Hunt begins for MOSSAD collaborators in European pager manufacture.

Don’t start a war if you can’t finish a war.

What the sewer rats in Hamas, a terrorist group, did on Oct. 7 was not civilized.

The civilized world does not believe that slaughtering more than 1000 Israelis, beheading and burning children alive, is civilized.
' Perhaps most ominously for Israel, the court ordered all governments not to “render aid or assistance in maintaining” Israel’s presence in the occupied territory, given its illegality. That should apply foremost to the US government, the largest supplier to Israel by far of arms and military aid. The former Liberian president Charles Taylor is serving a 50-year prison term in a British prison for aiding and abetting war crimes by shipping arms to an abusive rebel group in neighboring Sierra Leone. No one is holding their breath awaiting ICC charges against US officials, but Biden should reconsider continuing to finance and arm the maintenance of the occupation precisely because charges would be legally justified. '

The Jews will never finish the war they started. The civilized would will finish it.
You are that f*cking dumb to say that it was the Jews that started that war. Grow up you anti Semite
and learn how to get along with your political Jew partner Guno.
You are that f*cking dumb to say that it was the Jews that started that war. Grow up you anti Semite
and learn how to get along with your political Jew partner Guno.
You're simply another degenerate dumbass that thinks that there were no Jewish atrocities against Palestinians in 2023 prior to the October 7th reprisal attack.
You're simply another degenerate dumbass that thinks that there were no Jewish atrocities against Palestinians in 2023 prior to the October 7th reprisal attack.
Lets see if you can find some of those atrocities that the Jewish supposedly put on against the Palestinian ragheads. Proof please.
Would you even care if it were the other way around and your side was winning?
Let me answer that for him or her. Of course he wouldn't care if his terrorist buddies of Hamas were winning,
but his side of Iran's terrorist proxies are not going to win once Trump gets in there as 47 and cleans out the
evil minded garbage that's terrorizing the entire Mideast. No wars when Trump was potus and no wars again
once he takes that seat in the Oval Office.
Lets see if you can find some of those atrocities that the Jewish supposedly put on against the Palestinian ragheads. Proof please.

If you aren't familiar with the crimes of the Jewish scum - it's because you don't want to be,

The blockade exacerbated the humanitarian situation stemming from Israel’s 16-year-long sweeping restrictions on the movement of people and goods into and out of Gaza. The prolonged closure, as well as Egyptian restrictions on its border with Gaza, has deprived the 2.2 million Palestinians of Gaza, with rare exceptions, of their right to freedom of movement and opportunities to better their lives; severely limited their access to electricity, health care, and water; and devastated the economy.

In the West Bank, Israeli forces in 2023 killed 492 Palestinians, including 120 children, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than twice as many as in any other year since 2005, when the UN began systematically recording fatalities. This includes unlawful killings stemming from Israel’s regular use of excessive lethal force and some cases of extrajudicial executions.

During the first half of 2023, the Israeli government approved building 12,855 new housing units in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, the highest number the Israeli group Peace Now, which has been systematically tracking plans since 2012, has ever recorded. The transfer of civilians into occupied territory is a war crime.

During the first eight months of 2023, incidents of settler violence against Palestinians and their property reached their highest daily average since the UN started recording this data in 2006; an average of three incidents a day, compared with two a day in 2022 and one in 2021. That rate further increased after October 7. OCHA recorded 1,227 incidents of settler violence in 2023 that resulted in casualties and/or property damage, more than in any year since it started recording incidents involving settlers in 2006.

Israeli authorities’ repression of Palestinians, undertaken as part of a policy to maintain the domination of Jewish Israelis over Palestinians, amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.
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Now show me proof that the Zionist rats are not murdering Palestinians, raping Palestinians, ethnically-cleansing Palestinians, imprisoning and torturing Palestinians and are not. illegally occupying Palestine.

You can't of course. The evidence bulges. You are in lockstep with criminal Jewish garbage .
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