Huge Doomsday Meteor To Strike Earth!

I mean that not only has the Emperor no clothes but he's been playing Orwell's game of chess in the nude. There is no enemy. Not in the sense he means it, anyway. It's all just white and black arrows on a map, the movement of which drive the sheep.
That would be more of an LBJ moment, but okay...

I disagree. I believe that the enemy in this case is very patient, and very dangerous and that we may regret it in the future if we disengage. I believe that we may be entering that Chamberlain moment as we type.
Dixie's senario wold be more anagalous to what has happened in the past few years... if it ended up with the meteor having been a hoax all along perpertuated by the Republicans to use fear to control the voting public.

Yep chicken little err bush and WMD's, Mushroom clouds. Those Neos who cry about Islamofascists, etc....
In retrospect who has been drinking koolaid and wearing tinfoil hats ?
There is an enemy, its one whos interests are and were forwarded by us invading Iraq. The enemy is the extreemist Muslams who want to harm Americans. Iraq was also an enemy of such people, as the extreemists felt a secular government in the Middle East was an outrage. Now they are using the situation there to say... See Americans are evil. Look what they did to you. So, the secular government they had was bad, what us Americans are doing is no better, so who do you expect them to turn to?
Yep chicken little err bush and WMD's, Mushroom clouds. Those Neos who cry about Islamofascists, etc....
In retrospect who has been drinking koolaid and wearing tinfoil hats ?

CON: No, really, I just think we need to do something about this meteor...
LIB: You've drank the koolaid, haven't you?
CON: Well, no... I just think we need to talk about what to do...
LIB: About what? The Bushies little Neocon diversion propaganda?
CON: WTF? Are you on drugs or forget to take your meds?
LIB: Oh don't act like you don't see Haliburton written all over this!
CON: Well, but it has been confirmed by the Chinese and Soviets too...
LIB: Yeah, the Bushies covered their tracks, they know who to buy off!

Truth really IS stranger than fiction! :shock: