I remember Yurt......he invited me here......that's why you all hate him.......

Not at all. I don't hate him, and inviting you here is not nearly as cataclysmic an event for JPP as shutting down the Amazon forum was. I would readily hate the person or persons responsible for that if I knew their identities.
Not at all. I don't hate him, and inviting you here is not nearly as cataclysmic an event for JPP as shutting down the Amazon forum was. I would readily hate the person or persons responsible for that if I knew their identities.

Is you mean, who found this forum for the Amazonians, it was Mason.
Ah Yurt, the poster of short meaningless replies, although some are cute. Notice his thread post, consistent and cute. Like their hero Donnie, conservative snowflakes aren't very deep but you knew that.

Why is it that American conservatives, aka snowflakes, are always whining about something or another? Or making claims that are easily refuted should they open their eyes and look around. This weird sense of insecurity and a kind of resentment is so unbecoming. If children constantly complained you'd correct them, but the ability to see everything through the 'they're picking on us' and 'we are always right' is a fiction when it doesn't enter the conspiracy worldview. The odd thing is it has gone on for a long time and continues. I've asked often for a conservative to show me a nation formed by conservatives or to name a positive policy that helped all people and I have never received an answer. Sad.
Ah Yurt, the poster of short meaningless replies, although some are cute. Notice his thread post, consistent and cute. Like their hero Donnie, conservative snowflakes aren't very deep but you knew that.

Why is it that American conservatives, aka snowflakes, are always whining about something or another? Or making claims that are easily refuted should they open their eyes and look around. This weird sense of insecurity and a kind of resentment is so unbecoming. If children constantly complained you'd correct them, but the ability to see everything through the 'they're picking on us' and 'we are always right' is a fiction when it doesn't enter the conspiracy worldview. The odd thing is it has gone on for a long time and continues. I've asked often for a conservative to show me a nation formed by conservatives or to name a positive policy that helped all people and I have never received an answer. Sad.

Mid...a liberal trying to understand a conservative is like a man trying to understand a woman. You’ll get much farther in life trying to understand something far simpler. Like differential calculus.

Sure...you don’t want a conservative hooker for a one night stand. Conversely hiring a liberal plumber is a bad idea too.

There is a time and place for everything. That’s why I’m not an ideologue. What’s important is that we talk to each other and not shout over each other’s Head.

Granted there are a lot of angry people who just want to vent but don’t say much of productive value. Yet if you are not to dismiss them out of hand then do the work to listen and use your imagination to see things from their point of view.

If you disagree with someone and show them that you understand why they think as they do but disagree with them you will at least earn their respect. Which is important in politics if you expect to get things done.
You never have gotten over Grind being worshipped like a god, have you?

Grind isn't "like a god", Ohioan. He IS a god.

You will bend the knee when he demands it, or face the consequences.

Mid...a liberal trying to understand a conservative is like a man trying to understand a woman. You’ll get much farther in life trying to understand something far simpler. Like differential calculus.

Sure...you don’t want a conservative hooker for a one night stand. Conversely hiring a liberal plumber is a bad idea too.

There is a time and place for everything. That’s why I’m not an ideologue. What’s important is that we talk to each other and not shout over each other’s Head.

Granted there are a lot of angry people who just want to vent but don’t say much of productive value. Yet if you are not to dismiss them out of hand then do the work to listen and use your imagination to see things from their point of view.

If you disagree with someone and show them that you understand why they think as they do but disagree with them you will at least earn their respect. Which is important in politics if you expect to get things done.

Mott I always like your thoughtful posts but I'm gonna disagree. Conservative hooker, "missionary only, you understand?" After cutting etc etc I once did 54 sweats without a break, one small leak, I coulda been a plumber. Does the right talk? Did they ever? The history is there and I will link the books that detail it below. I think it is quite easy to see things from their point of view. Arlie Russell Hochschild does an exemplary job in her book, podcast below. Trump is getting a lot done and he ain't listening. 'Understand why they think that way?' Explain why most Americans are racists to me? Whenever I've mentioned your comment is racist they deny it, that is the reason I am banned from APP. You cannot call a spade a spade, it ain't allowed. I once told my mother in law I heard her say many racist comments, she had a fit. Not a week or two later we were with her and guess what? My wife just looked at me. Today liberals and sane people need to call them out and they need to say what is going on under the covers of political BS. They have to be more like right wing press, say it say it say it and repeat it, in hopes it sinks in. Read Breitbart sometime and its comments. You think they'd listen, or think.



A challenge to any conservative snowflake, read the above. You may still be conservative but you'll be a real one not a puppet of right wing baloney.

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy'
Mott I always like your thoughtful posts but I'm gonna disagree. Conservative hooker, "missionary only, you understand?" After cutting etc etc I once did 54 sweats without a break, one small leak, I coulda been a plumber. Does the right talk? Did they ever? The history is there and I will link the books that detail it below. I think it is quite easy to see things from their point of view. Arlie Russell Hochschild does an exemplary job in her book, podcast below. Trump is getting a lot done and he ain't listening. 'Understand why they think that way?' Explain why most Americans are racists to me? Whenever I've mentioned your comment is racist they deny it, that is the reason I am banned from APP. You cannot call a spade a spade, it ain't allowed. I once told my mother in law I heard her say many racist comments, she had a fit. Not a week or two later we were with her and guess what? My wife just looked at me. Today liberals and sane people need to call them out and they need to say what is going on under the covers of political BS. They have to be more like right wing press, say it say it say it and repeat it, in hopes it sinks in. Read Breitbart sometime and its comments. You think they'd listen, or think.



A challenge to any conservative snowflake, read the above. You may still be conservative but you'll be a real one not a puppet of right wing baloney.

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy'

Well Mid that may apply to ideologues, wingnuts and free market fundamentalist. They only represent a minority of conservatives even if disproportionately influential. Most conservatives are center right and can be persuaded. I’m proof of that myself. I used to be a Republican.

Don’t feel bad about being banned from APP. I was banned from it for taking ILA to task for his trolling APP. I tried to warn the mods that ILA would undermine their intent of APP and he has succeeded. If you look at APP the vast majority of thread are by ILA and they average 1 to 2 responses each. Which is a shame as it was a good idea.