it? Because you said you did.

Why are you being so disingenuous?
You were labeled that because you "feared" it. It was in the title of your post. Why would we think you feared it? Because you said you did.

Why are you being so disingenuous?

Fearing something is not the same as being a fear monger.
Fearing something is not the same as being a fear monger.

Absolutely only a fool does not fear things dangerous to them.

I think it is humerous how Damo calls some of us (left leaning mostly) disingenuious while at the same time exhibiting it himself.
Fearing something is not the same as being a fear monger.
No, but promoting an unreasonable fear does.

Again, even if he is selected, none of your "fears" would become a reality. He won't pass amendments against Gay Marriage, he doesn't have the necessary support, he won't pass an Amendment against abortion, he doesn't have the support. He won't be able to sign one law into effect because he won't be President.

All the things you "fear" about him will not become reality and you know it. That is the very definition of fear mongering. That it is equal and opposite to somebody who runs on those self-same issues doesn't change what it is.

I believe Huck fear mongers those issues, I believe you do it equal and opposite. They should simply be dismissed because it is worthless to reality. They won't pass, therefore there is nothing to "fear" in them.
Absolutely only a fool does not fear things dangerous to them.

I think it is humerous how Damo calls some of us (left leaning mostly) disingenuious while at the same time exhibiting it himself.
You are not on the same playing field, uscit. Slowly back away before I call you disingenuous again.
Yep Damo kinda like Bush only needing the war powers to threaten Iraq with....
YES! Exactly like that! That is my POINT! (Why do the disingenuous always assume people support this war?)

That is the point I made before the war. Those "WMD" were not very "Mass Destructive", I even explained why. Those WMD would not be effective tools of terrorism....
When you say you fear something and then try to convince others that the "fear" is justified, you are trying to spread your "fear". That makes you a fear monger.

So we cant discuss what I fear politically without me being called a fear monger?