I can handle obama's cap gains tax increases.

You are redundant and practicing to be redundant.

Reductio ad absurdum.

Capital gains income should be treated like any other income. It's not goddamn special.

that will work for the majority of middle and lower rich.. but the wealthy will simply pull there investments out of America if tax is to high.
yah that will definitely make it boom.. as in

Careful. You treat laborers too bad and they might just pull their investment and leave.
Meh... I still hate it.

It's hilarious that his solution to a slowing economy is to tax investors more.

Bull shit. It's only fair. Why is investment income more important than productive income? Why do investors have a lower rate of taxation than payroll tax on wages? Either raise the rate on Capital Gains or decrease the payroll tax.
What I object to with Obama's capital gains tax plans is it treats all capital gains as if the recipient were wealthy. Many, many people who are middle income (well below the theoretical 250K line) use investment income as a supplement - especially retired people. A lot of retired people have modest investment portfolios that supplement their SS income, and pension (if any) boosting them from lower middle income to middle income. Obama wants to increase the taxes on these modest income supplements by over 30%. We're talking people who have paid their load of taxes their entire working life, only to be demanded more because they had the wisdom to save for their retirement.

My question to Obama, and politicians in general, is why can't investment income be treated the same as other income? It would be far better, and more equitable, if a person were to simply add their investment income to their income from all sources, then calculate the taxes based on the total income of the individual (or couple). If an investment portfolio is that of a wealthy person pulling in several hundred K (or several megabucks) on top of other income, they pay according to that high income bracket. And if a person's investment income is a few thousand, or tens of thousands, supplementing an otherwise modest-to-middle income, then they pay according to the middle income bracket.

The same goes for dividend income.

I agree and then you end the discrepency between investment income and payroll income taxation. It becomes an even playing field.

If my wages are taxed at 25% shouldn't the capital gains be 25%?
I agree and then you end the discrepency between investment income and payroll income taxation. It becomes an even playing field.

If my wages are taxed at 25% shouldn't the capital gains be 25%?
As long as you also mean if MY pension is taxed at 15% (which it is), then my capital gains tax should also be 15%.

Best idea is to lump them together and forget which is which. The total of all sources of income determines the tax rate. Wealthy investors get taxed at the higher rates, and middle income investors get taxed at the rate of middle income people. (Not many low income people have anything to invest with, so they aren't really in this particular equation.)

Such a system would work well, as long as the tax tables are not horrendously progressive. I do not object to a reasonably progressive system, but also agree with the principle that wealth should not be punished.
As long as you also mean if MY pension is taxed at 15% (which it is), then my capital gains tax should also be 15%.

Best idea is to lump them together and forget which is which. The total of all sources of income determines the tax rate. Wealthy investors get taxed at the higher rates, and middle income investors get taxed at the rate of middle income people. (Not many low income people have anything to invest with, so they aren't really in this particular equation.)

Such a system would work well, as long as the tax tables are not horrendously progressive. I do not object to a reasonably progressive system, but also agree with the principle that wealth should not be punished.

I agree. All sources of income taxed at the same rate on a progressive scale.

But that's not very Republican! LOL