I am getting there in chess

dont know what you're talking about but glad you are seeing improvement.

never patient enough to learn chess but I did enjoy "The Queen's Gambit"
569 ELO in 10 min rapid game. I want to get past 600.

Chess skills are applicable to debate in this forum. Think several moves ahead and make moves designed to lead your opponent into a trap and then move in with checkmate. The difference here is my opponent never admits defeat and generally responds with a temper tantrum.
Chess skills are applicable to debate in this forum. Think several moves ahead and make moves designed to lead your opponent into a trap and then move in with checkmate. The difference here is my opponent never admits defeat and generally responds with a temper tantrum.

This is a Dark Age.
Chess skills are applicable to debate in this forum. Think several moves ahead and make moves designed to lead your opponent into a trap and then move in with checkmate. The difference here is my opponent never admits defeat and generally responds with a temper tantrum.

Because your claims of defeat are bullshit

Your brain case is turd filled