I am desh's father. I thought I would introduce myself

you are evil

you hate black children and then claim to be all godly.

your human waste

I love black children. That is why I mentor and tutor inner city blacks. Because I know the liberal educational system you support has failed them. Unfortunately, I know that some kids are beyond redemption. That was Trayvon. Maybe if he had been in my classes he wouldn't have been a thug. I set high standards and high expectations and these kids thrive on that. What do you do other than bleat on a message board and spit in black men's faces?

Go fuck yourself bitch. I don't take a back seat to a dumb crack head like you
No wonder Desh's daddy drank. He must have been ashamed of the bitch that came from his loins. Poor guy. I bet he wish he had a clothes hanger for the day he learned Desh's mama was pregnant with her
No wonder Desh's daddy drank. He must have been ashamed of the bitch that came from his loins. Poor guy. I bet he wish he had a clothes hanger for the day he learned Desh's mama was pregnant with her

the christian right reflecting the jesusiness inside them
my father is dead.

He died shortly after 911.

the evil in the rights cold dark hearts was not in his heart.

as flawed a human as he was he was saint compared to you turd smears
back from the grave?


am I going to have to shoot you like on that walking dead show?

no worries pop.

this imposter will be properly dealt with and the truth of who you really were will be protected.

You were an overbearing functional alcoholic who fathered 8 kids and did as good a job at it as a functional alcoholic with self image problems could have done.

You told the truth even in your haze and confusion.

this guy cant even get laid let alone father 8 kids.

he also cant tell a lie from a fact.

You could

you were 10 time the man this lie infested worm is

Wow, did you really shoot your father? :cof1:
