I commited vote fraud



SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) -- Clifton Mitchell helped register nearly 2,000 voters for the community group ACORN. But not one of them actually existed.

Clifton Mitchell filled out voter cards using fake birthdays, Social Security numbers and baby-name books.

"I regret it. I paid the price for it," he said.

Mitchell was convicted last year and spent nearly three months in prison. He's one of the few ACORN workers convicted of voter registration fraud.

Today, he lives with his wife and two boys, ages 3 and 1, in a small apartment in suburban Seattle, Washington. Mitchell said he scammed the system because, "I needed money; I had to support my family and I was new to the area. It was the only job I had."

Mitchell said ACORN threatened to close the office if he and his team didn't meet their quota to register 13 to 20 voters a day. So, without consulting their supervisors, he said, they came up with a plan.

"We came up with the idea: Let's make fraudulent cards. I tell my crew, 'I don't care how you get 'em, just get 'em,' " Mitchell recalled. Watch Mitchell explain how they created voters »

They took addresses from homeless shelters, used fake birthdays and Social Security numbers and took names from baby books to create voters out of thin air.

"Every day I'd go to the library and get a newspaper," Mitchell said. "I had one guy who'd go to the phone book. Everyone had different methods."

The secretary of state called it "the worst case of voter registration fraud in the history of the state of Washington." ACORN was fined $25,000 and ordered to improve its oversight.

The group is under investigation in 10 states for voter registration fraud, and Republican presidential candidate John McCain's campaign has accused ACORN of trying to rig the election for Democrats.

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.
""I had one guy who'd go to the phone book. Everyone had different methods."

So tell us Desh... does this not disinfranchise those voters? Those whose names are taken from the phone book and re-registered?
nope it doesnt.

A duplicate is tossed not the original.

In fact if that person never registared to vote they may just vote because they get all the voter guides and voter card.

No false vote is produced by this shit ....GET IT!

This guy also stated that he was NOT instructed to do this and in fact this HARMED ACORN.
nope it doesnt.

A duplicate is tossed not the original.

In fact if that person never registared to vote they may just vote because they get all the voter guides and voter card.

No false vote is produced by this shit ....GET IT!

This guy also stated that he was NOT instructed to do this and in fact this HARMED ACORN.

No Desh, I do not 'get it'. Registration fraud is called fraud for a reason. It is illegal and it potentially disinfranchises voters.

There is no defense for this.
No Desh, I do not 'get it'. Registration fraud is called fraud for a reason. It is illegal and it potentially disinfranchises voters.

There is no defense for this.

It certainly is fraud. But I'm not sure that this particular form of voter registration fraud actually disenfranchises anyone.
And he was punished.

No it does not lead to vote fraud and all the studies have shown this you fool.

You can deny reality and facts but dotn expect thinking people to join you.
Yet ACORN knew that this was a problem yet continue to provide the same incentives year after year... what reason is there for that? Why incentivize illegal activity? The organization just likes looking bad?
And he was punished.

No it does not lead to vote fraud and all the studies have shown this you fool.

You can deny reality and facts but dotn expect thinking people to join you.

LMAO... typical bullshit from the left. The old 'if you disagree with me, you must not be a thinking person' line of crap.

You simply want to ignore the FACT that ACORN has these same problems every election, in multiple states, every time. If these were isolated incidents then I might agree with you. But they are not. They are continuous.

The reality is that this is the same type of bullshit that Republican did in California. It has the same ability to disinfranchise an individual as his bullshit did. They are both illegal. They are both fraud. BOTH groups are responsible for the actions of their members.

When ACORN threatens to shut down offices if those offices don't produce a certain number of cards... they are inviting fraud.
Maybe you could explain why you think this disenfranchises anyone. I just don't see it.
Imagine, having moved to another state, you correctly changed your registration to your new state and went on your merry way. Suddenly ACORN has some kid who finds your old address and re-registers you in another state (your old one). The state you moved to has laws that show that as soon as you register in another state you are removed from the roles in your current state. You show up to vote on election day.... You are not on the roles.

There is just one scenario where such a duplicated registration can cause you issues.
Yet ACORN knew that this was a problem yet continue to provide the same incentives year after year... what reason is there for that? Why incentivize illegal activity? The organization just likes looking bad?

And they consistently dump all those 'bad' forms as the election boards are coming up to deadlines. Yeah, the potential for fraud is definitely there.
Same problems every election?

a handfull of regs out of 1.3 million and NEVER has ACORN be accused in court of subverting the voting system.

Last election all the bullshit turned out to be NOTHING! in fact DOJ lawyers got fired for not faking cases before the election against them.

Damo , nice fantasy now prove one case EVER HAPPENED!

Kathy, all those bad forms?

1.3 million legal voters out of those a very small percent were proven problematic after all the hub bub last election.

All the hub bub this election is the same damn republican game.

Are you proud of how it turned out in 2004?

Do you condone the firing of DOJ lawyers for not falsely prosecuting ACORN?
This is but one type of fraud....its not the same as registering one voter 20 times under different names, addresses, etc , ACORN is also responsible for this type of fraud......that might allow someone to actually vote several times in different precincts or even at the same polling places.....
Imagine, having moved to another state, you correctly changed your registration to your new state and went on your merry way. Suddenly ACORN has some kid who finds your old address and re-registers you in another state (your old one). The state you moved to has laws that show that as soon as you register in another state you are removed from the roles in your current state. You show up to vote on election day.... You are not on the roles.

There is just one scenario where such a duplicated registration can cause you issues.

I suppose it is potentially a problem but I doubt it.
Same problems every election?

a handfull of regs out of 1.3 million and NEVER has ACORN be accused in court of subverting the voting system.

Last election all the bullshit turned out to be NOTHING! in fact DOJ lawyers got fired for not faking cases before the election against them.

Damo , nice fantasy now prove one case EVER HAPPENED!

Kathy, all those bad forms?

1.3 million legal voters out of those a very small percent were proven problematic after all the hub bub last election.

All the hub bub this election is the same damn republican game.

Are you proud of how it turned out in 2004?

Do you condone the firing of DOJ lawyers for not falsely prosecuting ACORN?


"The disclosure on Thursday that 30 percent of the 1.3 million voter registrations gathered by Acorn were faulty turned the issue into a roaring bonfire. "

yeah... 'just a handful' .... 30%... a mere trifle...