Hysterical Women


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My God, John Boner breaks down in tear on the House floor just about every week. :rolleyes:

Can Clinton's Emotions Get the Best of Her?

N.Y. Senator's Recent Displays of Emotion Have Political Analysts Buzzing
Jan. 7, 2008 —

How voters interpret Sen. Hillary Clinton's composure emotional, cold or just plain tough could be a deciding factor in her campaign for the presidency, political analysts told ABCNEWS.com.

Earlier today at a campaign event in New Hampshire, Clinton's voice broke and her eyes welled up with tears as she spoke to 16 undecided voters about her passion for the election as well as for the country.

The New York senator was taking questions from a primarily female group at Cafe Expresso in Portsmouth, when she choked up responding to one woman's question about how she stays "upbeat and so wonderful"?

"It's not easy, and I couldn't do it if I didn't passionately believe it was the right thing to do," said Clinton, getting visibly emotional. "You know, I have so many opportunities from this country I just don't want to see us fall backwards.".......

How voters weigh Clinton's composure may not differ between genders, according to Georgetown's Owens.

"Male voters are basically going to see a hysterical woman," said Owens. "Women are going to think that if Clinton is going to take on this responsible role and represent women in such a visible way she should do a better job of it and not expose the gender to this criticism."

Uh, Willard is tearing up all the time apparently, Cawacko:

Candidate has another teary moment

Says he's not ashamed of having emotions

Mitt Romney's first noteworthy misty-eyed moment of the campaign came at the end of his nationally televised speech on faith and politics earlier this month in Texas. "God bless this great land, God bless the United States of America," he declared.

After his eyes filled with tears for the third time in as many weeks on the presidential campaign trail, Mitt Romney explained that, no, he is not immune to sadness and grief.

"I'm a normal person. I have emotions," Romney told reporters in New Hampshire. "I'm not ashamed of that at all."

I'd really like a Hitlary-hater to explain something.

On the one hand, she's disliked for being cold and calculating.

On the other had, she get dewey eyed once (not as often as Willard Romney, apparently), and she's hysterical and weak.

Can a hitlary hater explain about exactly how a female candidate may show emotion, when and where?
I'd really like a Hitlary-hater to explain something.

On the one hand, she's disliked for being cold and calculating.

On the other had, she get dewey eyed once (not as often as Willard Romney, apparently), and she's hysterical and weak.

Can a hitlary hater explain about exactly how a female candidate may show emotion, when and where?

It has nothing to do with 'hating Hillary' its about how men and women are viewed differently.

I'd really like a Hitlary-hater to explain something.

On the one hand, she's disliked for being cold and calculating.

On the other had, she get dewey eyed once (not as often as Willard Romney, apparently), and she's hysterical and weak.

Can a hitlary hater explain about exactly how a female candidate may show emotion, when and where?

the lady is a class'B' actress...only fools those who love 'B' flicks...no oscar for her or you for that matter...Mr.False outrage of the week!:rolleyes:
Yes, we must not attack a woman based on gender identity unless she is Republican, e.g., Coulter, Rice, etc.

I don't know that I agree with the analyses. I would guess, Hillary might actually benefit from showing some emotion. She always comes off as cold to me.
It has nothing to do with 'hating Hillary' its about how men and women are viewed differently.

Well, I don't know about you, but where I come from any man who weeps as much as John Boner and Willard evidently do , would be considered sissy boys; fancy dancers at best.

But, in the GOP they are considered gigantor He-men in the war on islamo- fascism. :)
It has nothing to do with 'hating Hillary' its about how men and women are viewed differently.

Do tell cawacko, how are women running for president supposed to act? If they show no emotion they are cold and bitchy, if they do show emotion they are hysterical women.

It's nonsense.

I don't like Hillary all that much as a candidate, but for Christ's sake she can't get a fair shake.
Do tell cawacko, how are women running for president supposed to act? If they show no emotion they are cold and bitchy, if they do show emotion they are hysterical women.

It's nonsense.

I don't like Hillary all that much as a candidate, but for Christ's sake she can't get a fair shake.

Id' rather a woman be viewed as hysterical, not that I would think her so for welling up. I don't like cold, especially from a woman. Bill used emotion quite effectively.
Do tell cawacko, how are women running for president supposed to act? If they show no emotion they are cold and bitchy, if they do show emotion they are hysterical women.

It's nonsense.

I don't like Hillary all that much as a candidate, but for Christ's sake she can't get a fair shake.

She should be herself, whatever that is.

All I said was women and men are viewed or judged differently. Do you disagree with that?
Id' rather a woman be viewed as hysterical, not that I would think her so for welling up. I don't like cold, especially from a woman. Bill used emotion quite effectively.

Cold? Hysterical? Ever use those words to describe male candidates?

Therein lies the problem.
She should be herself, whatever that is.

All I said was women and men are viewed or judged differently. Do you disagree with that?

No, there are gender biases. But, some of them are ridiculously unfair.

Do you know how many times I've seen the Chimp get dewey-eyed? Tons of times. Jon Boner and Willard Romney cry like little girls on a regular basis, and nothing derogatory is made of it.

Hillary gets teary eyed once. And the press is all over it. I could understand if she was breaking down all the time. But c'mon, this is ridiculous.
Cold? Hysterical? Ever use those words to describe male candidates?

Therein lies the problem.

I said I would prefer her to seem hysterical because that was the one offered and as I mentioned I would not really use that to describe this myself. Definitely, I would use cold. Cheney for instance is a way too cold to me.

But now that I think of it, I don't know that this is good for her. I mean, look at what she is tearing up about. The thwarting of her ambition.
Do tell cawacko, how are women running for president supposed to act? If they show no emotion they are cold and bitchy, if they do show emotion they are hysterical women.

It's nonsense.

I don't like Hillary all that much as a candidate, but for Christ's sake she can't get a fair shake.

I'd really like a Hitlary-hater to explain something.

On the one hand, she's disliked for being cold and calculating.

On the other had, she get dewey eyed once (not as often as Willard Romney, apparently), and she's hysterical and weak.

Can a hitlary hater explain about exactly how a female candidate may show emotion, when and where?

I think her only emotions are hatred and vanity. Anything else is calculated.
I think her only emotions are hatred and vanity. Anything else is calculated.

Since you're either a virgin, or you can't have a relationship with women, I doubt I'll be putting much stock in your observations about a woman's motives or intentions. I don't think you know women, at all.
Since you're either a virgin, or you can't have a relationship with women, I doubt I'll be putting much stock in your observations about a woman's motives or intentions. I don't think you know women, at all.

I do know women. I get plenty of them. they don't want a puss-ass eunich who bows to their idiocy. They like to be put in their place.