Hunger in America

My first wife worked for a KFC in Albuquerque. The local shelter would come in and get food on sundays, because after a certain time, the chicken has to be thrown out. WHen the franchise holder found out his employees were giving food away that would have otherwise been thrown away, he made them throw the chicken in Five gallon buckets of bleach and water before throwing it out in the dumpster. Anyone caught giving away food to be thrown out would be fired. Real compassionate guy.

That is one of the things that really pisses me off. This whole notion that giving unsellable food away hurts your business is just bullshit.

There was a program in many cities where the restaurants could donate cooked food that they would normally throw away.

Anybody know whether its still going?
Yepper, I am looking forward to a true flex schedule. I will still have my little farm and my business to keep me plenty busy.

I have my insurance thru my business.
And since it is a SB group type of policy they did not give me any hassle about pre-existing conditions.

Yeah, my COBRA is cheaper than buying it through the SB channel, but, it's only for 18 months, so I will have to do that then. then I will be able to buy the same health insurance our elected officials have for a reasonable rate, thanks to Obama. We'll see.
My first wife worked for a KFC in Albuquerque. The local shelter would come in and get food on sundays, because after a certain time, the chicken has to be thrown out. WHen the franchise holder found out his employees were giving food away that would have otherwise been thrown away, he made them throw the chicken in Five gallon buckets of bleach and water before throwing it out in the dumpster. Anyone caught giving away food to be thrown out would be fired. Real compassionate guy.

OMG Soc. What a piece of shit.
Yeah, my COBRA is cheaper than buying it through the SB channel, but, it's only for 18 months, so I will have to do that then. then I will be able to buy the same health insurance our elected officials have for a reasonable rate, thanks to Obama. We'll see.

Well done and good luck on the new job, Darla. Self employment is the best way to go. Just don't get on your boss's bad side. I hear she can be a real bear if you piss her off.
(but she loves the cute icons when you email her)

:cof1: :pke:
My first wife worked for a KFC in Albuquerque. The local shelter would come in and get food on sundays, because after a certain time, the chicken has to be thrown out. WHen the franchise holder found out his employees were giving food away that would have otherwise been thrown away, he made them throw the chicken in Five gallon buckets of bleach and water before throwing it out in the dumpster. Anyone caught giving away food to be thrown out would be fired. Real compassionate guy.

Here you go. This is my gripe about the school lunch program. There are several days where they throw out so much stuff......all the while some kids are going home knowing that what they just ate will be the last decent meal for the day. I don't know why they can't put some of the stuff up in to-go boxes and send it home with the needy kids. Or have someone deliver it to needy families. I'd volunteer for that.
Here you go. This is my gripe about the school lunch program. There are several days where they throw out so much stuff......all the while some kids are going home knowing that what they just ate will be the last decent meal for the day. I don't know why they can't put some of the stuff up in to-go boxes and send it home with the needy kids. Or have someone deliver it to needy families. I'd volunteer for that.

One of my fondest memories of my kids being in elementary school was watching a teacher go off on a lunchroom worker.

The teacher was one of those sweet, mild mannered ladies that seem to fit teaching first graders. I couldn't imagine her angry, much less in someone's face.

One of her students (actually a neighbor of ours) was a kid living off the gov't prgrams and with a Mom who was sorry as hell. This kid was getting his lunch (they let them scoop it themselves) and the lunchroom lady stopped him from getting a second scoop of something, and even called him greedy.

The teacher was instantly in the lunchroom bitch's face growling thru her teeth that this kid may only get one decent meal a day and if he wants more then he can have more. And futhermore, unless the woman saw the kids throwing food away, she had no business saying a single word to them about the size of their portions.

I was SO glad I went to join my kids for lunch that day. I already thought highly of their teacher, but after seeing that she was my hero.
One of my fondest memories of my kids being in elementary school was watching a teacher go off on a lunchroom worker.

The teacher was one of those sweet, mild mannered ladies that seem to fit teaching first graders. I couldn't imagine her angry, much less in someone's face.

One of her students (actually a neighbor of ours) was a kid living off the gov't prgrams and with a Mom who was sorry as hell. This kid was getting his lunch (they let them scoop it themselves) and the lunchroom lady stopped him from getting a second scoop of something, and even called him greedy.

The teacher was instantly in the lunchroom bitch's face growling thru her teeth that this kid may only get one decent meal a day and if he wants more then he can have more. And futhermore, unless the woman saw the kids throwing food away, she had no business saying a single word to them about the size of their portions.

I was SO glad I went to join my kids for lunch that day. I already thought highly of their teacher, but after seeing that she was my hero.

You know, I know that the lunchroom workers (lady in charge in particular) have certain guidelines that they have to follow but a person can use a little common sense in that area. We are fortunate right now that the lady in charge of our cafeteria came from a background where she understands the position some of these kids are in. I do wish the government would make provisions for all of the leftovers that "must be thrown out."
you would think it would be relatively easy to grow food in Africa. wonder why so many starve.

It is easy to grow food in some parts of Africa just like here. And just like here many are selfish and greedy. Often one part of a country in Africa will be starving while the other ethnically seperate part of the same country will be doing fine.
And, the food banks are often empty. Something to think about if you have some extra money. Local food banks are a good place to put it. The worst is yet to come.

WASHINGTON -- New government figures show that almost 700,000 children went hungry in the United States at some point in 2007, up more than 50 percent from the year before to mark the highest point since 1998. And that's even before this year's sharp economic downtown, the Agriculture Department reported Monday.

The department's annual report on food security showed that during 2007 the number of children who suffered a substantial disruption in the amount of food they typically eat was more than double the 430,000 in 2006 and the largest figure since 716,000 in 1998.

Overall, the 36.2 million adults and children who struggled with hunger during the year was up slightly from 35.5 million in 2006. That was 12.2 percent of Americans who didn't have the money or assistance to get enough food to maintain active, healthy lives.

Almost a third of those, 11.9 million adults and children, went hungry at some point. That figure has grown by more than 40 percent since 2000. The government says these people suffered a substantial disruption in their food supply at some point and classifies them as having "very low food security." Until the government rewrote its definitions two years ago, this group was described as having "food insecurity with hunger."

The findings should increase pressure to meet President-elect Barack Obama's campaign pledge to expand food aid and end childhood hunger by 2015, said James Weill, president of the Food Research and Action Center, an anti-hunger group.

He predicted the 2008 numbers will show even more hunger because of the sharp economic downturn this year.

"There's every reason to think the increases in the number of hungry people will be very, very large based on the increased demand we're seeing this year at food stamp agencies, emergency kitchens, Women, Infants and Children clinics, really across the entire social service support structure," said James Weill, president of the Food Research and Action Center, an anti-hunger group.

Weill said the figures show that economic growth during the first seven years of the Bush administration didn't reach the poorest and hungriest people. "The people in the deepest poverty are suffering the most," Weill said.

The number of adults and children with "low food security" -- those who avoided substantial food disruptions but still struggled to eat -- fell slightly since 2000, from 24.7 million to 24.3 million. The government said these people have several ways of coping - eating less varied diets, obtaining food from emergency kitchens or community food charities, or participating in federal aid programs like food stamps, the school lunch program or the Women, Infants and Children program.

Among other findings:

The families with the highest rates of food insecurity were headed by single mothers (30.2 percent), black households (22.2 percent), Hispanic households (20.1 percent), and households with incomes below the official poverty line (37.7 percent).

States with families reporting the highest prevalence of food insecurity during 2005-2007 were Mississippi (17.4 percent), New Mexico (15 percent), Texas (14.8 percent) and Arkansas (14.4 percent).

The highest growth in food insecurity over the last 9 years came in Alaska and Iowa, both of which saw a 3.7 percent increase in families who struggled to eat adequately or had substantial food disruptions.

Ninety-three percent reported eating less than they felt they should because there was not enough money for food.

Sixty-five percent of respondents reported that they had been hungry but did not eat because they could not afford enough food.

Forty-five percent of respondents reported having lost weight because they did not have enough money for food.

No one's hungry in America. Don't you know, that if it's not a common site to see people dead on the streets from starvation, your nation has no hunger?
My first wife worked for a KFC in Albuquerque. The local shelter would come in and get food on sundays, because after a certain time, the chicken has to be thrown out. WHen the franchise holder found out his employees were giving food away that would have otherwise been thrown away, he made them throw the chicken in Five gallon buckets of bleach and water before throwing it out in the dumpster. Anyone caught giving away food to be thrown out would be fired. Real compassionate guy.

That should be illegal.
It is easy to grow food in some parts of Africa just like here. And just like here many are selfish and greedy. Often one part of a country in Africa will be starving while the other ethnically seperate part of the same country will be doing fine.

i had heard a while back that china is planning to grow food in africa for its rediculous population. Africa just needs to stop being so ass backwards and get people to unite and work.
you would think it would be relatively easy to grow food in Africa. wonder why so many starve.
There is a book entitled Guns Germs and Steel. In it he explains why the fertile cresent was just that. It is a very good book that I hope to finish someday so that I can talk about it more fully.