Hurricane Hillary

The Bare Knuckled Pundit

Grand Inquisitor
Hurricanes begin life as small storm systems that develop off the western African coast. As they cross the Atlantic they pick up strength, progressing on through tropical depression to tropical storm and eventually hurricane. Recalling the horror and devastation of Katrina, we all know the potential destruction they can leave in their wake.

A small storm has recently developed in the Democratic Party and unless something is done quickly, it threatens to develop into a full-blown Category Five political monster.

In addition to Bill Clinton’s recent disgruntled and equivocated “endorsement” of Senator Obama, pressure is starting to rise from Hillary Clinton loyalists to place her name formally into nomination at the upcoming Democratic convention in Denver. Meanwhile, contentious murmurs are starting to grow about whether or not the junior Senator from New York has been given proper consideration as a potential running mate for Obama.

In characteristic fashion, Senator Clinton has done nothing to quell the rising storm and waits coyly in the wings for the Obama campaign to respond.

Hoping the growing storm is nothing more than a brief spring shower that will quickly blow over and leave sunny skies in it’s’ wake, the Obama camp has similarly remained silent. Clearly the hope is this will be all bluster and no show; one they can easily ride out with little discomfort.

This political meteorologist has bad news for Senator Obama; it will not and it may get much worse, very quickly.

First, it must be asked – Did anyone seriously believe the Clintons were going to go away quietly? Need I remind everyone of an indignant Bill Clinton backed into a political corner; pounding angrily on a podium, bitterly insisting, “I did not have sexual relations with that young lady!”?

Or perhaps Hillary’s defiant defense of herself as not being a “Tammy Wynette stand-by-your-man” type? Anyone recall her blaming the “vast right wing conspiracy” for her trials and tribulations as First Lady?

No, the Clintons have turned their self-perceived victimization into political rationalization and very often long term gain. Not surprising by any measure, they seek to do so yet again.

Having co-written the story of the historic Democratic primary just past, Hillary and her supporters believe she should be given her due at the Party’s convention. This is both fair and reasonable.

Garnering more than 18 million votes in the primaries, Hillary deserves to have her name placed into nomination in Denver. Then, bowing to tradition, once Senator Obama has received enough votes to formally win the nomination, Senator Clinton should withdraw her name; releasing her delegates and moving that Obama be nominated by unanimous consent.

Obama has the opportunity to look magnanimous and honorable in victory. He should publically come out and support Senator Clinton’s name being placed into nomination. It is her due and his supporters would expect as much for him were the roles reversed.

Furthermore, by granting Hillary her moment in the spotlight, he can reach out to her supporters and try to salve what are clearly still open wounds. He need not offer her the second slot on the ticket to do so. However, he must acknowledge her place both in American history and Democratic Party lore. In the process, he will display clear demonstration of leadership, chivalry and character.

However, should he fail to do so, he tempts the political winds at his own risk. What is now a distant storm rumbling off in the distance, may soon develop into a political hurricane with the potential to devastate a campaign that has lost it’s footing in recent weeks and is playing catch up as Senator McCain has seized both the media spotlight and the campaign agenda. The potential storm surge alone may well knock the campaign off its foundation; leaving it precious little time to rebuild before November 4th.

Batten down the hatches and stock up on provisions, faithful readers. This may get ugly quickly. Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant and the first bands of rain begin raking the coast.
This blog should be sent to the Obama campaign with a warning to ignore it at their own peril. This is EXACTLY what should occur at the convention. It is what used to happen all the time at the conventions. Everyone who was there was nominated, the first vote the delegates vote the way the voters did and THEN those nominees release their delegates and move for unanimous consent. It would allow Hillary supporters to hoop and holler and feel like there was some sense of the history of this campaign, where a woman and a black man both had a very real chance at being the first of their kind to run in a general election. Once again, this is a very erudite blog.
This blog should be sent to the Obama campaign with a warning to ignore it at their own peril. This is EXACTLY what should occur at the convention. It is what used to happen all the time at the conventions. Everyone who was there was nominated, the first vote the delegates vote the way the voters did and THEN those nominees release their delegates and move for unanimous consent. It would allow Hillary supporters to hoop and holler and feel like there was some sense of the history of this campaign, where a woman and a black man both had a very real chance at being the first of their kind to run in a general election. Once again, this is a very erudite blog.

Hush now. Do not provide any ideas that might alleviate the tensions within the Dems party. I would much prefer the maelstrom to hit in Denver, sucking them all down. Destruction! Yeah baby! Never underestimate the Dems ability to self destruct.... and NEVER EVER suggest to them ways in which to avoid doing so.... it takes the fun out of it.
It is her due, Kennedy went to the convention even though he lost and got his delegates to cast their vote for him at the convention and so did Gary hart go to the conventiona nd got his due with his delegates...

this is a no brainer and obama SHOULD HAVE stated his support for this ALREADY....and it is ridiculous that he hasn't yet....

Why are the MALE loser candidates allowed to get their due and Hillary, a female is NOT?

It is her due, Kennedy went to the convention even though he lost and got his delegates to cast their vote for him at the convention and so did Gary hart go to the conventiona nd got his due with his delegates...

this is a no brainer and obama SHOULD HAVE stated his support for this ALREADY....and it is ridiculous that he hasn't yet....

Why are the MALE loser candidates allowed to get their due and Hillary, a female is NOT?


Why isn't she allowed? She is. So stop whining.

Obama doesn't have to come out and publicly encourage her to try to beat him.
It is her due, Kennedy went to the convention even though he lost and got his delegates to cast their vote for him at the convention and so did Gary hart go to the conventiona nd got his due with his delegates...

this is a no brainer and obama SHOULD HAVE stated his support for this ALREADY....and it is ridiculous that he hasn't yet....

Why are the MALE loser candidates allowed to get their due and Hillary, a female is NOT?


I didn’t know this Care. Good question, anyone want to present an answer?
Besides, a lot of people don't fully understand the process. If Obama encouraged her to try to take the nomination at the convention, it might be skewed as not giving a shit about the will of the voters.
Why isn't she allowed? She is. So stop whining.

Obama doesn't have to come out and publicly encourage her to try to beat him.

She’s being denigrated for it. She’s “coyly” waiting in the wings? Chap is ballistic about this on another thread. Come on.
Why isn't she allowed? She is. So stop whining.

Obama doesn't have to come out and publicly encourage her to try to beat him.

is that how you see this? her coming out and trying to beat him at the convention? ???? what bull shit ib1....
She’s being denigrated for it. She’s “coyly” waiting in the wings? Chap is ballistic about this on another thread. Come on.

This is the first time I heard about it. Who's denigrating her for wanting to try to get the nomination back?

Makes sense now that Obama's losing his base. Every news story I've read for months has read "presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama." He hasn't been ordained yet, as it were.

She's pretty much out of the picture though. Nobody "waits in the wings" when they want the nomination. They go out, grab some media attention, and let people know the party has just begun. They don't sit quietly by and attempt a coup at the last minute.
She’s being denigrated for it. She’s “coyly” waiting in the wings? Chap is ballistic about this on another thread. Come on.

Yes, she's being denigrated for it by MooseKnuckle and Chap, but is anyone else that actually matters, say Obama or his campaign staff, denigrating her for it?

As it stands now the two issued a joint press release that said:

"At the Democratic convention, we will ensure that the voices of everyone who participated in this historic process are respected and our party will be fully unified heading into the November election."

They're working out the best way for that to happen.

The idea that Clinton is being "coy" and Obama "silent" ignores the fact that they issued a joint press release on this issue just yesterday. Then again, ignoring the facts never got in the way of the MooseKnuckle before so I'm not surprised with the post.
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Yes, she's being denigrated for it by MooseKnuckle and Chap, but is anyone else that actually matters, say Obama or his campaign staff, denigrating her for it?

As it stands now the two issued a joint press release that said:

They're working out the best way for that to happen.

The idea that Clinton is being "coy" and Obama "silent" ignores the fact that they issued a joint press release on this issue just yesterday. Then again, ignoring the facts never got in the way of the MooseKnuckle before so I'm not surprised with the post.

LOL. Mooseknuckle.

I wasn’t blaming Obama, but thanks for this information.
I didn’t know this Care. Good question, anyone want to present an answer?

even in 2000 with senator bradley against gore...he went to the convention, got his delegate count initially....

Loyalties to losing candidates remain a factor in the nomination process. A common myth is that delegates are somehow bound to stick with their candidate at the convention. Technically these delegates can vote for whom they like; however, because they're usually fervent supporters, loyalty prevails.

After a candidate drops out of the race, his or her delegates often seek guidance on whether to throw their support to another candidate. So bargaining for delegates is commonplace.

Bradley used this bargaining technique in 2000 before "releasing" his delegates to Gore, Moskowitz said. He did this for several reasons. First, he used his strong base in New York to get a prime speaking slot at the convention. And he wanted to get his supporters into convention committee slots.

"These people are really diehard supporters, so it's not like they just go 'Okay, I'll support Al Gore now,'" Moskowitz said. "They really did look to [Bradley] for guidance."
This is the first time I heard about it. Who's denigrating her for wanting to try to get the nomination back?

Makes sense now that Obama's losing his base. Every news story I've read for months has read "presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama." He hasn't been ordained yet, as it were.

She's pretty much out of the picture though. Nobody "waits in the wings" when they want the nomination. They go out, grab some media attention, and let people know the party has just begun. They don't sit quietly by and attempt a coup at the last minute.

IB, I don’t think she’s trying to get the nomination, and I don’t even buy that Obama is losing his base, though I know some have strong opinions on the other side of that. It’s for the historic record. She had said months ago, she wanted that.
I tend to agree with your assessment about him losing his base over BAC's. Liberals aren't crossing over to McCain. They may vote Green or some such, but the percentage of individuals dumb enough to do that is very small. The votes he's losing, as you pointed out a day or two ago, are coming from the center.

Either way, he IS disappointing a lot of people, even though these disappointments may not be deal breakers.
I tend to agree with your assessment about him losing his base over BAC's. Liberals aren't crossing over to McCain. They may vote Green or some such, but the percentage of individuals dumb enough to do that is very small. The votes he's losing, as you pointed out a day or two ago, are coming from the center.

Either way, he IS disappointing a lot of people, even though these disappointments may not be deal breakers.

Oh yeah, I won’t argue. I’m one of the ones who has been disappointed.
I agree that there are loads that are disappointed, but they're not disappearing in droves or anything.

People are making such a big deal about the "dead heat." Obama had a double digit lead for like a day, in a couple of polls back in June. He's been just above the mid-forties for weeks now, while McCain has been just below that.

Why isn't anyone wringing their hands about why McCain can't break over 45%? He's been at the same level for ages. The chances that people are going to break for the status quo candidate as we get closer to election day are virtually nil.
I agree that there are loads that are disappointed, but they're not disappearing in droves or anything.

People are making such a big deal about the "dead heat." Obama had a double digit lead for like a day, in a couple of polls back in June. He's been just above the mid-forties for weeks now, while McCain has been just below that.

Why isn't anyone wringing their hands about why McCain can't break over 45%? He's been at the same level for ages. The chances that people are going to break for the status quo candidate as we get closer to election day are virtually nil.

"The Note in the tank: "This is all drama Obama can afford to lose. Fifty never looked so far away: New CBS numbers have the race at Obama 45, McCain 39."

" Excuse me, but isn't one of those candidates below not just 50 but 40 as well? That, ladies and gentlemen, is somehow good news for John McCain."

That’s Alterman, about “The Note”, who publishes the most retarded stuff about the election, and they’re all over TV too.