I hate when France kicks our @ss


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Eat more freedom fries.

France best, U.S. worst in preventable death ranking

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - France, Japan and Australia rated best and the United States worst in new rankings focusing on preventable deaths due to treatable conditions in 19 leading industrialized nations, researchers said on Tuesday.

If the U.S. health care system performed as well as those of those top three countries, there would be 101,000 fewer deaths in the United States per year, according to researchers writing in the journal Health Affairs.

Researchers Ellen Nolte and Martin McKee of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine tracked deaths that they deemed could have been prevented by access to timely and effective health care, and ranked nations on how they did.

They called such deaths an important way to gauge the performance of a country's health care system.

Nolte said the large number of Americans who lack any type of health insurance -- about 47 million people in a country of about 300 million, according to U.S. government estimates -- probably was a key factor in the poor showing of the United States compared to other industrialized nations in the study.

if people live longer then SS and Medicare will just have to pay out more. A concious business move to let em die ?
i can assure you its NOT because of there superior healthcare.. its mainly due to our diets and lifestyles.
I agree. Its not because of their superior healthcare.

Its because of their superior access to healthcare.

or could it be there 35hour work weeks, 5weeks vacation, lack of stress, lack of eating fastfood everyday,.. and so on.

fine with me.. we can have national healthcare.. but change the working hours then. if im going to pay tax out the ass I dont want to work as much anymore.
cypress is such a hack is comical.
France and most other countries struggle to get by so much that they don't have anywhere near the obesity level or the recreational drug habbits. Access may be 2% of it the other 98% is our lazy Mcdonalds eating pill taking culture.
It was last week, GB's standard of living has passed that of the USA for the first time in 100 years or somesuch timeline.
Spinner, what about that article about GB living better money wise than the US ?

Wow... funny you should use the word "spinner" within that comment. That is NOT what the article said. It said the average income in the UK surpassed the average income in the US for the first time in a long time. It also stated that due to cost of living standards, the UK did not have as much purchasing power as US citizens on average.

It also tried to gloss over the fact that since 2000, the dollar has declined about 40% compared to the pound.... yet, we still have greater purchasing power than they do.
BS, GB per capita is about 2/3 what our is.
Also if you check into it they have a lot in the middle class which is lower than ours and not nearly as many upper-middle and upper class.
You guys are acting stupid, like you don't know what a preventable death that was caused by something that wasn't treated is. As a hint, obesity wouldn't do much to effect it.
Wow... funny you should use the word "spinner" within that comment. That is NOT what the article said. It said the average income in the UK surpassed the average income in the US for the first time in a long time. It also stated that due to cost of living standards, the UK did not have as much purchasing power as US citizens on average.

It also tried to gloss over the fact that since 2000, the dollar has declined about 40% compared to the pound.... yet, we still have greater purchasing power than they do.

SF, just remember this post next time you scream that I'm on IA, and I should stop posting to you.

There's no way you could have read that article and the link, unless you were reading my posts. :)

Your right, that the article stated that UK income had bested US income, for the first time in a century.
UK's economy is a joke compared to ours.
You guys show your novice level even falling for some bs article that prob did some adjusting. I've never seen a per capita income table even having GB remotely close to us.
You guys are acting stupid, like you don't know what a preventable death that was caused by something that wasn't treated is. As a hint, obesity wouldn't do much to effect it.

Watermark... go talk to a medical professional... doctor or nurse. If you are obese, you vastly increase your chances of something going wrong. The number ONE method in reducing risk is a combination of eating healthy and exercising. ANY medical professional will tell you that.
UK's economy is a joke compared to ours.
You guys show your novice level even falling for some bs article that prob did some adjusting. I've never seen a per capita income table even having GB remotely close to us.

Per capita income isn't a very good measure of how the average person is faring. At all.

You're bashing the study based on irrelevant and less informative comparators.
UK's economy is a joke compared to ours.
You guys show your novice level even falling for some bs article that prob did some adjusting. I've never seen a per capita income table even having GB remotely close to us.

Yes, their economy is not as good. The article was on either the UK telegraph website or the BBC. I think it was the telegraph.

They took average income if I recall and showed that it was higher than the US.... due to the 40% decline in the dollar over the past 6 years, they have caught us. But when you factor in cost of living, they do not have our purchasing power. Which means they are still worse off than us on average.