Hunter Biden finally admits infamous laptop is his as he pleads for criminal probe


Verified User
So much for “the laptop ‘could be’ mine.”

First son Hunter Biden’s lawyers admitted late Wednesday that the infamous laptop that the now-52-year-old abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed belong to him.

The revelation came in a petulant letter from Hunter’s lawyers seeking a criminal probe into what they called attempts to “weaponize” its contents.

In the 14-page letter to Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings, Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell claimed that repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac “unlawfully” accessed Hunter’s laptop data and worked with former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to “weaponize” sordid and incriminating contents on it against Joe Biden.....


So much for the laptop isn't Hunter's. Of course it is Hunter's and they always knew it was his and chose to lie to you about it's original ownership. All you lefties who denied that the laptop was Hunter's , you know who you are, are guilty of spreading disinformation.
If somebody can't explain the significance of this inane story to me in five minutes, then I'll continue to believe,
and in fact know,
that it's completely without relevance to anything.

Actually, do I really want to listen to five minutes of verbal diarrhea?
If somebody can't explain the significance of this inane story to me in five minutes, then I'll continue to believe,
and in fact know,
that it's completely without relevance to anything.

Actually, do I really want to listen to five minutes of verbal diarrhea?

Hunter just admitted his Father and the FBI lied when they called it Russian disinformation. that means what is on it must be true
I've thought for some time, that on some subconscious psychological level, Hunter wants to take down the "Big Guy" ... for making him his bitch.
Daddy, Daddy. Save Me From the Mean People!

If somebody can't explain the significance of this inane story to me in five minutes, then I'll continue to believe,
and in fact know,
that it's completely without relevance to anything.

Actually, do I really want to listen to five minutes of verbal diarrhea?

The MAGAs are holding onto the Hunter Biden laptop like it's their only hope to unseat Joe.

Hunter is a drug addict. This is the reason this story won't do the harm MAGAs hope it will. Drug addiction is a problem affecting red areas of the country as well - perhaps even more. The sympathy it foments for the Bidens might even help Joe.
Unless they have some connections to wrongdoing by the president this story will continue to be snickered at by any serious people.
Unless they have some connections to wrongdoing by the president this story will continue to be snickered at by any serious people.

Missed you stating those words during the dozen or phony Trump persecutions.
Phony Trump persecutions?

BTW, Trump was the president, not the president’s son.

Yeah the whole Russian collusion was nothing but a delusion. Initially the laptop story was Russian misinformation now it's a story. Liars just don't stop lying even when they get caught lying.
Yeah the whole Russian collusion was nothing but a delusion. Initially the laptop story was Russian misinformation now it's a story. Liars just don't stop lying even when they get caught lying.

Russian collusion was significant, you should read the Muller report.