I can't handle 4 years of Obamaspeak!

I don't know about the rest of you, but one of the main reasons I hope Obama loses the general election, is the plodding way he speaks in interviews. It is so excruciatingly painful to listen to, and it just drives me crazy! It's like he has to distill and ruminate every word that comes out of his mouth, as if he has a a little tiny 'focus group' inside his head, approving everything that moves past the lips!

Today, I was listening to a sound bite of him, being asked a question about "reparations for slavery" and I honestly didn't have the time to listen to the end of his reply, it simply took longer than my break for him to finish his thought. To paraphrase what he said, and again, I didn't listen to the end, but it went something like this....

Senator Obama? What would you do as president regarding reparations?

Obama: Well let me just say that.... uhhhm.... our country.... and I mean, everyone of every color in our country..... has a lot to..... uhm... has a whole lot to be... to be ashamed of ...and by ashamed, I mean.... uhmmm... we have a lot to be.... uhm.... regretful for.... with regard to ... to ..to.... slavery and the legacy of slavery. We must.... uhm.... we must focus.... and by focus, I mean.... uhmm.... really pay attention ....and concentrate... on...... uhm.... bringing together..... not just blacks and whites.....although that is a big issue..... but people of all color.... and when I say, bring together.... I mean..... uhmmm.... uhmmm... I mean we should.... try..... try to put the.....past... uhm.... behind us..... and move ahead for the future of our country.... and by move ahead, I mean.... uhmm... embrace change.... and foster uhm... hope.

I mean..... I can't uhm.... handle.... and by handle, I mean... uhm... deal with... having to..... uhm...uhm.... listen..... uhm... listen to how he talks.... and by talks, I don't mean his speeches.... he is a pretty good speaker.... but uhm.... the way he has to..... has to.... uhm.... break everything down.... and by, break everything down, I mean..... uhm.... dissect it into little segments... where everything is then ...uhm..... uhm.... sub-analyzed.... and ...uhm.... carefully worded to.... to... to.... to get the optimal meaning and ....uhm essence.... of... the essence of..... fuck, I forgot what the hell I was saying!

I can't deal with 4 years of this! :eek:
i ain't no Obama-ite....but seriously, NO ONE could be as bad as President Bush Dixie?

Yeah, Bush made me cringe when he spoke, you just never knew what crazy shit was going to come out... but Obama makes me want to shoot myself in the head! (not really, don't get excited pinheads) I just wish I was standing there with him, I would have to slap him and say... SPIT IT OUT MAN!

Has no one else picked up on this? Am I the only one who's noticed it or the only one it bothers?

I mean.... let me just say that.... uhmmm..... the late night talk show hosts, and by that I mean, Leno, Letterman, and Conan.... uhm... to name a few, I am sure there are others.... but.... uhmm.... the uhmmm.... the ...the late night talk show..................uhm, hosts........ or comedians, if you want to call them that.......... they.... they will..... they will have..... they will have a field day.... and by field day, I mean they will.... uhm.... make a lot of jokes.... not in a mean way, but jokes all the same.... about the way... uhm... he speaks.
Yeah, Bush made me cringe when he spoke, you just never knew what crazy shit was going to come out... but Obama makes me want to shoot myself in the head! (not really, don't get excited pinheads) I just wish I was standing there with him, I would have to slap him and say... SPIT IT OUT MAN!

Has no one else picked up on this? Am I the only one who's noticed it or the only one it bothers?

I mean.... let me just say that.... uhmmm..... the late night talk show hosts, and by that I mean, Leno, Letterman, and Conan.... uhm... to name a few, I am sure there are others.... but.... uhmm.... the uhmmm.... the ...the late night talk show..................uhm, hosts........ or comedians, if you want to call them that.......... they.... they will..... they will have..... they will have a field day.... and by field day, I mean they will.... uhm.... make a lot of jokes.... not in a mean way, but jokes all the same.... about the way... uhm... he speaks.

The press's fault, he has to carefully choose his words, otherwise, they make a mountain out of a molehill!

At least when he finishes he has said something, with Bush you just scratch your head and say, what?
Yeah, Bush made me cringe when he spoke, you just never knew what crazy shit was going to come out... but Obama makes me want to shoot myself in the head! (not really, don't get excited pinheads) I just wish I was standing there with him, I would have to slap him and say... SPIT IT OUT MAN!

Has no one else picked up on this? Am I the only one who's noticed it or the only one it bothers?

I mean.... let me just say that.... uhmmm..... the late night talk show hosts, and by that I mean, Leno, Letterman, and Conan.... uhm... to name a few, I am sure there are others.... but.... uhmm.... the uhmmm.... the ...the late night talk show..................uhm, hosts........ or comedians, if you want to call them that.......... they.... they will..... they will have..... they will have a field day.... and by field day, I mean they will.... uhm.... make a lot of jokes.... not in a mean way, but jokes all the same.... about the way... uhm... he speaks.

i hadn't actually thought about it before, so i guess that means it didn't bother me....?

however, i will say that now that you've pointed it out, i believe you are correct....he does speak that way(like talking with kindergarteners), when with reporters or when spontaneusly asked a question....but at LEAST this is not ALL the time, he is an excellent speech giver....

The press's fault, he has to carefully choose his words, otherwise, they make a mountain out of a molehill!

At least when he finishes he has said something, with Bush you just scratch your head and say, what?

Not really... the other day, I painfully managed to listen to a complete sound bite, and before he was done, he had taken contradictory positions on the same issue! He started off by saying he believed one thing, but before he finished 'transposing' or whatever the fuck he calls it, he had taken the complete opposite position. I remember thinking, as he started... hey, i believe that too... but before he finished, I understood him to actually have taken the opposing view.

It's almost like.... hmmmm.... I wonder... do you think he has like maybe a team of pundits or handlers in a room backstage somewhere, and they are communicating with him while he is being interviewed, telling him how to respond, and the plodding way he has of speaking is a result of him trying to listen to them and talk at the same time?
Not really... the other day, I painfully managed to listen to a complete sound bite, and before he was done, he had taken contradictory positions on the same issue! He started off by saying he believed one thing, but before he finished 'transposing' or whatever the fuck he calls it, he had taken the complete opposite position. I remember thinking, as he started... hey, i believe that too... but before he finished, I understood him to actually have taken the opposing view.

It's almost like.... hmmmm.... I wonder... do you think he has like maybe a team of pundits or handlers in a room backstage somewhere, and they are communicating with him while he is being interviewed, telling him how to respond, and the plodding way he has of speaking is a result of him trying to listen to them and talk at the same time?

I must have missed that one.
wow Dixie your in for a rough ride. 4 years of Obama and Bama getting the shitkicked out of the by LSU and Auburn YET AGAIN.
Not really... the other day, I painfully managed to listen to a complete sound bite, and before he was done, he had taken contradictory positions on the same issue! He started off by saying he believed one thing, but before he finished 'transposing' or whatever the fuck he calls it, he had taken the complete opposite position. I remember thinking, as he started... hey, i believe that too... but before he finished, I understood him to actually have taken the opposing view.

It's almost like.... hmmmm.... I wonder... do you think he has like maybe a team of pundits or handlers in a room backstage somewhere, and they are communicating with him while he is being interviewed, telling him how to respond, and the plodding way he has of speaking is a result of him trying to listen to them and talk at the same time?

kinda like the magic box on bushs back during the debates with kerry?
Uhm.... let me just say, that.... uhhhm.. ...we can all agree... and when I say we, I mean those of us who are reading this thread... that president bush is... is... a... uhm..... uhm....He is a... uhm... He is a great example....... of.... the kind of...... person we tend to think of... when we want to think about the passionate ones... and when I say, passionate ones.... i mean.... those who have fought so diligently..... for so many years.... for....for.... well, uhmm.. for everybody of all colors... and clearly, we must... uhm.... uhmm... put this all behind us ...and by, put this behind us, i mean, we must.... learn to....to..... to... have understanding .....and forgiveness... and... and... and embrace a new day! .........................A daaaayyyy... uhm.... where we are all free..... free from the bonds that... uhm... shackle us.... together.... and together, with strength.... and courage.... we can break those shackles ......and, uhm... bring hope and change to America. This is where I am clearly focused.... and by focused, I mean, my mind is fully concentrated on it uhm...intensely.... to move this country forward... and not backward! Because...well... Going backward is just NOT an option!
Not really... the other day, I painfully managed to listen to a complete sound bite, and before he was done, he had taken contradictory positions on the same issue! He started off by saying he believed one thing, but before he finished 'transposing' or whatever the fuck he calls it, he had taken the complete opposite position. I remember thinking, as he started... hey, i believe that too... but before he finished, I understood him to actually have taken the opposing view.

It's almost like.... hmmmm.... I wonder... do you think he has like maybe a team of pundits or handlers in a room backstage somewhere, and they are communicating with him while he is being interviewed, telling him how to respond, and the plodding way he has of speaking is a result of him trying to listen to them and talk at the same time?

He may have waffled or something, but at least he doesn believe rich people should get more votes, like you, the fascist elitist dickhole.
I don't know about the rest of you, but one of the main reasons I hope Obama loses the general election, is the plodding way he speaks in interviews. It is so excruciatingly painful to listen to, and it just drives me crazy! It's like he has to distill and ruminate every word that comes out of his mouth, as if he has a a little tiny 'focus group' inside his head, approving everything that moves past the lips!

Today, I was listening to a sound bite of him, being asked a question about "reparations for slavery" and I honestly didn't have the time to listen to the end of his reply, it simply took longer than my break for him to finish his thought. To paraphrase what he said, and again, I didn't listen to the end, but it went something like this....

Senator Obama? What would you do as president regarding reparations?

Obama: Well let me just say that.... uhhhm.... our country.... and I mean, everyone of every color in our country..... has a lot to..... uhm... has a whole lot to be... to be ashamed of ...and by ashamed, I mean.... uhmmm... we have a lot to be.... uhm.... regretful for.... with regard to ... to ..to.... slavery and the legacy of slavery. We must.... uhm.... we must focus.... and by focus, I mean.... uhmm.... really pay attention ....and concentrate... on...... uhm.... bringing together..... not just blacks and whites.....although that is a big issue..... but people of all color.... and when I say, bring together.... I mean..... uhmmm.... uhmmm... I mean we should.... try..... try to put the.....past... uhm.... behind us..... and move ahead for the future of our country.... and by move ahead, I mean.... uhmm... embrace change.... and foster uhm... hope.

I mean..... I can't uhm.... handle.... and by handle, I mean... uhm... deal with... having to..... uhm...uhm.... listen..... uhm... listen to how he talks.... and by talks, I don't mean his speeches.... he is a pretty good speaker.... but uhm.... the way he has to..... has to.... uhm.... break everything down.... and by, break everything down, I mean..... uhm.... dissect it into little segments... where everything is then ...uhm..... uhm.... sub-analyzed.... and ...uhm.... carefully worded to.... to... to.... to get the optimal meaning and ....uhm essence.... of... the essence of..... fuck, I forgot what the hell I was saying!

I can't deal with 4 years of this! :eek:

Tough shit. We had to put up with 8 years of one of the worst and most divisive Presidents in US history. You'll just have to deal with 4 years of some one who is at least competent.