Huckabee is a joke

So we cant discuss what I fear politically without me being called a fear monger?

Again, as pointed out, you are drumming up fear for something that will not happen. If it was a rationale fear, then yes, we can discuss without you being a fear monger. But as pointed out, the issue of a constitutional amendment on either of the two issues has already been defeated. It also will not be put back in motion by a VP. The odds of Huck even GETTING the VP slot are somewhere between slim and none.... and slim just left.

So yes, you were indeed fear mongering on the issue.

If you need something to compare it to, I could say "I fear that Hillary will make all men get neutered if she is elected. She obviously hates men because she panders to the female vote"
Again, as pointed out, you are drumming up fear for something that will not happen. If it was a rationale fear, then yes, we can discuss without you being a fear monger. But as pointed out, the issue of a constitutional amendment on either of the two issues has already been defeated. It also will not be put back in motion by a VP. The odds of Huck even GETTING the VP slot are somewhere between slim and none.... and slim just left.

So yes, you were indeed fear mongering on the issue.

If you need something to compare it to, I could say "I fear that Hillary will make all men get neutered if she is elected. She obviously hates men because she panders to the female vote"

My fear has never been that Huckleberry would get such an amendemnt passed. My fear is that McCain would choose him as VP, and thus such campagning on Huckleberry will have been rewarded and more such polititians will follow in his steps. I find it offensive.
My fear has never been that Huckleberry would get such an amendemnt passed. My fear is that McCain would choose him as VP, and thus such campagning on Huckleberry will have been rewarded and more such polititians will follow in his steps. I find it offensive.

If you had Presidential aspirations why would you follow the Hucklebee blueprint?
Sure Democrats always hated him. But the media, most independents, moderate republicans and non-political people began to see him for what he really was in 05. That's when he went from ok president to worst president in history.
I agree 100%, topspin. When I first saw him, I thought, "Gee, he seems like a "regular guy". Would be nice to have one of those in the White House" But then Igot to know his record in Arkansas, and his PRESENT conduct is enough to disqualify him from ANY high office. I wish I had him in an interview. I would ask just one question: If you are staying in the race to try to become President, then WHY are you NOT attacking the FRONTRUNNER, John McCain, and holding his hand, and ATTACKING the THIRD-PLACE candidate, Mitt Romney? Is it a corrupt collusion for you to get a Vice-President job? Or are you really just a Religious Racist, as many say, willing to DIE beforer you allow a MORMON to become President?
They have already hit us once or twice.

I still have greater odds of dying as the result of something an American Christian does than as the result of terrorist activity.
McCain is using Huckster like a rented mule. Romney was ahead in WV, RP dropped out because he didn't meet the threshold, McCain supporters received a call to vote Huckster to defeat Romney. McCain will continue to use him like a cheap rental car until he finally wises up.
You have not a clue...........

McCain is using Huckster like a rented mule. Romney was ahead in WV, RP dropped out because he didn't meet the threshold, McCain supporters received a call to vote Huckster to defeat Romney. McCain will continue to use him like a cheap rental car until he finally wises up.

The rp nonsense has clouded your mind...Mike and John are going down the same 'rental car' use involved...except pulling the wool over your silly eyes! 'Midnight Special' song ring a bell?...old timer for your age...:cof1:

Mike plays a mean guitar and so does John...get a clue already!
The rp nonsense has clouded your mind...Mike and John are going down the same 'rental car' use involved...except pulling the wool over your silly eyes! 'Midnight Special' song ring a bell?...old timer for your age...:cof1:

Mike plays a mean guitar and so does John...get a clue already!
McCain isn't going to put him on the ticket unless he wants to lose the crossover vote from the Independents and lose the election.

McCain isn't going to put him on the ticket unless he wants to lose the crossover vote from the Independents and lose the election.

wait and see...el are still a sorry loser..rp was a idiot from the get Obama and Hillary...carry on with the fantasy though..:rolleyes:
wait and see...el are still a sorry loser..rp was a idiot from the get Obama and Hillary...carry on with the fantasy though..:rolleyes:
Now you and BAC both think people were serious when they said RP would win? You have to be the only two in the world who actually thought that. Sad indeed. You two should start one of those self-help groups.

Now you and BAC both think people were serious when they said RP would win? You have to be the only two in the world who actually thought that. Sad indeed. You two should start one of those self-help groups.

Not I re-read my silly posts of the past.... just making fun of you and BAC here...he believes his own BS...not I...I call em' like I see em ' it is called real time experience...have a nice night el sid!:cof1:
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