‘I don’t want to be the apple of Vladimir Putin’s eye’: Christie breaks with GOP riva

No matter what Christ does he has a bridge problem

He knows about corruption
Christie, like Liz Cheney, is a turd who happens to be right about one issue.

The entertainment value of having Christie's jowls flapping at the debates is through the roof.
Christie is outspoken, and he is trying to win over the nonMAGA vote of the GOP, daunting task given the lack of courage the GOP has, but his only hope is to show big in New Hampshire inorder to make it even a race
Christie isn't stupid. He's only doing this to troll trump, and will do so until campaign donations run out.
Russia has what they want and now it's just a waiting game as they wear down Ukraine and Ukraine surrenders the eastern portion to them.

[h=1]Russians Flee Crimea After Kerch Bridge Strike as Queues Stretch for Miles[/h]
Tamila Tasheva, Zelensky's top representative for Crimea, said on national television in April that thousands of Russians were fleeing the peninsula and abandoning their properties due to anxiety about the prospects of a Ukrainian effort to recapture the region.

That’s alright, the majority of developed nations have embraced Biden and shunned Putin. Biden supports democracy.
And Biden isn't the one who has to address summits via video for fear of being arrested.

[FONT=var(--tr-font-regular)]The BRICS members - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - represent more than 40% of the world's population and the summit is expected to discuss adding new members, but he did not address that question in his remarks.[/FONT]
[FONT=var(--tr-font-regular)]Putin was unable to attend the summit in person because of an arrest warrant issued for him in March by the International Criminal Court (ICC), accusing him of war crimes in Ukraine.[/FONT]
No matter what Christ does he has a bridge problem

He knows about corruption

True. However, he was only one of two that said he would not support Trump as the party nominee if Trump was convicted of any of these crimes. Hutchison was the other. The other 6 Republican candidates would support a person convicted of felonies against the state.
True. However, he was only one of two that said he would not support Trump as the party nominee if Trump was convicted of any of these crimes. Hutchison was the other. The other 6 Republican candidates would support a person convicted of felonies against the state.


He kind of half raised his hand and then later claimed he was trying to protest the question from the little I heard on it

In other words completely devoid of honesty
I would never vote for a Republican; I've gone since 1968 never once committing that unforgivable transgression.

However, among those on the Republican clown car, I'd have to say that I find Christie by far the least objectionable,
even if objectionable nonetheless. He's 100% right about standing up to global bullies.