I Can Always Tell

god oncelor your gayer than a fanny pac.
No, showing up in Nawlins with a shovel and a photo opt with 10 black kids and then flying out without filling a single wheel barrell makes you a phoney.
That and saying he's was 99% honest when he denied the cheating statement because it had other errors. That's fucking richer than his bank account.:clink:
Does having an affair make someone "phony"?

It doesn't make them not phony.

Not necessarily I guess. I think that his whole admittance that he thought he was special and became narcissistic and could get away with anything, does make me wonder how much of his campaign was about the things he claimed it was about, and how much of it was about him.
Cypress gizzed everytime Edwards was on tv.

I knew the fucker was a phoney when he flew into Nawlins to take a photo opt with some Katrina victims while holding a shove. I flew out without even getting his hands dirty.

Shorty, I don't jizz myself, especially over politicians. I saw a lot of jizzing by Rontards and Obamamaniacs on this board. Which is fine, to each their own. I don't get personally or emotionally invested in politicians.

I never assumed Edwards was any kind of saint. As far as I knew, he could have been an asshole in his personal life. I tend to assume most human beings are three dimensional, and I try not to make assumptions about shit that doesn't concern me. The only level on which I concerned myself with Edwards was that he looked like a viable, and highly competent person to represent liberal and populist policies.

Posing with shovels and kids in Nawlins? Standard political photo up, who gives a sh*t?

What does concern me, is that Edwards risked everything with this crap. Obviously, he risked his marriage, and his wife's friendship and trust. Which makes him a jackass on a personal level. But, on another level, he risked everything the lefty base hopes to achieve. This year is possibly a historic opportunity for Liberals to make significant gains, across the board. And what does Edwards do? He asks people like me for money and support, totally knowing that his personal behavior could risk everything for Liberals; this would have been a disaster if he had won the nomination -- and this is on top of the betrayal his wife. Who besides Newt Gingrich and John McCain cheat on women with cancer, or health problems? Collectively, this suggests a serious character flaw in Edwards to me. Not only did the dude let his ego get in the way of his marriage, he let it get in the way of goals the faithful lefty political base. In short, he let his ego trump honesty and good common sense on all fronts. That's pretty effed up.

At any rate Shorty, speaking of photo ops and shovels, Nawlins is a fine town, my cajun brother. I made up some bengeits for breakfast this morning. Man, I miss that place on the River - what was it called, Cafe Du Monde? Hope you're enjoying Covington, that place is cool. Later 'bro.
Cafe Du Monde! Cafe' au lait and beignets! Mmmm, I hope to enjoy them again. Even better to enjoy them in the company of good friends.
Yes. Yes it does.

It means you are able to easily present a facade and lie comfortably. If phony isn't a good word to you, try untrustworthy.

Obama is just much better at being untrustworthy. This is entirely bullshit. You're making a world out of a non-issue, just like any other decadent American.
It's true that some of our best Presidents had affairs. And it's true we have much bigger problems. Edwards might still have made an excellent president...but I doubt it. He behaved very recklessly. Whatever made him think that he could get away with this and run for President at the same time, whatever quality you have to have to believe that, is not a good one, and it would have reared its head again.

The other thing is, I'm so sick of hearing men say, "it's between him and his wife, if she forgives him...' Shut up. She's dying. She has young kids. Just shut up. She, like many women in that position, really has no choice.

And seriously, just keep it in your freaking pants.

Yeah. Thats me too business.

He showed that he lacks judgement, in a big way. Whether or not his dingaling is parked is not the problem. Its the thought process behind it happening that I care about. Because homeslice is going to be makng them yesseno's on my behalf.