Hunter Guilty on All Three Counts

allegations under oath are absolutely evidence

derp derp flash
BS. Ever heard of perjury? That refers to testmony under oath which is not true. If you are referring to statements made by voters there is no one to check the veracity of those allegations. A person could write anything.

Cohen testified under oath and went to prison for lying.

Also, have you bothered to read any of those claims? Many do not involve any questionable activity but stuff like election workers were mean to some voters.
BS. Ever heard of perjury? That refers to testmony under oath which is not true. If you are referring to statements made by voters there is no one to check the veracity of those allegations. A person could write anything.

Cohen testified under oath and went to prison for lying.
this is not up for debate. a witness under oath making allegations is evidence.

the end.

sorry you thought you were making fun of dumb Trumpers when you actually just exposed your own ignorance
Also, have you bothered to read any of those claims? Many do not involve any questionable activity but stuff like election workers were mean to some voters.

way to move the goal post - when you first made your claim, it was in relation to other issues - like what Tony Bobulinksi is claiming. his allegations are evidence, so you lied when you said no evidence exists, and now you are just a typical shit stain shifting gears to keep from being exposed for your lies

A: federal income tax crimes
B: money laundering
C: influence peddling
D: FARA crimes
E: Sex crimes re: "laptop from hell"
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"that's OK. It is fairly common for Trump supporters to think allegations equal evidence." derp derp derp derp

The testimony of a witness that he saw the accused commit or participate in the commission of the crime for which the accused is being tried shall be admissible in evidence in a criminal prosecution in any trial court ordained and established under article III of the Constitution of the United States.

That's OK. It is fairly common for Biden supporters to think that physical evidence equals non-existence of evidence.
There are very few Biden supporters around me. What is an example of physical evidence that equals non-existence of evidence?
Your insinuation that a Hunter Biden conviction proves justice is blind, but a Trump conviction proves justice is rigged is beyond lame.

I said nothing of the sort.

The Biden Regime did all they could to scuttle prosecution of Prince Hunter. It only failed because Garland got sloppy and a spotlight was turned on the obscene deal made. The judge tossed the deal and that forced this trial and the one on California.

There is nothing "blind" about this. It was classical two tiered shit. The Regime simply got caught and decided the bad press was too much considering the low stakes.

Sure, the corrupt pile of shit Garland could have scuttled it, but the response would have helped the Americans in the move to oust the ruling democrats - much as the persecution of the opposition candidate has done.
There are very few Biden supporters around me. What is an example of physical evidence that equals non-existence of evidence?
the laptop from hell is why Joe Biden had to change his story on his involvement in his sons business

it is why his lie about not knowing anything about it, changed to not being involved in decisions - and why the swamp had to lie in the last election to get Americans to believe it was fake